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I will ask, your steempower just to upvote your friend?
please answer me
Here's your Top Post, too bad it's past 24 hours LOL

Exactly this is the worst problem of current society - people are stubbornly trying to enforce their "solutions", but when you ask them how/if those "solutions" work, you realize they don't care
Assault riffle is a riffle that commits assault hahaha. just kidding
Lol. How many ar's in prison lol. Hey guys see the ar15 gang in prison they are the baddest mofos. Lol.
Biggest difference between a military used M-16/M-4 and a civilian ARMALITE RIFLE (AR) is that the military rifle is select fire. Which means that you can choose between shooting 1 bullet per trigger pull or 3 rounds per trigger pull also called burst fire. The civilian rifle ONLY fires 1 bullet per trigger pull or semi- automatic(unless illegally modified) I realize their are military models that also fire full auto but they are rarely given to Ave. GI Joe.
Your post is golden.. i also like your post thanks for sharing
Very nice post
Useful for many people. Thumbs up dude
Assault rifle is an automatic firearm which is a long barreled rifle or carbine, which has a selection of shots (selective-fire), and medium-caliber ammunition
This is reminiscent of a story that is worrying recurrence of tragedy again Sandy Hook (stragedi elementary school that killed 6 teachers and 20 students) freedom of ownership of guns in the country and demanded changes to gun control laws.
The tragedy of the Sandy Hook has triggered a new wave of protest against the violence of armed violence-which has been rooted in the center of American culture.
Without the power of the gun there would be no United States of America. Britain would have ran through them blue coats like a cool breeze on a summer day.
But of course no legally owned automatic weapons have been used in crimes in modern history.
I agree with you
Assault rifle is a assualting rifle. ..........
I am a pro shooter......... I can headshot anyone........ I can drive trains in sky and swim in land and walk on water.........
Oh sorry i was playing GTA V
Hell yeah. But GTA3 that was the real thing.
I agree with you
People don't know what an assault rifle is because it doesn't exist. It's a political bias used for an agenda. The irony is that he wants people with guns to take away guns, and doesn't see the stupidity in that.
One could also ask at what point did the word rifle which has been used possibly for hundreds of years get the word assault added to the front of it. Who was the first person, company etc. that used that term?
That is a really interesting question! I would bet it had some type of propaganda attached to it. Some group or person representing a group. I would like to know the root of that problem though. Because it's a huge problem. Words control more things that we realize. They can sway entire nations.
indeed, the first people to use the term assault rifle called theirs a "sturmgewehr"
Sehr gut.
I'm pretty sure the Bolsheviks did it first. The socialist/communists of Russia did it first. Lenin and Stalin both disarmed the population.
...with bolt action rifles.
No, they had semiautomatic and automatic weapons. http://www.winterwar.com/Weapons/SuSmallArms/SURifles.htm
in that case you could probably trace it back to the sturmgewehr which means 'assault rifle" and the people who used it.
I ran up on this a while back.
I read a article that talked about the origins of this to but may have to dig a bit to find it. Basically, it's a made up term to make a AR seem worse. Thing is, a rifle with a traditional wood stock shoots the same round as a AR. If anything, most AR rifles have somewhat shorter barrels. Either rifle can be just as deadly as the other.
good post 👌👏
Webster Tarpley is a smart guy, and i think he knows what he's doing, he's playing it safe in dealing with oligarch and politician. There's no doubt with that old age he knows a lot, he didn't even deny that it was the US attacks the pity country SYRIA.
In the USA and the West these politicians want to ban assault rifles in Syria they are flying them in by the plane loads, full auto and handing them out to anybody who wants them, even children and especially islamic terrorists as that is who does the fighting in that part of the world. The irony of such a upside down policy just amazes me, and their actions are 100% illegal. Weapons smuggling into sovereign nations is illegal. Arming civilians is illegal as that causes chaos and war crimes as civilians don't know the laws of war and might not have a proper command struture to reign them in. Arming islamists who are obvious enemies of the western nations is illegal, it is treason. These weapons will be in that region for a very long time, 20 years from now some person will be shot by an old Ak or Ar that was used in Syria and Iraq. It's terrible.
and all because someone made an unfortunate youtube video!
People don't want or need "liberty" (in the Libertarian sense) as much as they need and want peace, community and to be allowed to purse their own individual happiness. This is why I kind of like Bhutan as an example of good governance. They emphasize the gross national happiness as a measure of good governance.
The liberty people want in our modern world is the liberty afforded by wealth to do and travel in peace and comfort. The "Free Markets" Libertarians offer are not free. They come with a price and the price is usually peace of mind, community and ultimately happiness.
What is an assault rifle?
First it is a weapon that fires projectiles, doesn't necessarily have to be bullets, in the future it could be high energy plasma etc. It must be of a make that has rifle characteristics eg long barreled. There would be similar weapons in military use but those are obviously full auto and the civilian versions semi auto. The fact that the military uses such a weapon type whilst not necessarily the same model is key in identifying if it in fact is an assault rifle. Some may say you can upgrade a hunting rifle to be used in a similar fashion and maybe you can but is it in military use?
Another important characteristic would be a large capacity magazine. A assault rifle with a 1 round mag would almost instantly lose any effective defence or offence capabilities for the user dereby making it lose the assault part of the name, you cannot do much assaulting with 1 bullet. It would also need to be a weapon that uses rifle rounds but not necessarily exclusively. I have seen ar15 variants that use 9mm etc. I am not sure if they are still what a rifle is intended to be.
I am not anti gun but I just played with the question being asked. Debate me.
Extended mags have nothing to do with a gun being a “assault” rifle. Extended mags are made for a variety of guns like bolt action rifles and semi- auto handguns. Biggest difference between a military used M-16/M-4 and a civilian ARMALITE RIFLE (AR) is that the military rifle is select fire. Which means that you can choose between shooting 1 bullet per trigger pull or 3 rounds per trigger pull also called burst fire. The civilian rifle ONLY fires 1 bullet per trigger pull or semi- automatic. I realize their are military models that also fire full auto but they are rarely given to Ave. GI Joe.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it
anything can be an assault weapon, like my assault chop sticks.
In turn, I can happily say I don't care for this guys social democracy.
A "Counter Assault" rifle is a select fire rifle in an intermediate caliber. AK, M16, Galil etc.... I cant remember the general that came up with the term but it is just anecdotal.
This is opposed to a Main Battle Rifle or battle rifle that is a term developed after WW2 that is used to describe a rifle that is fed ammunition via a detachable magazine and fire a full-powered rifle cartridge Such as the M14 G3 and FAL. This term may also describe earlier full powered semi automatic rifles such as the M1 Garand, Gewehr 43and SVT-40.
Firearms that are fielded by militaries can be described under the blanket term Service Rifles.
"I'm not an expert on guns" gimmie your guns!
Thanks for all you do to free America from Globalist stronghold and power grabs through the Leftist media. Keep up the good work. I have a copy of your book already. God bless.
This man, ladies and gentlemen is what you call a tyrant.
assault rifle is a rifle that shoots salt.