Today I decide to try make the Windmill, inspired by Amsterdam meetup.

It's was really big challenge for me, and while making my art my phone fall down in the cup with coffee.
You will see it on my few shots.
I wanna ask you did you like to see some more Dutch theme on my art with more recognizable symbols of this country?
So first try what ended with the latte wreck :) (I hope my phone will not die in a few days. )
There I try to fix it, but so dirty job there .
Now time to another one try :)
Thank you! :)
The Dutch do love their coffee.
Definitely, among other things :) I'll have mine with canna creme de menthe please :)
maybe cannabis leaf next time?
Yeah)) good idea, your latte-art is amazing
Or a little Advocaat on the side.
Meet in Amsterdam

Nice idea, I think about to go meetup, but still don't sure
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I want to drink a delicious latte now
so sad what telepotation still don't invented
nailed it!
check my blog I have something wort your vote today!
Very creative!
how you create something amazing like this,awesome art.Welcome to check mine 2,
hey there, cant vote right now, i have had serious steem breakout problems which are under repair !! But just wanted to say this is a nice change in direction from your usual !! very nice romantic view !!
Thank you my sea wolf friend :)
my Dutch husband would love it))