For today I have make this eggplant ravioli recipe not only because it's a vegetarian food, but it's also something new and it taste very good. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here are the ingredients and few steps that will help you to make this recipe. I will try to explain how good I can, to make you understand how to do it for yourself or for your family. They will not be disappointed, trust me.
- eggplant
- basil
- green onion
- tomato sauce
- garlic
- eggs
- white flour
- olive oil
- parmesan
First, cut the eggplants in half, then make few small cuts on top of each half of eggplant, add a little salt and olive oil and put them in the oven for at least 40-50 minutes at temperature of 200° C.
In the mean time you can make the dough for ravioli. How to make the dough:
Put the white flour on your table (first clean the table), make a hole in the middle of the flour where you can put the eggs. Start to mix them together slowly for 10-15 minutes. After that put the dough into a small plastic bag and put it into the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
While you are waiting, you can cook the tomato sauce. Put in a pan olive oil, add the garlic and then the green onion. After 2-3 minutes you can add the tomato sauce, basil, and half of glass of water.
Take out the daugh from the refrigirator and stretch the dough with a rolling pin to make the blanket.
Take out the eggplants from the oven and with a tablespoon separate the eggplant from the shell. Put it in the blender, add basil, a little olive oil and mix them together.
Now is time to fill the blanket with eggplant you made above.
After you fill them, take a pot, put a little olive oil and water and place the ravioli eggplant into that pot to boil for 5 minutes. Then, put them in the tomato sauce and cook them together for 2-3 minutes.
Put them on a plate and add how much parmesan you like.
The meal is now ready for you and a little surprise for your family. Let me know if you need help to make it.
Looks great! And pretty straightforward.
Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback.
@food-creator I'm amazed that you made your own wrapper. I'd rather buy them since it takes too much time to make them for me - I tend to knead them thin, too. Plus you made them look pretty
I hope curie finds you :)
This time I decided to make my own wrapper, plus it was like a little challenge to make it. Thank you very much and I'm glad you like it.
Thank you. I appreciate it!
O9ooh nom nom nom nom
This looks so delicious! Resteem it!
Very nice! Looks delicious !