The Great War of China

in #freedom7 years ago

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yea I don't understand USG's hate for Huawei or the other manufacturers. Would be nice to just have a free market. I wonder how these bureaucrats feel with backdoors in OSs and harddrives, seems like backdoors can be used by any government or hackers.

If we go back in time, we see the evolution of geopolitics sphere of influence, handing power from Egypt, the vikings, ottoman empire, roman empire, so on and so forth until the US claim the power, in the end certainly, It could be China, India or Russia will be the next superpower within years to come. :)

Every time a great power rises up and overtakes the hegemonic power there has been war, there has not yet been a peaceful transition of power where the top dog loses it and the up and coming gains it. If we can see a peaceful transition from the US to China, it won't be long before India catch up and play out a kinda of 'Cold War' with China, with the US acting as a fallen empire much like the British Empire after WW2 but with far greater consequences initially. If the US can't stop a total collapse it will make the fall of the USSR look like a walk in the park. the USSR fell from a position of strength in their people, society and culture. The US is ruined domestically with poverty, drugs and debt running rampant already.

Now all the media is going to go all Marsha again and instead of, Russia Russia Russia, it will be China China China! This need by neocons to constantly have fake enemies is played and tired.

Freedom, generally, is having an ability to act or change without constraint. A thing is "free" if it can change its state easily and is not constrained in its present state.

Its all we all strive for


I will help as much as I can Adam,
increase your struggle to free the American government from the federal government,
hopefully your dream will be achieved
good luck and america more advanced again

Thankyou your support to @adamkokesh

Thankyou very much @siponk

we will always support Adam to free America from the federal government

I always support you..

Freedom, generally, is having an ability to act or change without constraint. A thing is "free" if it can change its state easily and is not constrained in its present state.

Its all we all strive for


Help minnows like us and let's free America together.
You can atleast support us by upvoting our comments also.
God bless America

I will upvote you bro . I’ll even follow you 👍🏽

I'm a helping the cause, in getting the historical facts out there.
Here's one of my posts..

So basically China is able to spy on American citizens through their phone network..Great, so now they are going to have a collective understanding of Kim Kardashian, the NFL, the NBA and a host of celebrities. I guess they can work with that!

Grade A humor right here! Thank you! 😂😂

I have supported you by joining the link you have givenScreenshot_20180317-125931.png

I am always cloudy and
I will find friends to support and vote to @adamkokesh

The Devil you know vs. the Devil you don't know, is still the Devil...

Freedom is what we all should strive for. Freedom is what we all should fight for.. Everyone watch the Freedom video.

I grow concerned at the massive waste being used to collect all of the citizen’s information for their safety. I begin to fear the massive military budget being used to create bigger and more deadly weapons only to be sold to the police departments. The top will always attempt to collect more for themselves and less for others. What we need, to return to a more free and perfect union, is to start decentralizing government. The only way to do this in the spirit of American Freedom is to start voting for a different party.

This nation born to Freedom flag, and Freedom its the ultimate objetive of all makind

Great job on that debate with Larken Rose. When can I find it on your channel here?

Can you see it? there is a space for everyone here in Steemit.

They dont want the chinese to do what they are doing to the american people.

Help minnows like us and let's free America together.
You can atleast support us by upvoting our comments also.
God bless America

well,why all the fear.isn't it that all products we use in our daily living are made in china?if that is the perception,why not ban all products that are made in china once and for all.i think this is a mind conditioning in preparation for something big to happen.


invite to a cry of freedom.
Freefom .........freedom .......freedom
Supporting you as President of the United 2020.
That will bring the United in freedom.
Support I always accompany and I'll invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

I will continue to support you as you say


I'm ready 100% for freedom @adamkokesh
invite to a cry of freedom.

With the pace at which China is growing, I can't help but look on as USA dominance gets taken over by China. Already the world's leading investor in the renewable sector China is getting untouchable when it comes to energy and electricity transmission. Making the country grow a lot bigger in the manufacturing sector. This battle is looking unreachable for USA as China attracts more attention of it's products from countries around the globe. The production sector has been backed by the use of internet which has got China with some of the world’s largest publicly traded internet companies having Alibaba inclusive. This has got China's trading sector at a top level especially in online spending.. since the country already has the most internet users in the world. China has now started investments in other fields in which it had been lagging behind like sports.. And to me, China's growth plan is aggressive that USA has a reason for worry if they don't work on their policies. Which I believe should start with the advocating for Freedom for people to feel comfortable in an environment where they can freely bring in new ideas in developing the economy instead of living in fear of being suppressed when they go against the government's policies. Through this, USA will be able to amend the errors that have been made in governing the State.

One wonders how long until the Chinese took control of a group of ununited states.

Great video as usual, thanks for sharing.

Who wants to help fund a flyer to be stuffed into Adam's "Freedom!" book to be distributed all over New Orleans with the lyrics from this song on one side... and ad space on the other side.

What sayeth, AK?

Thanks for posting this Adam. I have lived in China the past four years, in Shenzhen. The ZTE building, Tencent headquarters, Baidu building are a few miles away from where I'm living.

I would like to make 2 points:

  1. You're absolutely right that government has very little influence on becoming a global superpower. To paraphrase Thoreau, another anarchist, "The government only did anything good when it got out of the way as fast as possible." So it's not the Chinese government who helped the Chinese even, it's the Chinese people who work their asses off, though they're still pretty mind-controlled in other ways.

  2. In the Art of War, Sun Tzu said (paraphrased) "It's much wiser to pay a spy a few pieces of silver than to pay an army a hundred pounds of gold." Chinese spy, and what they said is correct. A former Chinese police officer told me that the police have a backdoor into Wechat and can monitor anyone they want at any time. I imagine the Huawei phones have similar capabilities. But I don't have any proof.

Thank you for sharing this video. My dad sent me an email the other week warning me about war with China and the USA. It's a scary thoguht and something to monitor. This type of annoying and hypocritical talk could be orchestrated to make China the new "enemy."

I hope Americans are too smart for this, and if so that we DO enough to make sure they don't start a war.