I have done keto beginning of 2017, I was eating eggs, cheese, avocados, fatty meats, nuts, oils, only carbs were from kale and spinach...but recently I have close to $0 in fiat so I have been eating whatever I have in my house (I am in my 20's moved back in with my mom after my father tried to take the house from her...long story) so basically I eat whatever that's in the house.
But I don't want the insulin spikes so I do heavy weight lifting and HIIT cardio so that at least the insulin is helping to grow my muscles...
When I can afford it I want to go back to eating my favorite keto foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, avocado, salmon, cream cheese, fatty steaks with butter....I CAN'T wait to get back to that...
I also fast minimum 16 hours, 23 when I am ate one meal a day, this week I want to try a 3+ day water fast.
Have you ever tried a water fast? I want to start with 3 days, next time 5, then 7...ect working my way up