I fed 40,000 free meals last year and hope to feed MORE this year! Here is a look at just SOME of what I accomplished last week

in #food9 years ago

Greetings, Steemit Community!

I have only made 1 post in 6 days because I have been busy feeding free food to people and running the community with an almost impossible negative zero carbon footprint! 

It requires a lot of dedication to feed 40,000 free meals a year, and hopefully this year I will surpass last year's record!

This past week, I fed hundreds of free meals, including special deliveries to local fire stations to thank them for the life saving support they provide to those in times of need. 


This is a photo of me delivering a mouthgasmic world class cake to one of the local fire stations. Have you ever had a cake with homemade strawberry sauce, jalapeños, and fresh lime wedges designed to be squeezed on top before eating? This is a cake unlike most have ever tried before, and it was truly delicious! This is not just free but WORLD CLASS food! 


I don't really like government or agree with how it operates, yet I still try and help as many people as I can and foster healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with all. 

I don't even take weekends off. This past weekend, on 2 hours of sleep, I and some Eden Knights took 75 servings of world class, high vibe, sustainable cuisine to a holistic community event to support all the people coming together to improve their community through holistic healing. 


People are so grateful because this isn't just free food (which people LOVE); it is truly food like most people have never had before. People refer to it with words such as "sumptuous" or "now I see why you call it mouthgasmic!"


This is a cucumber dish that is delicious, healthy, and so sustainable that the result is a negative zero carbon footprint, which is almost unheard of!

I am used to not getting paid for all that I do...Feeding free meals comes from a true desire to help, not to profit. 

With that being said, I invested many hours yesterday curating a very comprehensive post on one of the most important topics in the world: "money/currency" and how it really works in the world we live in. This is truly paradigm shifting information and the post is quite in-depth. 

However, I only got $.80 for the post. Again, I am used to providing value for people without getting paid, yet when I feed free meals to people they are inspired, they are touched, they are very grateful. That is why I keep doing it! Because its is a REAL impact on the people involved. It also inspires many people around me to do more for the betterment of the world. 


This was a truly awesome dish of the BEST FRITTATA I have EVER had on our sweet potato leaves (which serve as edible plates)!

Now, I am not complaining. I do not think I should be compensated for anything that is not valuable. Yet I also have no desire to invest my very valuable time that would otherwise be CHANGING PEOPLE'S LIVES into something that is not valued. 

I know lots of people only vote on something they are going to get curtain rewards for. I won't judge anyone for it, because that's how the game works. Everyone just wants to succeed. I get that. 

I also know it takes time to build a worthy reputation on this platform with so many accounts and articles every day. I know all about long term investment as it has taken me almost a decade to build The Garden of Eden @gardenofeden to be one of the most sustainable operations in the world. 

What I am saying is that even if you don't UPvote my post because of the gaming system, if you find my posts valuable please COMMENT and let me know. I am happy to provide paradigm-shifting content for the community without being compensated for it as long as it is being valued. If it's not being valued, that's ok too. No one has to value what I do or support what I do. I truly believe that only valuable content ought to be compensated, and while value is subjective (like beauty), if my perspective is not valued I can either share different perspectives or share on a different platform. 

I have over a decade of awakened experience in the areas of health, parenting, EVERYTHING sustainable, economics, relationships, photography, food alchemy and more. I would be happy to write and share about any of these topics. Just let me know! I only want to curate content that is valuable to this community. 


In closing, I just want to say I am happy to be here as part of this community as I feel Steemit has the potential to be revolutionary, and even though most of my posts only get cents, I still promote it and believe it has great potential. I am also super stoked for everyone who does make good payouts as it is so exciting to see!

If you feel what I do has value, then please leave a comment saying so, or share it with others! Then I will be happy to keep providing content. If you have suggestions or questions also please let me know. Otherwise, I will focus elsewhere, as I am changing people's lives every day. 

I shall leave you with one more photo of the extraordinary FREE food I fed this past week. 


                                                              This is a delicious and healthy desert!


