Sorry, I just don't.
I know it's not the textbook way of doing things. My boy @kitzchris will always facepalm when I remind him "I don't taste tho".
It's absurd, I know.
Tasting is how you know what it tastes like, I know, I get it. I get the concept.
I just don't like it. It never felt right to me.
When you don't ever taste test, there's kind of like an effect that happens: Like imagine if you're blind, a part of that is that you learn to use your other senses in ways that would never develop if you could see. So by not tasting, I learn to be more automatically in tune with what I'm doing and what I probably just made it taste like.
At the same time, I don't consider myself to be "good" at tasting things. (I can tell whether I enjoy something when I sit down to eat it naturally, but it's different to stick your tongue in and try to gauge exactly what it tastes like and if it needs this or that or what. I don't know how to do that shit. So I'd rather not throw myself off by trying.)
When I'm just going by memory and intuition and whatnot, I feel more in flow and suspect I make better decisions that way. (If I go by taste there will be a lot of times where I think I should be doing things that I shouldn't. There's a chance I make bad decisions that wouldn't ever enter my mind if I was going by feel.)
Of course, there's like the ongoing thing where by tasting it, I'll learn to get better at tasting, and so in the long run it would probably elevate my ceiling if I tasted. But I'm not trying to win any Michelin Stars, so I remain convinced that I'm not wrong about this. 😝
But I admit there's higher risk of ruin. Last night I made fried tofu to have beside our rice, and I even went thru the effort of covering them in flour to make them fry nicely.
But that's them today, uneaten af.
I guess I even threw my ice cream wrapper onto the plate for added insult.
I somehow LAYERED them in salt. It's one of those things that you do in the heat of the moment, and then looking back you don't understand how you thought that would be okay and not an obvious problem.
Basically I made a seasoning mix of a few different seasonings, but a big chunk of it was salt. And then I covered all sides of the tofu in the seasoning, as tho the seasoning mix was all paprika or curry powder or something that doesn't really have a hard cap in terms of how much is too much. (Sort of forgot how much salt was involved, basically.) But so it was this hit of sodium that you couldn't possibly eat, even tho it wanted to be really good and almost was.
So of course this becomes Exhibit A of why I'm a goof for not tasting as I cook.
But you have to just take your licks and take the bad with the good. Seen vs. the unseen, we don't know how many of the yummy things I've made in the past wouldn't have been as good if I was tasting.
I'm back on track today:
Altho I did burn the toast (twice sort of, but decided it was close enough the second time).
Buffalo 'chikn' sammiches. I actually have a whole blog about this sandwich:
It's a great sandwich.
The two sandwiches probably cost in total less than $3. (It's $3.99 for 10 gardein chikn tenders, and I use 3 in each sandwich. And the rest doesn't cost much of anything, assuming you go on to use your whole loaf of bread etc.)
Really no reason not to eat it.
Be well, friends.
I personally don't think that there is a wrong way to cook. At the end of the day, the taste of the dish will speak for itself.
I tend to make rather complex dishes. I'm a flavor junky. so even when making pizza sauce I tend to have close to 30 ingredients. I never measure ingredients and every time I actually cook, I'm going for another Michelin Star.
I tend to do it in batches. I add everything that seems right, let it simmer for like 15 mins, then taste and add the final touches. That being said, I can see the "challenge and rewards" of going blind. I do do this from time to time. But If I'm cooking to impress for others I need to taste, I got a reputation after all.
Every time I cook a meal for someone, my goal is to knock their socks off, and make it the best version they have ever tasted. I don't always hit said goal, but when I do it's very rewarding.
I love it so much lol
Striving for excellence is rarely a mistake.
It's funny, I sort of have your same attitude, within my more basic confines. Like accepting that I don't seem interested in developing a pallet and stuff like that, I tend to be really focused and always wanting it to be as good as it can be.
So what I try to give them is a really well executed version of a thing they've had before and doesn't blow their socks off or anything but hopefully they enjoy it a lot. So it's like a parallel to your thing, but I have lower standards and expectations that I'm trying to hit. :p
I'd definitely take notes if you ever posted about one of your pasta sauces hehe
I still have an idea of making sauce on a commercial level within New Zealand. So the idea of putting it on the blockchain for all to steal isn't super appealing. :P
I have thought about doing some food stuff, but there are so many people doing it. And there's will always "look" better than mine. My presentation is not that great as I focus purely on taste. That is one of the main reasons I love sauces and chili type foods, they may look like poo, but taste like heaven.
The one exception is Pizza or Calzone. If It's done right, it will always look amazing, but just because it looks amazing doesn't mean that it will taste good.
There is a lot of truth to the whole phrase; "You can really taste the love in this food."
Rushed meals never taste as good as those that are prepared with affection and time.
Ahhh right, you don't want to release the code.
Ya I imagine food content would have a lot to do with photography and videography too, which you wouldn't necessarily be into.
