I love pizza. But sometimes I want a huge topping, which I can't get in any restaurant. Restaurants like to serve pizzas with a tiny topping, 4 pieces A, 4 pieces of B, 4 pieces of C. And thats it. But I want a mountain on it. Time for do it yourself! Todays dinner was a mountain pizza like I want it. First I made the sauce. I cooked pizza sauce for years until I realized, there is no need for cooking it before. I mix crushed tomatoes, basil, rosemary, oregano, onion, garlic, salt, chilli, and a tiny bit of cinnamon and red wine. Thats the sauce. On the pizza I put lots of spinach, vegan gyros, olives and changeable pholiota. Vegan cheese on top of it. Thats it. Mountain pizza:
Ich liebe Pizza. Aber manchmal möchte ich einen riesigen Belag, den ich in keinem Restaurant bekommen kann. Restaurants servieren Pizzen mit einem winzigen Belag, 4 Stück A, 4 Stück B, 4 Stück C. Und das ist es. Aber ich will einen Berg darauf. Zeit für DIY! Das heutige Abendessen war eine Bergpizza wie ich sie mag. Zuerst habe ich die Soße gemacht. Ich kochte jahrelang Pizzasauce, bis ich realisierte, dass es nicht nötig ist, sie vorher zu kochen. Ich vermische zerdrückte Tomaten, Basilikum, Rosmarin, Oregano, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Salz, Chili und ein kleines bisschen Zimt und Rotwein. Das ist die Soße. Auf die Pizza habe ich viel Spinat, vegane Gyros, Oliven und Stockschwämmchen gelegt. Veganer Käse darüber. Das ist es. Bergpizza:
Vegan Win! Because finding vegan pizza is difficult, we thought we would make it even more challenging on ourselves with gluten-free crusts.
If such things interest you, we make two primary types; the crispy one is primarily tapioca flour and we have been working with a non-GMO corn based mixture that is getting very close to a regular crust texture. Thanks for the post.
Long live pizza... ... Even if everything about it changes.
Yes that sounds very interesting! Once I tried a pizza made by a friend who mainly used chick pea flour. Was also really nice :)
Ein Königreich für ein Stück davon!
Jetzt sofort, bitteeeeeee!
Wow für ein Königreich wäre ich sogar so spendabel und würde eine ganze nur für dich backen!
Wow this looks so good! I agree.. restaurants NEVER put enough topping! Such a ripoff! LOL This is my kind of pizza!
Thank you :) We should spread the world, maybe one day some restaurants will also have mountain pizzas :p
Change the world one mountain pizza at a time!
Cool, this looks yummy
Did you buy the dough?
Usually I prefer making it myself. But this time it was so spontaneous that I couldnt wait for it and bought one :p
It looks delicious anyway :)
Hey there! I like the idea of Vegan pizza, but have you ever tried Hawaii pizza? It contains pineapple :) Btw, my upvote doesn't worth anything 'cuz I'm a newbie here, but I'm posting this comment as a support. If you want, you can check my introduction post :) PEACE!
yuuuum! homemade pizza is the best anyway ♡
Awesome recipe! I'm vegan and definitely going to make that sometime! Will share it with you!
Thanks, you will enjoy it, I'm sure! ;D
Looks yummy! I sometimes make my own pizza too for this reason, unlimited toppings!