5 tips how to improve your food photography with these simple steps!


First step: be creative! Experiment. Practice each day! You will learn a lot more from doing than from just knowing how to do.


Step two: learn how to shot with manual mode. Know your camera settings. Do you already know what iso, aperture or shutter speed is? Inform your self with articles like this one from Nisha


or this one by Peter

Learn from the experts that know what they are doing!

Step three: Find your inspiration on platforms like instagram or pinterest. I find my daily inspiration from other food photographers that share their pictures one these platforms. Feel inspired, but dont copy them. That would be rude.

Step four: Invest in a good DSLR camera. You can shot good pictures with your smartphone but I really recommend to invest in a good camera for beginners. I use a Canon EOS 650D camera (http://amzn.to/2m8c7fs) that I really can recommend to start with.

Step five: Most of the work with photography is not the actual shooting, but the planning the composition of the food you are going to capture on your photo. So be sure you have visualised and planned your picture before starting to shot. This will help you save a lot of time and making the picture a lot more professional.


I hope you liked my first food photography tips for beginner. I will share more with you soon, so stay tuned.
If you have questions feel free to write me a comment below and I will answer it as soon as possible!

Love, Niina

Ps. you are welcome to follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/vegan.niinja/ and facebook https://www.facebook.com/vegan.niinja/ !



Awesome stuff!

Thank you so much! I am happy that you like it my dear!

Great post :)

Thanks darling! These are just the basics;)

Great article, My food is delish but my photos often let it down... Will have to have a watch of the vid too.

Thanks for sharing.

You are so welcome my dear!!💕Happy if I can help you out!💕Feel free to ask questions.🤗

that first photo is awesome, love the colour combination. Congrats on being a winner in the contest.

So happy you like it my dear!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment!