Presenting: Chip Advisor

in #food5 years ago


You're stuck at home because of Covid19 quarantine?

You keep checking the fridge, the cupboard, everywhere for something to snack on?

You just don't know what to do?

Fear not, Chip Advisor is here to help!

Just answer a few simple questions, and Chip Advisor will tell you the Chips that are right for you!

And even better, it will give you a deep insight into your soul and personality, all for free!

Check it out by clicking the words Chip Advisor anywhere in this post, or through this link:

Share your results with the community! Spread the word!

Title image taken from All images in the Chip Advisor results belong to Matt S. Law, aka @sidekickmatt


I LOVE it :D

I was also marvelling about how @king-of-disease aged in a year :')

Timing is everything :D

I keep saying it, I am so glad that I did not make king of disease for this year. Gawd that would have been a fail.

Chip Advisor was started in September, but it's luckily unoffensive enough!

Hahaha - I would need to think REALLY hard how this one would become offensive... But maybe we'll know on April 1st 2021 :')

Oh god, imagine my April Fools jokes becoming prophecies

Well... the world's potato crops could be hit by a sweeping plague which killed them all and put an end to all potato products everywhere.

Living in Ireland, that sounds familiar

This is stunning.

I found my true self with help of the test. Finally I can snack in peace!
COVID-19 quarantine - SAVED

But it seems I can not edit it in PeakD, to add my own thoughts.

Hmmm I didn't know that'd happen


I just thought to try to edit and that worked, I'll drop a note to asgarth in PeakD discord with a screen shot.

edit error.pngI let @asgarth know in the discord support channel. I sent this screen shot, so hopefully he can figure it out.:

he might have a question or two, to try and figure it out, but I'm in no rush, the team is pretty busy with a lot of stuff, I am sure they will get to it when they can.

I just got done with @asgarth in discord. He thinks he will have it fixed tomorrow. It has something to do with how the tags are handled.

(A video of spring-potato I captured from Chennai

) I got this one.

Seems to be a good fit then!

I was thinking we'll get another "king of disease" prank for this year's April Fool's day 😂😂. I can imagine people sneezing on the comment section

I am SO GLAD I did king of disease last year. Would've had to cancel it this year for being too real

What if the last year's king of disease prank was actually a prophecy that came to pass?
Okay I'm kidding here

That would just mean that next year we'd all be 'infected' with LOTS of chips/fries/cheese - I'd love that :D

Phänomenal! (:

Ich werde mal sehen, ob ich noch wen anstecken kann.