I used to like Chef John aka "foodwishes" before I was vegan. I went thru a phase of not wanting to be tempted by conventional food, but am watching cooking shows and whatnot again.. I could start watching him again and try to veganize some of his recipes, but at the same time there's no shortage of great recipes out there that are already vegan.
I feel like Chef John was king in like 2011, but it's probably pretty saturated now.
BAHAHAHA! I LOVE that you don't taste things first! I am going to do that when I cook dinner tonight... just feel my way through it! Fingers crossed it works out! Lovely share!
Oh and thank you for stopping by and supporting my post! I greatly appreciate it! Bye for now! Muah!
Hahaha! 😁😁 nice! I hope it comes out amazing and you turn over a new era of not tasting, lulz
muah back at you!
I've been doing this whole no taste till it's dinner time thing for awhile now and yes I have had some fails but I have also had some massive wins! Like things I don't think I would have created if I was just using my old taste test method! So all in all it's been quite a lovely experiment! Glad to have found you and given it a go! Hope you too are having some massive food wins too! Sending massive buckets of kisses and ooey goey love your way! 😘
hahah that rocks! I guess trying new things is just rarely a mistake lol, like even if you went back to tasting, now you have the new ideas that you learned. Awesome! Kiss bucket back at you! :)
You could make a Cooking With Presley show.. could do it live and add to the excitement, like nobody knows if it's gonna turn out good or not 🤓
Bahahaha! That's a great idea! I might just do that at some point!
I don't generally taste test my masterpieces either. I'm with you, there's something about taste testing while cooking that doesn't seem right. When you sit down after the meal is finished and you start to eat it just seems more enjoyable and rewarding opposed to eating during preparation.
ya!!! I feel like you're right with me. I like to just sit down and eat and find out what it tastes like then. Hard to explain to the muggles who taste. 😆
Another funny article. :D
Each to his own. You do not have to taste if you do not want to but I have never "met" a person that is doing this (or better said not doing haha).
However, the outcome is the most important thing, I guess; but tasting while you are cooking is great too, imo.
That sounds legit somehow. It must be pretty difficult sometimes but that is a mad skill to my mind.
Props to you if you are really that aware of your cooking. I would probably mess it up (sometimes, not always - depends on the recipe and the approach/method of cooking). ;D
Regarding the paragraphs after this quotation.
I am very good at tasting (that sounds weird/pretty stupid somehow but it is the truth); but I still understand you bro. Seems legit if you are not that fan of tasting.
ya! like... I could probably GET good at tasting... and to clarify, it isn't like I think my sense of taste is weak or something, when I sit down and eat food normally I'm definitely tasting the f*#k out of it..
basically it's that I don't feel like I identify flavors correctly, like when I'm deliberately trying to decide what it tastes like I don't feel like I really know what I'm looking for or have real clear answers in my mind whether it tasted right or not
I probably am leaning on smell and sight in a lot of cases, whether consciously or not.
I'm one of a kind, Mr Gandalf, I'm one of a kind!
There may be plenty of people who don't taste (just because, whatever, they don't really think about it or care), but I'm probably one of the few who writes blogs about it and actually endorses the idea of not tasting, lul.
Of course you can, I reckon. Ah, okay, I was not completely sure what you exactly mean, now I know. Lol
Ah, well haha, now I really know what you mean haha. But I think you would only need to taste more often and try to recognize/identify it.
I guess so too.
Haha, me too bro, me too. ;D But I absolutely believe you (no offense, naturally), at least you seem to think about a lot of stuff others do not think about. I like that. Not a "stupid sheeple-person" haha.
Haha, word. :D
My wife is the same. That’s why she wants me to taste when she cooks. I’m pretty good at it. At least that’s what she says. You are obviously a risk taker when it comes to cooking and tasting at the same time. I do taste while I cook. But as long as you don’t overdo it with spices and salt you should be fine. Unfortunately in your case not working out very well. At the end “Everybody” can add whatever he wants at the end.
Nice! Your wife understands me. 🐱
Haha ya! I'm pretty fine with the possibility of it coming out lousy, and then you can put something in the microwave and try again tomorrow lol. If I was cooking for a crowd or something, maybe I'd taste to guard against the chance of it being horrible, depending what the dish was.
Or I'd at least taste before it was served, to check my work.
I definitely have to taste test to avoid these things if my cooking something new 😂
However if I’m cooking something I’m familiar with I hate taste testing because even though it might be a little taste and then have to wait another while to eat I loose my appetite 🤷🏻♀️
hahah hey @paolajane!
I probably don't have THAT particular issue (i always piggy 🤓), but I can see it for sure. I'm glad you're a part of the fold either way!
#CookingTimeNotEatingTime #justsmellit #NoTasteTestsHere
I might taste when I'm cooking something totally new.. trying to think.. I think even in those cases I'm probably just following a recipe and just go with what the recipe says lol
prob like once in a while I taste, but it's def exception and not the rule for me
The title drew my attention
I don't taste while cooking too, but for a different reason.
I'm a bad cook so I figured it changes nothing. Besides, my cooking only involves frying eggs and boiling yams. Simple meals only. Most of the time I eat outside.
