Antioxidants often discuss in health and prevent disease. These dominant substances, primarily from fresh fruits and vegetables that we eat, prohibit and even prevent the oxidation of injurious particles in the body. The benefits of antioxidants are very important for good health because if free radicals are not disputed, they can cause many problems and long-lasting diseases.

Antioxidants and Free Radicals
The body naturally produces free radicals and antioxidants to neutralize its damaging effects. However, in most cases, free radicals far exceed naturally occurring antioxidants. In order to maintain balance, continuous supply of exogenous antioxidants is required in order to obtain the maximum benefit of antioxidants. Antioxidants give benefits to the body by deactivating and removing free radicals in the bloodstream

Benefits of Different Antioxidants in Body
There are a variety of antioxidants in nature, and because of their diversity, different antioxidants offer benefits for different parts of the body. For example, β-carotene is very beneficial for eyes, and lycopene helps to maintain prostate health, procyanidins are beneficial for urinary health, and flavonoids are beneficial to heart health.
Antioxidants and Skin Health Benefits

When skin is exposed to high levels of UV light, the photo-oxidative damage is caused by the formation of different types of reactive oxygen species, including, superoxide radicals, and peroxide radicals. These forms of reactive oxygen species damage cellular lipids, proteins and DNA, which are thought to be responsible for sunburn, skin diseases due to photosensitivity and skin cancer.
Astaxanthin, followed by the combination of beta-carotene and vitamin E, has proven to be one of the most powerful antioxidant combinations to help protect the skin from active oxygen.
Antioxidants and Immune System Support
Singlet oxygen can destroy the immune system due to its capability to catalyze the production of free radicals. Astaxanthin and Spirulina improve immune systems and protect cell membranes and cellular DNA from alteration. Astaxanthin is the most strong oxygen scavenger, which is 10 times stronger than other carotenoids and 500 times stronger than alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). Spirulina contains several antioxidants other substances that help to improve immunity.
Disadvantages of Oxidation
When specific types of oxygen molecules are permitted to move freely in the body, they may cause oxidative damage, like the formation of free radicals. When levels of antioxidants in the body are lower than free radicals because of malnutrition, other factors such as exposure to toxins or oxidation can cause serious damage to the body. Speeded aging, damaged or altered cells, activation of harmful genes in DNA.
Foods Rich in Natural Anti-oxidants
US Department of Agriculture scientists analyzed the antioxidant content of more than 100 different foods, including fruits and vegetables. Measure the antioxidant amount of each food and the antioxidant capacity of each serving. Cranberry, blueberry, and blackberry ranked first among the fruits. Vegetables include beans, Rosette potatoes, nuts, and hazelnuts ranked first in the nuts category.

Small Red Bean (dried)
Wild blueberry
Blueberry (cultivated)
Red apple
Sweet cherry
Black Plum
Black bean (dried)
Gala apple
One Thing to Remember
The most important thing about antioxidants is that the total antioxidant capacity of foods does not necessarily reflect their health benefits. The benefits depend on how antioxidants in the food are absorbed and used in the body.
This simply tells me that, is not about quantity of food but rather its all depend on the quality.
So I can be more healthier than you who eats 3 times daily, even as I eat only twice, as long as I eat good food that can be easily absorbed.
What foods are in your regular diet?
heyi brother , got some question. i smoke a lot and now i want to clean my body. like how should i use this foods /fruits like just eat it? or any better way?
I will make a separate post on it. Stay tuned
yes sure, looking for more post from you :). You post are helpfull sir :)
stil waiting for the post :)
The only available fruit i can access over here in Nigeria is the Red Apple which is a bit expensive, outside that all the rest are not accessible to me. My major source is simply lime.
Thank you for such a well written content.
Let me know what cheap foods available there?
I will recomend those having good antioxidants.
I have a PhD in science. Found that interesting as applied to food
I am M.phil in Food Technology
Thanks @crytokraze for another awesome posts such as this. Yesterday was the first time i knew you are a Food technologist and that has inspire me to keep you in my feeds.
Yeah, working in the Networking Marketing Industry for many years and being exposed to Health and Wellness products, i have a great deal of knowledge about antioxidants and there roles in obliterating the harsh effects of free radicals in the human body.
I used to market Aloe vera Gel for Forever Living Products Ltd and I have seen firsthand that antioxidant must be ever present in our nutritional priorities wether through food or supplements.
Waiting for the next post @cryptocraze
Nice post , i readed all :)))
This is very nice,especially to those that doesn't know the benefit of antioxidant in the body and i believe that they will now be aware of these,thanks for sharing these with us.
Thanks for sharing this amazing content
What specific reactions with UV occur in the skin that allows for the formation of reactive oxygen species?
That's all stuff that is important to know and keep in mind. Health is something that people should spend more time thinking about.
I try and eat as much Pomegranate as I can. Hope it helps me :)
Pomegranate have good antioxidants and it is helping you already. Also add green leafy vegetables in your diet so that you can get fiber as well. This all will help you get more active and fresh.
Will do that sir!
Aren't antioxidants kind of a 90's health fad?
Isn't Glutathione the one antioxidant that actually matters?
Hi, I liked your post, antioxidants are so primordial and we should try to consume those foods that contain them naturally and one of the most important reasons is that they help reduce the risk of developing diseases and the preservation of many metabolic pathways of our body. I am a microbiologist and I am very passionate about these issues. Greetings from Venezuela
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hahaha these people comments with out reading,what is the use.
Yeah, At least they should read the post. I have put so much efforts in post.
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