I've seen your team in action many times. Always makes me smile.

wow thanks to @benjojo ur rating skyrocketed!

Grateful to be able to share many a great feasts with you my friend!
Hey ur rating is almost up to 30 already!

Wow. Amazing work you're doing! Those dishes and the cake look incredible! Glad to have you here!

Thank you so much for the support!
I REALLY appreciate it, it means so much to me and LITERALLY feeds more people!
Just your vote alone will help me feed atleast 10 more free meals!
The food is truly delicious, the flavor combinations we use are global infused cuisine like I have had no where else and every dish is SO SUSTAINABLE and healthy as a major BONUS!
Again thank you so much, I am honored you took the time to comment and that you feel I bring value to this platform!
Steem ON!

I have to visit your ecovillage one of these days. You set a great example of what is possible with sustainable practices! Have a good one!

That would be awesome!
Yes we are not a huge operation but I have not seen an operation of any size with a lower carbon footprint. I am VERY proud of that!
Hope to meet you one day. Until them I hope to continue to have mutually beneficial relationships here on Steemit!
Steem ON!

You are gold to this time of our human history! Keep on shinning and thriving on star brother, namaste :)

Appreciate that emensly brother!
I feel very strongly about my purpose and the ideals I live by. Yet it is very helpful to get such feedback. It means a lot to me.
I hope to continue to be a beneficial example<•~

I´m sorry but i din´t quiet understand the post, those dishes, they look awesome btw, but you are giving it to people from the street? homeless? friends? i din´t catch that... it is not my intention to understimate ur efforts, but i don´t know... i am trying to undestand ur mission.

Well I have MANY projects and skills. If you were to check my website you would understand way better.
I am responsible for feeding 40,000 free meals a year. Some are to homeless people on the streets, some are to single moms or people who just lost their jobs or recovering drug addicts.
Sometimes I just get food to honorable people in the community such as firemen or other people doing lots to help people.
Regardless of who is getting fed the food is DELICIOUS and SUSTAINABLE!

Your support means so much to me. Just your support alone will help me feed many more people and continue to house, cloth and shelter the many I already am!
You don't know how grateful I am and how much it means to what I do!
Gratitude~*~Thank you so much @jamesc !

Looking forward to the new paradigm parenting & relationship perspectives you'll be sharing with this community--it will change the whole game!

Yes paradigm shifting fm for sure!

I will be going to Louisiana from Oklahoma to be on the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief feeding team this Saturday.

Awesome! There is SO much that we can do to improve the world. All it really requires is true care!
Keep On and make a post about it!

Thanks for everything you do, Quinn! Your awareness melts minds--so glad you're bringing your values to the Steemit community!

So grateful it is appreciated!
This will inspire MANY a new posts from me for sure!

You're awesome, bro! As someone who works with food a lot I have a lot of respect for the stuff you make. Keep up the great work and keep bringing happiness to so many people! :)

I really appreciate that acknowledgment! It is nice to have a "professional" opinion of high regard.
Its hard for me to say what is more important the food being delicious, healthy or sustainable, so I commit my self to having it be ALL 3!
I feel great fulfillment in doing this regardless but it is SO nice to have support and appreciation from this community!
I hope you follow my posts and that I bring read worthy content in the future!
Steem ON!

Right on! We all gotta do our part to make this world better, and it's awesome connecting with like minds on here and seeing all the cool stuff everyone is doing. I'll be following for sure, my friend :)

This is only just. The beginning!

I love how giving away free food is so enjoyable for you. Even at the end of a long give-away day, you can still find even one more person who could use a great meal. Their surprised and gracious faces tell it all!

You were actually even more badass than you said you were--as we served closer to 250 servings - 5 courses of 50 individual servings! Those were some happy mouths. I'm grateful to know that being of service is your priority--you make an incredible difference every single minute of the day. Imagine if everyone applied themselves to such dedicated focus. You're inspiriing people--perhaps one day it will be so.

I appreciate that you point out how I under "boasted" as so many people think I over exaggerate wha I accomplish.
Thank you so much for the support. You are a key factor in the success we share and I am grateful you are inspired and motivated to be a part of it!
I shall keep on and hopefully more so than ever!

thank you , brother your post showed me contagious enthusiasm , beautiful , transparent empathy.
inspiring initiative !

Than I am truly grateful that I made it and hope to be able to contribute such real value in the posts to come!
Hope to see you tuning in!

Your a pretty awesome dude... And you kindof remind me of Prince. Anyway keep up the good work!

Why do I remind you of prince hahaha? Just because I am WAY OUT THERE?
I appreciate the support and hope I can provide content worth reading.
Steem ON!

I think it's the hair and the snappy personal style.

Lol yeah he was kinda out there, but i think you kind of look like him... only a lighter version.
Id support this on Steemit, its defintely 100x better than most the garbage out there. Plus your character makes it totally interesting

I will be sure to dedicate focus to sharing here and hope you will enjoy it!

Looks like you are helping to create a better world- it's good to see

Yes I am!
It is fulfilling to know this my self but truly fantastic to see that other people recognize and appreciate it.
Sometimes its difficult when it feels like the world does not really care.
Thats when my true commitment is tested and I have to remember my values and priorities! Then I get back at it and have been doing so for many years now!

God bless you and we are so glad you are on Steemit.

I greatly appreciate the blessings and support!
Together we can do amazing things and I am grateful to be here!

Good job! The world would be better if more people will think about what they can do for the community, not just for the sake of his person.

That is what I am doing in life but also what I am trying to bring to this community. I want to inspire people, not judge or argue with people. I would write articles EVERY day for this community if it was valuable to it. If not I won't judge but I would focus elsewhere.
I appreciate your support and hope I am able to continue to bring content you and others find valuable!
Bless it be~*~

Quin you are the best,great post may the abundance continue!

Thank you~
Your support means a lot to me. Thank you for commenting and reading this post!

Giving away food with Quinn is one favorite things to do. Watching their faces as they experience a pop of amazing flavor is such a weird food freak thing to do but I don't care what people think. I just I don't care. I'm just gonna keep shamelessly giving away mouthgasms with Quinn, Yeah, I'm a bit of a food freak but I'm just gonna embrace it. BTW, Quinn is kinda modest. This past weekend he actually gave away over 250 mouthgasms, not 75.

That's a lot of gasm action indeed!
Grateful to have your support in the cause~
It is bigger than all of us~*~

Creating food like this for free is truly an art!

Thanks for your posts! I look forward to inspired writings on relationships!

Thank you for your feedback!
I shall consider this and put something together~*~

that is awesome
nice work~~

Thank you!
What I love even more than that you like it is, that you voluntarily like it!
It's cool because you don't have to, but you choose to support because it made good sense.
In this world there is so much that people do NOT VOLUNTARILY and this is sad. True freedom to choose is if the utmost importance~
Best Regards~*~

Keep up the great work, you've got a great attitude and I hope to see you continue to post on here!

I am grateful this is true for you~
I hope to be able to bring content of real value that enriches your life and is worth your valuable time.
Bless it be~*~

I'm now following you and look forward to seeing your future posts!

Grateful to hear this!
Because of your support my posts will get more exposure and more support. Little by little together we can help bring valuable content to this community!
Hope to see you tuning in~
Best Regards~*~

Love so much of your post here. I love food, am an Eagle Scout, and also spent last year mostly living in the woods around suburban areas Learning and exploring life in a different manner and also helping people that needed help.@quinneaker Awesome post & life purpose!

I have lived out in the woods with nothin but a knife and the shoes/clothes I wore for months.
It was the most real and humbling experience of my life and completely changed me.
One of my most valuable experiences. I also do long campaigned my trips and feel nature is healing and healthy for the soul.
I will make a post about the trip sometime~

Yes, same here. Steemit is a great way for us to share such experiences and bring awareness of such to others.

May it keep getting better and better!

