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RE: Free the Food #24 ✔ | One Man's Trash Another Man's Treasure! [2018-01-24]

in #food7 years ago

I would love to see a network of people like this around the world. Food prices jumped 25% in Ontario with the recent rise in minimum wage. People who were over that wage did not have their wages increased and subsequently either lost their jobs due to 'downsizing' or 'restructuring' or had their hours severely reduced and lost paid breaks. In the end, these people are now making considerably less than what they were BEFORE the wage increase.

I myself, suffer from damaged knees, so I can't do stuff like dumpster diving--and I'm a full time student, which means I don't have a job. Since the beginning of January, I've had to start fasting just to be able to afford overpriced food in small amounts.

Seriously, this food waste has got to stop. So much goes into the trash that they could have sold if they'd just dropped their prices to affordable levels. /: