March 5, 2018, I'd bake an Egg Tart and I forgot to post here to share. I can't remember what exactly the reason why I did not post in here to share? Perhaps I have a problem which is very common to me. (^_^) Or maybe I'm not in the mood? Or perhaps I'm busy with the project in our office?
No matter what happens the important is I'm here to share this new recipe that I made! A very simple and effortless. Don't worry it's not really a sour Egg! Hahaha... Let's begin!
- slices of Sandwich
- 5 chicken egg
- 140-gram Icing Sugar
- 80-gram Condensed Milk
- 300 ml fresh milk

1 - In a bowl, beat the 5 eggs with icing sugar, condensed milk, and fresh milk. Filter 2x and set aside.

2 - Use any clean materials to shape the flatbread into a circle; make more as you like based on your mold tray.

3 - Put the round flat bread gently in a shaper and bake at 200°C for 5 minutes. Take tarts out of the oven, carefully pour the egg mixture in each tart shells. Bake at 150°C for 15-20 minutes. Done!!!
Enjoy your Snacks!!!
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Wah look yummy, simple but interesting.. 😊
Posted using Partiko Android
yes... Very simple to do... (^_^) Try it!
Posted using Partiko Android
Hmmm... Yummy. May i resteem?
Posted using Partiko Android
sure... You can use the recipe... (^_^)
nice receipt i will eventually try it some day.
content creator
Nice to know them...