Great job quinneaker! It's about spreading love In each and everyone's own personal way...keep going Bro:)

We all have our role, our part to play~
What is important are the values for which we live. If our values are aligned and get notable we will all interact in mutually beneficial yet unique ways~*~

Beautiful work, and that food looks delicious. Thank you for sharing yourself and feeding people around you. That is one of the greatest forms of love.

Food is so integral to the human experience~
The effects of really unique, delicious & healthy food made consciously with love is powerful!

I love every post. You have contributed a tremendous amount to the Steemit community, I hope to see that contribution met in kind.

I really appreciate that and will use that as fuel to inspire more content of real value here!

keep up the "GOOD" work Bro !!!

Thanks to you I am inspired to focus new posts into being!
Hope to see you here soon!

I was the one that said to take the (Tribe) garden south ! When I CAN escape to mexico (Acapulco) I DO intend to do exactly what your doing in HELLISH Arlington ! Can you IMAGINE being able to grow year round, not to mention some of the nicest people on earth. I want to help export good souls from Slavestate USA to a more FREE life ! I'm 55 and i grew up thinking the way you do, so I can really relate to what you are doing !
look forward to seeing your tribe grow too, just hope the THUGS don't come back !!!
best wishes and happiness/Freedom to you all !

Expansion is a given and each time will be more awesome than before!

@quinneaker , please don't shy away from applying the word "profit" to your work. If you consider it a pleassure and something good to help others, then that sounds like a profitable deal to me! =-)

You are doing such a great thing and I am sure all these people appreciate you and what you do. This will all return to you, when you do good to people , it comes back 100 % ! Well done!

Thank you so much!
I appreciate the vote of confidence and I agree. Karma is real~*~

Good luck, I hope the community of steem will support you, the world would be better with more like you.

I have up and followed and also paid for promotion, I hope other will be kind and help as well

Thank you so much!
Someone told me my post was in the promoted tab and that must have been you!
I am touched and honored and very grateful for the support. I promise I will feed many more meals with the support of this post and posts to come!

I appreciate the support and hope that you are right. I have high hopes for this being s revolutionary community and I am indeed living by standards we would benefit by seeing a lot more of. I hope you will follow my posts and that I can bring content worth reading.
Thanks again!

Everything you do makes a positive difference to someone. Your enthusiasm and sense of joy in doing something good for people is infectious and inspiring. You make it look/sound easy but it's hard work.

Thank you for that~
I appreciate that you say I make it look easy, I can see that and in many ways it is because I am truly motivated to be doing it. Yet it is very difficult, especially when I am helping people who are really messed up and they wind up steeling from me or being violent or making up lies. I have delt with so many nasty people and had trucks, computers, phones and more stolen.
Mostly I am grateful that I inspire, that is one of my main purposes. To inspire people to REALLY LIVE for something, to really live with purpose.
I hope to inspire people on this platform as this community has so much potential to be revolutionary!
Thanks for your support and for taking time to comment~
Best Regards~*~

Hey Quinn - I'm curious - Do you believe in God? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God? Thanks!

I agree with you and about the issue that the time and effort you put into a post sometimes doesn't get recognized can be frustrating. I hope that in the future more valuable content creator get rewarded on a consistent and fair basis, even though value is of course subjective, I think consistent author's effort, time investment and valuable content that supports Steemit can be recognized and should be rewarded accordingly (like a very good friend of mine has tested it and he receives a minimum $300 each post automatically). I'm not saying that should be a guideline, nor that everyone deserves the same amount, but a consistent min. reward for more high quality content creators is a good idea I think. Keep STEEMIN' please :)

Yes I don't want something for nothing, I know I need to deserve credit but I also know that my articles are unlike almost any other articles and are very valuable. I just hope that it is recognized so that I can be motivated to bring more valuable content to this community!
I feel I have so much value to share. I appreciate your support and if enough people like you support what I do more will follow.
Hope to see you tuning in in the moments to come~


Thank you!
I hope I can make most posts you also love!
Hope to see you tuning in~

Thanks for your generous heart! What do you do for income when you are not giving away amazing food?

