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RE: Histoire de ma vie jusqu’à ce jour - Épisode 25 - Première Année à l’École Navale: Maths et Sciences pour un Futur Officier de Marine

in #fr7 years ago

Peut-être l'age lui a cause cette déficience.

Non, c;est plutôt qu'il n’était pas lui même attentif à ce qu'il enseignait, et qu'il était habitué à ce qu'aucun élève ne suivait vraiment attentivement.


You guys and math!
Doug has a kind of funny story about how he went up to one of his teachers (in Officer Training School) and pointed out that he had been docked a point on a question that actually was correct and he asked the teacher to change his grade to reflect that.
The teacher said that he shouldn't worry about it. That kind of tiny error was something that only the real eggheads need concern themselves with.
Doug graduated the top of his class despite the wrongly graded question. Egghead. 👍😊

I have never noticed the shape of Doug's head. 😊

That's because he's only decided to cut his hair short instead of shaving his head. He has good hair genes.