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RE: Les règles non écrites de Steemit

in #fr7 years ago

Hi, thank you for translating my post into French. There are some mistakes that need correcting if it's ok. Because this is a very old article and many things have changed since it was posted.

First, here is the text you need to create the hyperlink.

[spread the steemjoy through other platforms.](
spread the steemjoy through other platforms.

Next, there is a mistake in the paragraph about whale tagging. At the time that I wrote the post it was not possible to @mention a steemit user and send them a notification that they have been mentioned. But now that exists on steemit and other apps. So maybe leave out the part that says

Actuellement (pour autant que je le sache), @tagging n'informe pas le tagged qu'il a été tagué. Je m'attends à ce que cela change un jour et quand cela arrivera, je m'attends à ce que les baleines fassent beaucoup de balises (peut-être après un avertissement, peut-être pas).

Also, in the final paragraph, when I wrote this post there was a soft limit of 100 votes per day, but this is now down to 10 votes per day, not 100.


@beanz , DONE ! .. i corrected it ^^