- This service got incredible, really improved on the audio quality.
Much of this reminded me of this
Interesting fact that organic is cheaper when you divide the nutrients but the price.
Interesting fact that organic is cheaper when you divide the nutrients but the price.
When you look at bio availability of nutrient density in the absence toxins and that which blocks nutrient absorption - nothing beats grass fed meat and fat. Plants are not just unnecessary, they are problematic. That is not something I would expect anyone to take at face value, I certainly would not. Which is why I have been testing the purely carnivorous diet on myself over the last 2 years. Turns out, not only do not seam to require fruits and vegetables, I feel and move better with out them. Strange and un expected, but totally verifiable. Makes me question so many of the things that our species does in the name of balance or progress lol.. Thank you for reading and commenting, great to see you here!