🧀 Back to Food Basics : #3 - Fats : The Good the Bad and the Ugly

in #food7 years ago (edited)

And that story isn’t pretty, so let’s get things straight once and for all on that greasy story. 🍕 Hold on to your seat, this can revolutionised the way you see your food!

Fat is good for you!

Yes, I know it’s difficult to think otherwise, but knowing that the media and the food industry have been using clever tricks on you for decades, you might have to reconsider a few things about your food intake.


Remember, we spoke about the glucids in an earlier post, and how this sugar gets transformed by our body into fat so it can stock it. Well, that’s where to confusion comes from. To reduce your body fat, the idea is to reduce sugar (glucids) not fat! Fats (because there are several types of fats) are needed by our body to function properly and do not have much of an impact when there are good quality ones.

So let’s shed some light on the Good the Bad and the Ugly. You ready cowboy? 🍿

The Good: Unsaturated Fats

Actually, I should say the good ones, because there are 3 of them, like the three musketeers! These are the all so famous Omegas 3, 6 and 9. Beware! They might be all good, but one of them has a dark side 😅

Omega 3s: Your best ally for a good heart 💖

This is like the best of the amino acids. While it helps our brain, bones and muscles to develop, it also fights heart diseases. Nice one, buddy! You can find it in flaxseed oil, nuts, chia seeds, oily fish and a few veggies...

Omega 6s : The naughty one 😈

Again, no surprises there. As we find omega 6s in meat, eggs, butter, oils, ready meals, you name it... and we tend to eat way too much of it. And when there is too much of it, it prevents our body from assimilating omega 3s while increasing the odds to get heart diseases.

Omega 9s: The cholesterol Firefighter 🚒

This omega is great for the prevention of diabetes and heart diseases. You can find it in avocados, olive oil, chestnuts, almonds...


The Bad: Saturated Fats

Fatty meat, cheese, biscuits, butter…. All of these are technically good for us. The issue is not the product, it’s the quantity. We do eat way too much of it.

Wanna do yourself some good? Let's reduce those cheesy pizzas and all butter biscuits.
N.B. : Note how I didn't say "cut off" but "reduce". Quantities matter, and even if I take my food real seriously, I do have a little cookie or two once in a while. 🍪🍪


The Ugly: Trans Fats

They go by an alias: Hydrogenated fats. They are in all of the food things we find easily accessible and everywhere: pastries, ready meals, cereals, margarine, filo pastries... everything processed, ready to eat and in a box!
Like the names mention, they come out of a transformation process. Vegetal oil is being processed to a point where the molecular structure of the oil changes to get a "better" structure and longer conservation qualities.

This nasty creation from the food industry (which, by the way, was made to answer our need for longer shelf life in products and convenience, so we don't have to cook 😅), has disastrous consequences on your health even in small quantities. Heart diseases and higher bad cholesterol is on the menu, who's in?


Basically, the issue we have today with fat is not linked to the quantities of fat we assimilate, but the quality of the fat we eat. We need to eat higher quality fats !!! Reduce your cookies, pizzas and comfort food, and get some nice oils, nuts, and fishes. Very quickly, your body will thank you and bless you with a new found energy. Trust me, I've been there myself, and I love my food!!!
I'll give you more on my personal experience with food later on, and how to maintain good habits daily. 😉

The key here is QUA-LI-TY. Check things out on packages, and you'll see the crazy things we put our bodies through just by the food we eat!!! Just check things out for yourself, you might be surprised, but not in a good way!


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Until next time...

The French Londoner

Sources : Unsplash.com

P.S. : Here is a little list, in case you missed out on some of the good stuff :


Back to Food Basics series :
🍗 Back to Food Basics - Proteins
🍎 Back to Food Basics - Glucids
🍩 Back to Food Basics - Breakfast


I agree we must keep away from trans-fat. Too bad they're in donuts and donuts are so tasty. Well, life ain't fair, so I just gotta suck it up, son!