Well I have my own clothing line, jewelry line and hand made knife line, but even most of that I donate to feed, clothe, shelter and educate more people. I am also a consultant, speak at conferences, retreats etc.
Now Steemit seems like a great place to be and be able to help people while generating revenue. I won't do anything to get revenue unless it is also helping people.
Appreciate the support. Hope to see you tuning in to posts to come!

Are you selling your clothing, jewelry and knifes for SMD here on Steemit?

Also, I live at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage and would love to have you come for a visit. You can even pay for housing and food here with SMD. Let me know if you would like to come out and I can put you in touch with my friend who is accepting SMD for room and board.

I am willing to accept SMD for any item I have available but as of now I am not aware of any easy interface to actually make that exchange. It would have to be a manual process with offer and acceptance negotiation.
If you are aware of some kind of app let me know.
As for coming to the Eco Village I would be interested to see it as I believe sustainable community is the way of a healthy future, though would not likely come out unless I was hired as a consultant/facilitator.
I have way to much going on and only invest my time where I am furthering my cause. I really hope you guys are happy and only continue to be more so. I also hope you find cool ways to utilize SMD to grow a NEW economy!
Best Regards~*~

Awesome! Thanks for the link! We will check it out!
As for facilitation I can to presentations, workshops, individual consultations etc. I am a master of sustainability in any area, building, food production, general efficiency and living. I guarantee to be able to provide time/resource saving implementations to any system.
I specialize in health, I have a book published on it titled "Full Spectrum Health" .
Parenting is another specialty of mine of which is potentially my most passionate topic as I believe "All problems start with parenting, thus all solutions exist in New Paradigm Parenting".
Ultimatly ALL of life comes down to consciousness/perspective. So conscious existence is all in all my specialty and what I focus on and can bring that to life as a whole in many ways.

Bless~*~@nathenbrown You can get lots more info on http://www.intothegardenofeden.com or http://www.isnessquinnis.com

You can accept SMD using this payment button generator: https://steemit.com/steempay/@steve-walschot/steempay-io-v1-0-1-live-accept-steem-sbd-anywhere-button-generator-included

You could put Steemit payment buttons on your site and then regularly link back to your site when you make posts that include relevant information about things you sell.

As for coming out only if you are hired as a consultant /facilitator, I totally get it. What kind of facilitation and consultation do you do? I've helped bring a number of people to our community to offer facilitation to help us with different issues, so I'm curious to know if you offer anything we might want at some point.

The navigation on your site seems to not work on a mobile device. I'll try to remember to check it out when I'm on my laptop.

Absolutely gorgeous & life-giving! I appreciate your love & vast knowledge, friend. I'm trying to get with how this whole steemit thing works. Thanks for turning me on to it. SHINE ON~

Yes the Steemit Platform is somewhat complicated and you won't learn everything anytime soon if EVER hahahaha. Though I wrote two posts (my first two posts) for Noobs on steemit which I recommend. There is also LOTS of info on steemit out there so just start researching the questions you have and you will find the answers!

The need for good, healthy food is one thing we all have in common. For folks that know how to find it, grow it, and prepare it, good food seems to be abundant. It's a shame that so many people have never had the opportunity to learn, or are in difficult circumstances. It's great when anyone is helping other people eat well!

Well said!
Really it all comes down to values. Anybody who truly values good food will have it around.
Yes good food requires more than stopping by a fast food place or getting in line at walmart. But it is there and the best ways growing it ones self or being a part of a community that cares enough to grow it and getting it from them!
Once you get accustomed to good food there is NO GOING BACK!

The best food I eat is what I forage or grow, that's for sure! People that haven't had a chance to experience good food don't even know what they should value -- it's not even in their consciousness. And then when they have had some good food, unless they get some help in figuring it out and making it possible for themselves, they know they are missing out, but don't have the skills. Providing community support is so important. Kudos for your efforts there in Texas!

Good for you Brother~
I agree and am grateful to know you have your priorities straight!