上回我分享了到北投夏天泡溫泉的體驗 ( 咦?夏天洗熱水,好耳熟的話題啊...),今天我繼續完成上次小旅行另一片重要拼圖... 那當然是....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 吃啊!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
在台灣旅行,如果拿掉吃喝這項活動,那樂趣至少減少一半以上了... 哈哈!我今天從那次溫泉旅行中,挑選了三次比較親民的飲食體驗(這次還真沒有不親民的),來跟大家分享。讓大家看看,我可不是整天住好飯店,吃大餐的人哪!
在我們到北投之前,先到了還有幾站遠的芝山站,這裡有百貨公司跟商圈可以消磨時間,但最主要的是... 老婆打聽到一個巷弄內隱藏版美食,剛好入住前還有些時間,所以決定到這裡來打打牙祭,檢驗一下網路江湖上傳說的美食。
根據Google Map走到彎曲的住宅區巷弄之間... 這也太隱藏了吧....
真的是餐廳啦!門口停的車是客人的... 我們進去了,從這張照片你可以看到店名... Tada~~ 「芝山園」。
白飯是放在桌上自己盛的,自助式,愛吃多少吃多少... 真可惜我已經不是年輕小夥子.... [什麼心態啊...]
啊~~~~ 上菜啦~~~~ 尼看看尼看看~~~~~ 這白斬雞可不白啊~~~~ 看就粉好吃,吃也粉好吃的啦!炒雞好吃的啦,啊,沒有,不是炒的啦,是超級好吃的意思!鮮嫩,多汁,就這道我就可以吃完白飯了.... @@
什麼?還有更強的菜?這是什麼?雞汁冷筍?嚐嚐......... 啊!~~~~~~ 太..... 太...... 太....... 感人的味道了!被愛吃筍子的老婆譽為她人生中吃過最好吃的冷筍~~~~ 你看看這有多強大啊,完全不輸給前面的雞肉啊,該不會就是用上好新鮮竹筍吸收雞肉的汁而完成的美味吧?太可怕了,這間店.... 出兩道菜就打趴台北多少五星級飯店....
這道是蚵仔煎蛋。好吃!當然是沒有前兩道耀眼啦... 但你總不能道道都嚇人,這樣下次客人怎麼還敢來啊,是不是?但看看那蚵仔多肥美啊....
最後還是得來盤青菜。簡單的大蒜炒空心菜.... 奇怪?我媽該不會在這裡的廚房上班吧?家庭式美味就是這樣啊....
就這些菜,我白飯吃到吃不動。沒有湯,沒有飲料,但我們都超級滿足。付個千把塊的,一點也不會心疼的.... 什麼!只要600塊台幣!這.... 這是對老闆搶劫了吧!@@
這店,實在是太感動人心了..... 下次一定還要來....
這間路邊的冰店是由一對父子經營的。看起來兒子還在努力學習如何經營,爸爸則是熟練地製作冰品飲料,有人傳承真好.... 但現在趕快給我冰就好...
桌上看到他們的DM等等,還蠻有趣且跟上時代的。我猜Dr. Q可能是兒子幫老爸取的名號,這些QR Code跟FB粉絲團等,應該也是兒子的主意吧?Dr. Q應該很開心兒子這麼認真.... 喂!冰啦冰啦!
我們點了檸檬冰沙跟冰綠豆湯... 終於... 驅走體內夏天的惡魔... 太舒暢了.... 就是要吃冰哪!這是夏天唯一的恩賜....
我們要走的時候,又來了許多「人乾」,入座等待Dr. Q的拯救任務了....
話說,時間迅速來到我們已經泡完湯,飯店都退房的隔天午後... 吃這頓午餐之後,就是要回到現實生活了.... 所以,此時我通常拍照拍得少了... 這間店的門口也忘了拍... 只剩下食物的照片...
食物表現有一定水準,只是因為就要結束放鬆之旅,就沒有辦法那麼享受了... 我們吃的東西包括:水餃,餛飩牛肉湯,榨菜肉絲麵,豬耳朵...
English version
English version
Previously I have shared about my little relaxing trip to Beitou for its hot spring. Today I am gonna share what we ate during that trip as dining is a very very important part of our traveling experience, if not the most important part... lol.
Anyway, I picked three places that we had meals or snacks. All three of them are very down-to-earth styles, no fancy tricks or expensive prices... they are daily lives of locals, but still cuisine enough... at least for me. :)
The first one (芝山園, Chih-Shan Yuan) is a family restaurant hidden in alleys of a residential area. Their chicken was so succulent, bamboo shoots were so full of sweetness and other dishes were great too! What amazed us even more is its unbelievably cheap price - the meal for two only cost us $20!
The second one is Dr. Q, which is near the Chih-Shan MRT station. We were scorched by the sun when we met this roadside store. We had to go in as we need to cool down a little bit! Simply by looking at its logo, and you feel like the temperature dropping 1-2 degrees. This small store beside the road is operated by a father and son. Seems like a family business and the son is still learning how to take care of different chores. We ordered a lemon ice tea and a green bean soup.
The last one I wanna share is the restaurant we went after we checked out. There are quite a few eating places around the New Beitou MRT station - fast food, ramen, fried chicken, hot pots, cafes... But most of the time we prefer those serving local food like dumplings, noodles, or some local style rices... There are also some around. As we did not have the tourist mood any more, so I was quite reluctant to take photos. Hence I did not have the picture of the store but only of the food we had... dumplings, beef soup, noodle soup with pork slice... Enough to put an end to our small getaway...
Locations of the above three places
Previously in this series ...
🚉 [輕旅行系列] 北投,溫泉 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Hot Spring in Beitou
See you next time! 咱們下次見囉!