There is a solution to this @vistoriacalloway: bake your own donuts :)

I like it

Great read and GREAT post! Busting the myth on heathy fats will likely come as a shock to most people, but it is absolutely true! The "war" on fats has been a long con to cover the horrifying truth of sugar and it's negative health effects 50 years ago.

Fats are crucial to a balanced diet and eating those heathy fats can help with hundreds of different bodily functions!

Splitting the fats into the into three categories the way you have here was really smart too, "The good, the bad, the ugly". It is always good to add macro nutrients into your diet in moderation, and adding some unsaturated fats may just make you feel that much better in your everyday life!

If readers are still not sold? Do some research on the ketogenic diet. Although it is not for everyone, the crazy high intake of fat works wonders for those that do it correctly!

Awesome post!

Follow and an upvote from me! :)

Thank you @annemariemay. I'm so thankful for your comment and I'm glad you do like my post. I'm not really into the ketogenic diet myself but I've heard its wonders for some people who do go by it.

To start eating well, I believe in taking things back to basics with knowledge first, and then, once you start eating better, try things out with specific diets depending on your goals.

As for the posts, I love writing about things that I am passionate about. It helps me to be creative with my content, even adding a little humour to it ;) And if people are enjoying it, I feel truly blessed. 🙏

Thanks for your input, I hope to continue reading from you Regards.

Thanks for your comment and support :)

wooo! so delicious food. I like that

i like that. So delicious

I have type 2 diabetes so understanding food and what is in it is vital. This post reflects the facts about fat that i have gardually become aware of, thanks.

Getting educated on food and what's good for us is the number one skill to get. I'm so pleased to see you taking that path towards a healthier you. Well done @rlewing!

Durante muchos años hice esfuerzos por cuidar mi alimentación, comer balanceado, elegir bien los carbohidatos, eliminar las grasas malas y reducir el consumo a aquellas grasas que conocía como buenas. Pero ahora que la situación económica en mi país es tan difícil que aimentarse bien es todo un lujo. Añoro enormemente todas las cosas que dejé de comer y que antes despreciaba pero ahora serian un manjar. Por ejemplo, solía despreciar la piel del pollo pero a la fecha ya tengo meses sin poder comer pollo asi que cuando se me vuelva a presentar la oportunidad dificilmente la desecharía.

Gracias por tu comentario @alelimon. Espero que las cosas mejoren pronto para que pueda disfrutar nuevamente del lujo que tenemos para poder comer bien. 🙏

seguro que si, gracias a ti!!

Great content bro! Not having animal based fats after that..

I missed eating pizza and burger! These foods are making me so hungry tonight.

yummy ansd a perfect diet

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #28! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

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Hey, nice post ! I like your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Congratulations!

I think that eating moderately the types of food do not harm our health, but if on the contrary we exceed the intake of fats and we are aware that it hurts us, we can not complain ... I am in favor of sinning from time to time. .Thanks for sharing. I follow you
I invite you to visit my profile and evaluate me would be a big boost for me ... Thanks.

I agree, @olgaparica. Everything in moderation cannot be bad. Thank you for your love and checking up your blog too. :)

Wow tasty food

I like this kinds of food thats why i am soo fat.😎😎😎

Quality definitely is the key! The low-fat fad has leaved a mark on many people's mind, and many people still cannot make the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. However, I'm glad the low-fat fad has almost faded away, because (good) fats are so important for the functions of our bodies.

Loved this post! :)

Thank you @jasmink. Believe it or not, there are still people going for fat-free yoghurt! Well... if a yoghurt is a yoghurt, its because of its fat!!! 😅

There is still a lot of information and education to do about food and its purpose. Beyond the pleasure we can get out of it, its primary function is to feed and energise our body, mind and soul.

Better body and mind, greater life! That's the saying I live by. 😊

Thank you for your love and support. More articles about food right here very soon...

health is key nice post

Upvoted & following you!

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