But then, as @imjustsaying noted, there's no right or wrong ways to cooking. There are only good meals and bad ones. And you don't seem to have the bad ones (maybe a few burnt toast)
haha that's awesome
ya, if it comes out yummy, that's all that matters
Your profile description (whatever you call it -- when you click your name and the menu drops down).. is great. I don't do auto-votes but I quickly hit follow lol
I'm going to edit the profile soon. Maybe today. Just can't think of something better for now.
Thanks for the follow
I followed back too
blessings back at you!
I started out by frying eggs. I used to make eggs for my friends in high school after a late night. I just kept throwing different stuff into it, garlic, mixed herbs and different spices. After a while I was known as the guy who made bomb eggs.
Eventually I did the same for frozen pizzas, and would turn a boring old gas station pizza into something that tasted as good if not better than delivery. Eventually I did more onto to trying full dishes, but I didn't really do that until I had a family.
It's all about starting somewhere. A good spice rack, is a great companion.
I love those stories.
The first thing I ever used to make for myself, in high school....
Was hot dogs with sauteed onion (and garlic I think, if we had it) and melted American cheese. I'd melt the cheese right into the onions and then put the mixture on the hot dogs lol. And then mustard. I thought it was so fancy.
Maybe I'll start with experimenting different shades of fried eggs. To be honest, I've never been keen about cooking. I can create a story out of it; but the actual cooking? Nah, I'll prefer to leave it to someone else
Say, apart from cooking for the family, you have any other plan? Like going commercial?
Somehow I missed this reply.
I've considered looking into making sauces on a large scale. I'm just so busy with day to day life that It's hard to
findmake the time to look into what would be needed to achieve this. I'm broke as, so it somewhat limits my options. That being said it's really something I should spend some time on. I very much like the idea of being self employed.A-ha!
You know what your reply reminds me of?
A while ago, someone asked me what I would do if I could do anything and never fail. I said I was going to write an awesome novel. She then asked for what was stopping me
I think I'm like you in that regard. The only thing stopping me was money. I felt I couldn't leave my current source of income to focus on the novel. I also felt the novel might not pay enough to justify the expenses. Even at this time, I'm yet to start.
But I think we can start small. The two of us. I don't know how it works in your country but you could start small. Who knows, the money might come in too. I've decided to begin the first chapter of my novel today
You just gave me an idea for my first post for today
It's funny you say that. I actually started writing my novel and posting it here. It was pretty much a rough draft, as I didn't know that I could edit posts for my first month or so. But I don't really think that Steemit with a seven day reward window is the right place to do it. I've been thinking of reediting my old posts and finish the current chapter and post it as a single unit here. It could be sort of a sneak peak of sorts, without compromising my ability to publish in the future.
The sauce thing is more of an "obtainable" in the near future goal rather than a dream. I would much rather create worlds and tell stories. Like If I didn't have to worry about money for my family in the short term I would totally spend 6+ hours a day trying to hone my writing skills, crafting worlds and lives. I think we are pretty similar in that way. :)
I really enjoy your style of writing, it's very lively. Unfortunately I don't have the time to read as much of the things I would like to. But after reading your story about the devils pin, I knew that I have to follow if only to be able to check back from time to time to see what wonderful stories you were creating.
Have a lovely day. Thanks for the encouragement.
Wow I didn't see these messages. I actually wish Steemit gave you a notice of reply or something when either it's a comment on your blog or in a comment tree you're a part of.
Like, if person A says something, B responds, and C responds to B.. the way it works is A doesn't get any notification (I don't think), but they might be interested and C might even be kind of talking to them.
But ya, I think putting a sneak peak on here and publishing it for purchase would be the way to go.
I think Steem could be used well in that sense, where it's like now people have a way to interact with the author, and they know that if they buy your book they can also ask you questions about things etc.
I think this thread is rather getting long
I'm headed over to your blog to see this wonder talk about
See you there
Not me I taste it all and so much I am full before dinner lol.
lull, one of "those" people 😁😁
Yep, one of those. lol
You're still a friend!
who wants to taste that food man, it's looks so delicious on the outer side man, magical hands keep it up mate...
Cooking yourself and eat it separately I think those who can cook themselves and prepare themselves for lunch and dinner for themselves, one of the great things they can cook for themselves as well.
But when I cook myself, when I test my food, I can not really understand that I can cook because my cooking scale is very bad and I sometimes learn to cook it that sometimes I try to experiment but it becomes a bad and From there, my kitchen is very bad, I understand myself hehe :D
its so tasty when we make food for myself,,its really great
tasty looks of your food,,
i need your invitation for this food,,
you can have it, it's all yours..
It's one block of firm tofu combined with 4 pounds of salt.
Ohhh, I do love those comebacks.
Salt with a touch of Tofu.
So delicious, it's unedible.
bahah ya, these bots get so out of line sometimes 😣😣
Nice food
i think this is so tasty
thanks for sharing
you're welcome, @tiger38. thanks for spamming a comment at it.