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RE: Tastes like chicken?

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Quorn is pretty versatile and easy to prepare. I think I first discovered it during an early pescatarian phase of mine, early 90s when in the Netherlands.

Since both Quorn and Tofu have become regular staples in my food, although I admit that recently I’ve started looking more and more into plant based diets.

Not out of religion or anything but microplastics are starting to worry me. Because I’m not hunting for a purely vegan diet, Quorn will continue to be a regular one but it’s frequency will decrease because I’m exploring new things. Like beetroot based "steak", also mushroom steak, etc.

I just need to find a way to continue my yogurt addiction without always more carbon being farted in our atmosphere. No, I didnt say I fart a lot.


Convenience is a factor. When we have time we do more proper cooking