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RE: I fed 40,000 free meals last year and hope to feed MORE this year! Here is a look at just SOME of what I accomplished last week

in #food9 years ago

The need for good, healthy food is one thing we all have in common. For folks that know how to find it, grow it, and prepare it, good food seems to be abundant. It's a shame that so many people have never had the opportunity to learn, or are in difficult circumstances. It's great when anyone is helping other people eat well!


Well said!
Really it all comes down to values. Anybody who truly values good food will have it around.
Yes good food requires more than stopping by a fast food place or getting in line at walmart. But it is there and the best ways growing it ones self or being a part of a community that cares enough to grow it and getting it from them!
Once you get accustomed to good food there is NO GOING BACK!

The best food I eat is what I forage or grow, that's for sure! People that haven't had a chance to experience good food don't even know what they should value -- it's not even in their consciousness. And then when they have had some good food, unless they get some help in figuring it out and making it possible for themselves, they know they are missing out, but don't have the skills. Providing community support is so important. Kudos for your efforts there in Texas!

Good for you Brother~
I agree and am grateful to know you have your priorities straight!