The food looks really delicious....
那雞肉看到圖片 我就可以想像他好鮮甜啊~ 口水不斷湧出
行動派的哈哈 我比較沒那麼有行動力 一個星期只休息一天而已@@
什麼!! 你竟然是血汗勞工!!!
我是 T^T 雖然平常上班也很優閒啦 不過我還是比較想休兩天
一方面你們快了,世界也少有這麼快的... 一方面台灣也是慢了... 似乎也.... 少有慢這麼多的... 不談發展, 談美食....
Would love to post pictures of chickens and other things and get paid like 200SBD for that.
Whats your big secret @deanliu ?
well, if you are not being sarcastic... I used to earn nearly zero for a long time... maybe it's my time now?
I'm not.
Just wondering how to play this game.
I used to earn zero all the time. And nothing changes :)
find your group. interact. that's what I can think of for short.
真的.... 有海南雞的感覺.... 海南雞也是我的愛好食物之一啊~~~~~~
這也對... 美食最後其實就是味道決勝了..... 看不大出來的
呵呵.... 真的啊? 那我要惜福多吃點.... 確實... 吃久了就知道,食材,簡單烹調,才是終極的美食之道....
I Always Wanted To Try Tai Food :)
Wow! Good job! Very interesting post! I did interesting post too. Look please!:
是的 我们在四川口味要重一点的 一般都有辣椒 ^^
I can't your lenguage but vote it
the pictures make me hungry :D. i would like try out everything.
我正好需要胖點.... :)
amazing post
i love travelling and eating . so nice pic
Extraordinary post, it's natural that you get a lot of votes if you post this up apparently, I also give upvote even though this does not affect compared to the upvote by other steemit whales.
This is very amazing, and thank you for sharing. Visit also my blog @sitimunawarah
鸡肉没熟 😱
Hey I am new to Steemit Can you check my Post
Abandoned Animals - A Step Towards Adoption And Caring - Thanks To 'Moon Jae-in' President of South Korea - Arirang News
actually I deleted that post , There wasnt a single view on it , So I thoufgt I should post is later when I get good viewers for my posts.
You can check New Decentralized Inetrnet
According to my perception, food is not palatable.
thanks for posting in English as well. looks like it was lot of fun!
you're welcome.
they all look tasty...
Excellent post @deanliu, I liked the narrative, great photos, I follow you, we must support ourselves as a community, I would appreciate it if you give me a look at my last post and give me your opinion, greetings and success in everything!
That's make me hungry, thank you for sharing.

how did you preparing this ?
waris this? mehn!
https://steemit-production-imageproxy-thumbnail.s3.amazonaws.com/DQmcmWTfAA9qVjTXpHuRm39bLrpmn9eHocmDbhmxQwot3im_1680x8400?AWSAccessKeyId=ASIAJRHP6HVWUWIQNFSA&Expires=1501501379&Signature=DXq4mEd97p%2B5rBIrBMTSFeaNWwU%3D&x-amz-security-token=FQoDYXdzEKT%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaDKyojIb9pmj%2Fkc3JaiK3A3mAW8ozf5sSgyjrSPBWdx349AnM0hQlxuuOI0IDqW1jMptIaTzdDfyj76uc1mw7oogEmPpD5lXgk8FuLzTauqyfCAVmF5Ordnie%2F3fZajHe68ENCPQd2PYWum50%2BTFX1cZWBK9uS6%2BfnnLMiVGycxhRF%2BG5NDOpad6tyIjyjDTiIsdRSsT2K4i7w6cFECWfKPuNwJUFzxgUpuqc5mZ6Iyys7v08MAArIZCzJEGkRIubnYbgSeOXB6o4rZ4dJF%2FJU%2FKBHggmrmptI9pkkfZa90W62AWq%2BQs%2BfU2S28rgr2bSTNPrCzUjNfy4EwdYU%2FE7EX3wj0gUykbdpIn7nyZYDlBg16lijIQtJbVTAumQ3XzW1lPq96vQZIUoyucvldXEL4vBJqXaQnHkGZ13iyEwHNpFcU0HBmKxPVce52tQ%2B7FFzu7gBGOriUJd9jrKMMvFdx7Ngf4KooHurJFhhkDzpQ%2FPdfaIJTC1QgWwjKaAONh3mg9MZ70lZox%2FXb4Yw5fDaPcHG60mZtmOGDZjmrcojrqAiSTbu%2FSTOEXNo8FJs6i4cJ8olpX7C48gJ9FNdxcffaXg%2FvpbmGcoq5f8ywU%3D where is the faith?
劉美女lucky i had dinner before reading your post ✌️
please estimate my travel to India
@deanliu https://steemit.com/travel/@goshawalker/travel-to-india-gokarna
please estimate my travel to India
@deanliu https://steemit.com/travel/@goshawalker/travel-to-india-gokarna
Bookmark 了!下次去一定試試~
看著照片就很想念去台灣旅行的日子.. 我記得北投車站附近有一家那個水煎包很好吃 XD
決定了下次要再去北投~ 謝謝分享
Looks very good :)
The food looks really good, especially the chicken. Bamboo shoots is something that I don't know and have never eaten it, it looks nice.
thanks for share. upvotes your post & you upvotes my post
Taiwan is one country that I think is worth to visit. A lot of food and culture is quite famous. @zainalbakri
I am hungry now, all foods are delicious.
Good review! Need more post about food too :D
Beautiful photos 😄. Also read some comments and you're inspirational when it comes to being patience when it comes to earning☺.
Really enjoyed the impromptu post
台湾真不错 👍
is it coocked or uncooked?