The Kombucha Chronicles, Revised and Republished on The Homestead Guru!

in #food7 years ago

Hi there guys, I've got some cool news. I've briefly mentioned that I've partnered with the folks over at The Homestead Guru to share my content, but now my recent masterpiece The Kombucha Chronicles has been shared on The Homestead Guru.  We put a lot of love into the republishing of the material, including a short intro video with shots taken by me.  

I am excited for the chance to share my Kombucha journey from skeptic to booch believer with a much larger audience and to be honest, the hard work has already started to pay off.  

We posted it in it's entirety, all eight parts as well as a snazzy little landing page put together by the people at The Homestead Guru.

The video was a collaborative effort on the parts of several people, who all did a great job (save for my noobish film shots). 

Since then, Catherine herself has gone live to talk to people about brewing kombucha and The Kombucha Chronicles. 

So if you're interested in seeing my work in a different light, head over here to The Homestead Guru and check it out!

I've also taken the time to make these links, starting with the video I mentioned then heading into the posts one by one.  They look and read a lot differently now!

Short, Sweet Intro Video

My First Scoby and Why I am Brewing Kombucha

My Kombucha Recipe Begins

Just Keep Brewin

Kombucha Recipe: Choosing Flavors and Fizzy Geysers

Scoby Hotel and the Continuous Brew

Kombucha Benefits and What's Going On In That Jar

Kombucha Recipe Do's and Don'ts of Brewing your own

How to use Extra Kombucha Scoby's And Vinegar

Anyway, thanks for following us and for the support.  Until Next time!


Thank You @lily-da-vine for Your post. I'm 8 days new on steemit and really like Your post here AND on The Homestead Guru.

I've made Kombucha Tea on & off for over 25 years and can share with You that this tea is extra special... almost bordering upon being sacred. I used a 20 gallon fish aquarium to brew the tea in because there are many advantages to this. Perhaps the biggest advantage is this bacteria tea can not easily migrate (( change it's original bacterial properties )) when making 5 gallons or more at a time.

I gave away the Kombucha Tea for free to many of the neighbors. The tea is so gentle that most of the neighbors had no clue that the reason they got better & were feeling good was because of the tea.

My Father was diagnosed with the middle stages of emphysema when I first began taking care of him. I gave my Father about 1 liter per day and almost one year to the day, when I took my Father back to the VA hospital...they checked his lungs and said his lungs were clear, no problems. Of course I said NO Way !!! ... check him again. So they checked him again. After they checked his lungs FOUR times, I finally realized that his emphysema was gone.

The only thing I had really done health-wise was give him the tea.

I also gave my mother ( she was actually my legal guardian ) the tea because she had been suffering severe pain at times from arthritis for over 35 years. I gave her 2 gallons of the tea. After 2 weeks her pain went away and never came back, even though she never drank the tea after that. Her real daughter thought I was "calling upon evil spirits" or something, and forbade my Mom from ever drinking the tea again.

There are many other first hand instances I can share but will leave it at that. But will leave You with a bit of a teaser... I know from 1st hand experience that there is a protocol that easily gets rid of all cancer internally within weeks... with no harmful or painful side-effects, that is very inexpensive.

I may blog about this some time in the future but I'm really self conscious about my writing. I've never felt comfortable with writing and especially feel that way now... after reading some of the absolutely incredible blogs, posted here daily on Steemit.

Up Voted & Following You... please consider following me. Thanks again !!

                   ~~~ STEEM On !! ~~~

Your writing is fine enough to where I could follow everything you were saying, so consider starting. If you look back at my first posts here from last year, you'll notice a huge difference in style and quality. Just get started, even with short things like this!

As for what you said, I find all this very interesting. I've been going through some pretty significant body changes since adding kombucha and other things, but I know the kombucha was the catalyst. I've been dealing with detox from a really hard, albeit short life so far but it's been an interesting experience and I'm interested to see how well my body functions after.
I deal with chronic pain from a broken jaw (that only got partially fixed) so I'm interested to see if it helps with pain with that.

And as for cancer, I thought of my brother immediately who has had three forms of serious malinant cancer before the age of 25. I consider my own life and how I've felt this past year and I can't help but think I've got my OWN problems in that regard. What I am noticing is that the areas in which I've been concerned have seemingly been being addressed in this detoxification. It's like every pain, sickness and issue I've had was being addressed. It's caused a lot of pain and discomfort, but it's not been too bad to worry and it's always with a weird optimism that I'm getting better. Not sure. Will see more. So thanks for this, I'm always interested in peoples first hand experiences.

Thank You very much @lily-da-vine !! and that's a very good suggestion of looking at Your earlier posts. I think I will do this with others here that I admire, as I admire Your writing now.

I just need to gain the confidence that I will get better with time. My lack of confidence definitely comes from my early years in school when I guess we might be just a little too sensitive.

Just a small suggestion, the Kombucha Tea bacteria requires caffeine to properly develop, so it's best not to use Green Tea. Occasionally women will have an adverse reaction to Kombucha Tea when it's made with Green Tea and I really don't know why. Thanks again 4 Your post !!

                 ~~~ STEEM On !! ~~~

Wow! I never would have thought of using an aquarium to make Kombucha Tea in :)

Yes... an aquarium allows for a much larger surface area for the scoby to grow in, besides preventing the original bacteria not to migrate which can happen when only making a gallon or less at a time.

There are other very useful suggestions that can be shared and perhaps I can blog about this or better yet work & collaborate with the original poster, @lily-da-vine. She is an excellent writer. Hopefully @lily-da-vine will see this reply.

I'm only 9 days new to Steemit and really have no idea how to contact someone directly (via email or cell phone ), here on Steemit. I've gone to Steemit chat a couple of times and it "appeared" that no one was there, but perhaps I didn't do something correct.

I've been very blessed & fortunate to meet perhaps one of the most knowledgeable persons regarding Kombucha on the planet many years ago... She was known as a medicine woman in Mexico, originally from the USA, who helped heal 1,000's or more likely tens of thousands of poor people in Mexico. She would never refuse a patient, even if they had no money...

She used a variety of modalities & protocols and looked at least 15 years younger than her actual age. Cheers !!

           ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

Very interesting! My wife and I were on a Kombucha kick for quite a while. At $2.50 a piece daily it became pricey. I'm going to follow you to learn how to make it for ourselves! Thanks for the inspiration!! :)

I'm glad I could help inspire you. I was so surprised at how easy it is. There's a lot of information that tries to complicate it but it's very simple. I've had NO problems yet! for the fact that half of my fridge is now flavored fizzy kombucha :)

The cost of making Kombucha Tea is less than $1 per gallon, if You use those water dispensers outside of most grocery stores in the United States. Hope this helps.

                        ~~~ STEEM On !! ~~~

Nice post

Thanks, I've put a LOT of work into this series!

great work😊

I keep saying it but it is definitely on my list of things to try!

Great post! Congratulations on having your work featured on another website. Pretty cool stuff!

It's been an interesting journey so far diversifying, but has been a great learning experience in working with others!

Great, that it turns out in this way for you!

Thanks for this info. I'll have to start making this myself.