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RE: French onion soup\ Französische Zwiebelsuppe

in #foodie3 years ago

Thats another way of making onion soup than I usually use, but sound tasty as well.
I do it without even usung flour, and also without cheese. Its more a brown soup at the end.
First I cut the onions (really LOTS of onions) into half rings, and these get fried in a pan until they are nice brown, as you would do it for putting them on a steak or so. They develope the sweet fried onion taste that way. A bit of garlic can be used, too, if you like garlic.
Then put the onions into a pot and fill in some chicken or beef fonds, so its looking like soup. Now let it simmer for some time, so the onion partly disolve. That makes it a bit "creamy" and less watery. As a final touch, cut white bread into little cubes and fry it with butter in a pan, so its brown and cross. Put that on top of the soup portions when serving it. Of course there will be also salt and pepper being used, or some herbs, to taste.
I just made that a few days ago, its always a nice lean meal. And it warms you up in winter.


The real realm of the onion spirit! :)