Recipe - Honeyed orange peels

in #food7 years ago

Remember when I showed you this?

Coconut licor 43 pana cotta orange peels

This pana cotta was the first pana cotta I made and ofcourse, I had to add some twists to it. It turned out amazing and I'm very eager to share the recipe with you. However, first I want to show you how to make the decoration!

These are honeyed orange peels and they really add a festive touch to a very boring looking (but not tasting) dessert. This is how you make them:

Orange peels


  • A couple of oranges
  • Some honey



  1. Cut off the orange peels, trying to take as little white with it as possible.
  2. Cut off the whites that are still on the orange peels.
  3. Cut the orange peels into little stripes (careful not to cut yourself!).
  4. Blanch them in hot water for a few minutes, then drain them.
  5. Add the peels to a small sauce pan and add water and honey in equal amounts as you have orange peels.
  6. Put the pan on the fire and heat this up while stirring a bit now and then.
  7. Let this bubble away on the stove for atleast 30 minutes and add water if needed.
  8. Scoop out the orange peels and spread them out on a piece of baking sheet to dry for an hour.

Honeyed orange peels

Now you're ready to decorate (and taste a few). The pana cotta recipe will follow soon!


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That's a good reason for buying organic oranges -- so we can eat the peels, too! I make these, but I sure end up eating them pretty fast, too. They are really good. I put sliced orange peel in sweetened brandy, too. They are tasty, too. But I don't eat them so fast, lol. Enjoy your oranges -- all of them! : )

I should definitely experiment more with them from what I've read in these comments so far! Great to hear different variations :D

I've always wondered how to make these! I love ideas to use the entire fruit instead of throwing away the peel.

I do too! The recipe I found used regular sugar, but I don't have that and try not to use it, so I switched it with honey :-)

Wow so nice and lovely, The steps you drop is really helpful and simple. I got to try it also. thanks for sharing @playfulfoodie

You're welcome! The dessert itself will follow soon aswell :-)

Am famished 😋😋😋😋 @playfulfoodie

Wow i can remember that, at first i tought it was gonna be hard in cooking it. But with this little tutorial you made here now. Wow! I think it's gonna be easier for me😀😀

Well, this recipe is only for the orange decoration. The dessert recipe will follow soon :D

Ok glad to here that, can't wait to see it aswell

Cool, this is similar to making my Triple Sec orange peels. I wash the exterior of the oranges, peel the peels in a similar fashion and soak them in Triple sec, and then I use liquid cane sugae and I stick them int eh oven on super low to sort of dry them mroe than cook them. After that, you CAN dip them in chocolate and do a similar process so the chocolate coats them and dries, or leave them like that. Alternately, if you prefer not to have alcohol, you can use the Triple Sec syrup which tastes like the alcohol BUT has no alcohol, is just the sugar of the Triple Sec.

Oooh that sounds like it's very tasty too!

This is the exact post I was waiting for! I saw the picture and was like hmmm... I actually really like oranges, looking forward to the other half of your recipe c:

It looks delicious, I can not remember the last time I tried a sweet with bits of orange, what I like is that it is easy to prepare.

Yeah, well that's just the decoration part first though :D Still gotta share the recipe for the rest of the dessert :-)