Yesterday, we had the pleasure of exploring a Vegan Festival in Mexico at Jardín Americana in Guadalajara. One of our YouTube subscribers suggested we check it out and it happened to be just an 18-minute walk from where we're staying. We'd call that a win for sure!
Vegan Fiesta México!
To make things even better, it was completely free! While we were there, we got to sample vegan tamales, a giant sandwich, a sope, gluten-free and vegan cookies, and organic ginger beer. It was a smorgasbord of delicious animal-free food.Wait, Mexico has vegan food?
Those were our thoughts exactly. Most traditional Mexican dishes are centered around bread, dairy, and cheese, so we were curious what people might have concocted here at this vegan festival. Turns out, quite a lot!We use this action cam to shoot our videos.
20 Questions with TangerineTravels. Check out @wadepaterson's

(and Laska the Siberian Husky) @sharingeverybite (Maddie) @shenanigator (Jordan)

Nice post
I'm working on going vegan and this is great motivation! Awesome to see different places embracing it. Thanks for sharing :)
Organic ginger beer and it is not alcoholic? Pass me a whole bottle please. Coxala right? Hahahaha. I have always loved every thing that has ginger with it. Ginger is really healthy and helps a whole lot. I take garlic once in a while too.
I can see you are back to one of your favourites again: Tamales. You are making me crave it so much and wish to try it out.
Jordan, I noticed you loved anything that has mango in it. Hahaha. I like that.
The festival is actually good and a great opportunity to meet and also have fun. You get to interact with more people and it would definitely help you with the speaking Spanish fluently. Hahaha. That lady tried to help by speaking English when noticed you could both speak English.
I have been hoping to ask how Maddie came about her username. Now I know it is about her blog posting. That's nice. I will take a sneak peek at it. Hahaha.
Well done guys. Glad you both had fun and tried some cookies too...Now I am hungry. Tamales please and Coxala.
Yeah ginger and garlic works wonders! All ginger beer I’ve seen has been non-alcoholic.
We find it really helpful for our learning when fluent Spanish speakers can speak English too. That way, we can have a conversation in Spanish, but they can help us out when we need it.
I initially got her to sign up for Steem because she already had a blog. I was like “At least post on Steem what you’re posting on your blog.”
Promo-Steem...i totally love that. I hope she listens and join. She would love it here.
I could really use that ginger beer.
Oh sorry, I wasn't clear. That's how I got Maddie to sign up back when she signed up in August 2016.
Really? Hahaha hahaha. Epic!
Hola los amigos,
Vegan food place Mexico.
Were the foods spicy though? I have to have spicy even though, the food is vegan.
Enjoy your travel stay.
What we ate wasn't spicy, but most of the booths had spicy salsa that you could put on the food if you wanted. We opted out of that and went for the more mild salsas because we're kind of pansies when it comes to spicy food. Haha.
I figured you would try to eat more spicier foods every day so, you could get use to the spicy Mexican foods.
Yummmm @tangerinetravels! Cheese is definitely the only one ingredient which I am missing every now and then! LOL congrats on your coin collection! Reg. recommendation, have you been to Bali yet? #veganheaven
Hahaha, Vegan food is kind of difficult to find most places in Mexico but it's nice that we can get a healthy, vegan meal here in Guadalajara when we want one.
Hahaha, Maddie's coin collection. She's such a dork!
We haven't yet been to Bali. We're hopeful that when our YouTube channel grows big enough, it will allow us to travel all over the world. Bali just got added to that list :)
Damn! How can I see all this and not want to quit my job, get on the road and head to Mexico. You guys are having all the fun
Come join us! We'll share! :D
@tangerinetravels it seems great , food and travel together make a very enjoyable experience.
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Excuse me for advertising. It is necessary to earn. I'll try to stop soon. :)
That's so true! And it's Mexican food... even better ;)
haha yeah even better.
Sometimes, things that we underrate just turns out to be the bomb....
Thanks to that YouTube subscriber for that suggestion....
Exactly! We are so thankful he suggested this event. We really wouldn't have found out about it otherwise.
The foods look sooo good! 💕 The sandwich/burger on 5:30 makes me drool. 😋 And the pastries too!
So much deliciousness there. And everything was reasonably affordable, which was just awesome!
Wow thats the bomb. I like your stemmit T-shirt. i wanna buy me one es well.
Muchos suertes en su proximas viajes.
Greetings from the caribbean
Muchas gracias! We got those shirts and SteemFest^2 in November in Lisbon. Everyone wants one...Maybe I should put it up for auction? Haha
One of the very best restaurants in Acapulco is vegan but in far too many places the answer to "algo sin carne?" is often still "no"!
When looking into Acapulco, I think I might have across that one. Is that one that accepts Bitcoin?
That's the one!
My memory isn't as bad as I thought ;)
a vegan festival sounds amazing! ive been vegan for the first time ever this month by participating in a steemit challenge. although its been VERY HARD, ive really enojyed it and learned so much! i definitely want to learn about more vegan options and community things - this festival sounds awesome! im going to see if there are others near me :)
Congrats on going vegan! I remember when I had to give up all animal products because I was having terrible reactions to them. My body felt so much better after that! (After the initial "detox" process where sometimes you can have withdrawals.) Have you noticed any positive changes? I think that's what usually helps solidify the change.
And if you need any help finding something like that, let me know! After being vegan for over 4 years, I got pretty involved in the events/communities. :)
I just saw you're in New York? If so, there are a TON of vegan/vegetarian/allergy-centric conferences that go on there. Even more than in Arizona!
Well I was exactly thinking the same when I first saw the title of the post really, Mexico seemed to have almost the same kind of inevitability for meat and egg like in my Country Nigeria,
Never seen those kinda food before, so how did the food go? Was it good?
Is that right? I'm not sure we've ever heard much about Nigerian cuisine before. The food at this festival was amazing! We had to go back for seconds on the tamales and chocolate chip cookies. There was even more food to try, but we just got too full!
Well I'm trying to really see the good here that's good for a vegan festival, I think that would be just muffins and pies
The rests needs beef and meat to really garnish them.
So much fun here you had there, it's amazing
Yep, that's how things are in Mexico too!
Thanks for watching our video and commenting. We appreciate it :)
Excelente! Un viaje por una cultura muy colorida! Mexico lindo y querido
Muchas gracias por ver lo! Espero que te hayas gustado el video.
I'm sure you enjoyed it
Thank you, it was very enjoyable!
Wow! You guys are having so much of fun!
Feel to join you all so much!
I tried that for my diet. Lol didnt work!
@tangerinetravels high five fellow vegans. It’s great what you’re doing. Keep it up
Gluten freee 😄😍👌
hahaha is great as in the picture they look so tender, love is noticeable from afar
viva mexico
What an awesome score!!
Vegan Tacos in Mexico?? Count me in! You guys look like you had the best time. By the way, love your content, keep going! :)
Yuuumm! Lots of Mexican food can be veganized!