Thanks for posting this Adam. I have lived in China the past four years, in Shenzhen. The ZTE building, Tencent headquarters, Baidu building are a few miles away from where I'm living.
I would like to make 2 points:
You're absolutely right that government has very little influence on becoming a global superpower. To paraphrase Thoreau, another anarchist, "The government only did anything good when it got out of the way as fast as possible." So it's not the Chinese government who helped the Chinese even, it's the Chinese people who work their asses off, though they're still pretty mind-controlled in other ways.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu said (paraphrased) "It's much wiser to pay a spy a few pieces of silver than to pay an army a hundred pounds of gold." Chinese spy, and what they said is correct. A former Chinese police officer told me that the police have a backdoor into Wechat and can monitor anyone they want at any time. I imagine the Huawei phones have similar capabilities. But I don't have any proof.
Thank you for sharing this video. My dad sent me an email the other week warning me about war with China and the USA. It's a scary thoguht and something to monitor. This type of annoying and hypocritical talk could be orchestrated to make China the new "enemy."
I hope Americans are too smart for this, and if so that we DO enough to make sure they don't start a war.