Education, Activism, & Agorism

in #freedom7 years ago

Achieving a free society requires a great deal of education. The current statist paradigm has been beaten into every mind governments can touch, because exploiting people is so much easier when they believe their exploitation is necessary. There are plenty of people who are ready and eager to hear the message of freedom, but others need to be shaken by the collar, as if to wake them from a stupor. There are those who will eagerly pursue self-education once given a peek behind the curtain. There are those who need encouragement and assistance. But for all those who cling to statism as if mistaking an anchor for a life jacket, there is activism to separate them from their delusions.


Education of others starts with education of ourselves. To be advocates for freedom, we don’t need to be academic experts, but it helps to have a complete grasp of the message. It helps to have a thorough understanding of how statism affects those around us. This is not just researching, but listening and observing in order to point out the most relevant immediate tangible benefits of increasing freedom. Do not underestimate the significance of studying economics to understand the destructive consequences of governments. Be prepared to relate economic principles to real needs. We must be as careful about what we put in our brains as our bodies.

Education in the name of freedom can take many forms. Sometimes it’s as simple as sharing a thought in conversation or an important news story on the internet. If we find satisfaction from such efforts, there is nothing wrong with keeping it simple! In fact, one-on-one conversations are often the most important factors in changing how someone thinks. Of course education includes flyering, blogging, writing books, making art, hosting events, certain elements of running for political office, making speeches, standing on a street corner with a bullhorn or a sign, writing letters, organizing petitions, graffiti, hanging posters, media production, chalking, skywriting, picketing, protesting, or just wearing a button to start a conversation.

When advocating for freedom or educating those around us, it is important to stay true to core principles. If we argue for the fantasy of limited government, we are promoting at least limited injustice, which is still promoting injustice. One approach when discussing these issues with people close to us is to personalize government violence. It helps people understand the immorality of what they are advocating when we can put their positions in terms of individual implications. Every time they advocate for government, they are suggesting that some form of violence be used against us for disagreeing.

All education is a form of activism because it seeks to change the status quo. In a sense, every deliberate act is a form of activism, but that might be too broad a definition to be useful. Activism can be a powerful way of grabbing people’s attention to educate those who would never seek education on their own. Street theater, protests, and civil disobedience have this effect. More direct actions, like widespread disobedience, boycotts, direct interference with enforcers, tax resistance, seizing land, ignoring trade restrictions, going on strike, or even rejecting elements of government altogether, can achieve immediate change. Blind obedience is thoughtless and reckless, but disobedience is always thoughtful and deliberate. Disobedience is civil. Obedience is uncivil.

It’s easy to talk about the ideal of a voluntary society, but it takes some effort to actually create one. Fortunately, it is already happening all around us in our daily lives. Did you point guns at people or threaten them with violence today or did you only initiate non-coercive interactions? Every time we create a relationship free of force, violence, and coercion, we are helping to build a freer world. When those relationships are deliberately conducted outside the government’s ability to inject violence through taxation, legislation, or other means of control, we are practicing agorism.

The term agorism comes from the ancient Greek word for an open marketplace, “agora.” Governments try to demonize agorist activity as the “black market,” but that is only because they want our trade to occur where they can control and tax it, in their coercion-dominated “white market.” Agorism comes naturally to anyone who can see its tangible benefits. To achieve a voluntary society, agorism will be essential to building the economic structures that will help us wean ourselves from governments.

While we might be tempted by flashier activism, reaching out to those closest to us and in our communities is most important. Help people understand government and how to avoid its exploitation. Start creating a freer society in your community by building it yourself. If you can’t convince your friends and family to not support using government against you, it does you no good to try to wake up those who might never support you if your activism gets you in trouble. If you find the message of freedom valuable, share it as a gift. It only increases in value the more it is given away.

Chapter 9 Section IV From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


Great article Adam. I do think S.E.K.3 would take issue with such a short pithy definition of agorism. Even though the marketplace is somewhat accurate it misses the full implication of the word. The Agora in a greek city was indeed a marketplace but, it had very strong social aspects to it. Entertainment was often found there. Activist, educators, businesses, philosophers, prostitutes, doctors & even friends meeting & hanging out as well a much more. The Agora was an important place in a community which helped to build & strengthen that selfsame community by creating a marketplace of goods, ideas & social interaction. I'm sure even this doesn't fully encapsulate the whole definition of the Agora but it's a place to start. Here's a work by the @corbettreport that fills in this idea of Agora & touches on what S.E.K.3 really meant by the term. Agora, Anarchy, Action!!! A3

b.a. Didn't you get the impression that the folks who inititiated "AnarchoForko" were aiming in this direction? Perhaps if they became more direct about it, rather than acting solely like a bunch of neoHippies, we might see something very impacting actually develop... and perhaps sustain, 51 weeks around Anarchopulco. eh? Imagine if Jeff Berwick and Adam Kokesh constantly promoted it................. with the spirit you are suggesting, of course.

No doubt about it. We had to miss Anarcopulco this year & were kicking ourselves in the butt once they booked the good Dr. Ron Paul, the man for whom our awakening is to be credited. Next year is going to be very different, however. We'll be there for sure & not return to Texas after. That's correct, we'll be joining the Anarcopulco Settler community, for the exact reasons you laid out. Agora or bust baby!!!

I'm lovin' it! What do you do as your Vocation to Christ? And you say "we", so I gather you are married? What is the wife's Calling? What do you think of this:

Thank you for the link. I've signed up for their email list. What do we do? You can check out our channel where we post our nightly BIBLE studies as a family. We go through the GOOD BOOK chapter by chapter, verse by verse & book by book. Grab your BIBLE & check it out. We'd love to hear what you think about our efforts. Thanks again!

Nice link for sure.

@fundposhprincess , It's a nice channel to use to keep you on a study plan. I don't agree with everything but it's a good tool to help keep me in the WORD.

I think we need some sort of forum for "ACA -- Anarcho Christians Assembled". I do see Acapulco becoming a world wide "mecca" for our type. ...and at present, 99.999% of this movement is either secular-humanist or pagan. This forum can be dedicated to: Ok... government is out of the way, now what? [email protected] Anytime. Anyone.

We're planning the same move here. We'll see y'all there!!!


Nice Post. Thanks you for this information!

Your average person, is an indoctrinated, vaccinated, fluoridated brainwashed slave that has been the target of mind control in the government indoctrination camps and via television programming their entire lives.
It’s not even really their fault.
as Jeff B says

It's not their fault if that's the only thing they have received. But if people get the information, there comes a point where they know what they are doing.
Then it's not nescience anymore but ignore-ance

Whether or not it is the masses fault is irrelevent. All of these things happened to me. I went through that process as well. Here I am, an individual thinking for myself. It ultimately is about deciding to be free, vaccines or flouride riddled or not, it is on you. I get that it is hard but obviously it is possible. It is a mechanism of government control to say the vast majority are sheep. The propogandist want us to feel like the minority. All people want to be free, it is a matter of whether they have the Knowledge to understand that they are being lied to and controlled or not. It is our job, like Adam is doing both with this article and his activities including his campign, to help others break free of the brainwashing. It take the Will to hold course in the face of opposition. We must have the courage to say No when things are wrong or face consequences for doing what is right. Lastly it takes a steady silent persistance to takes one step at a time. This is not only the path towards freedom but towards peace and love. I try not to make excuses for those who fall along the path, instead I reach my hand out and say let me help.

Who cares right now, (in these times of emergency where we are seeing governments using D.E.W., Drones and GeoEngineering to keep their "subjects" as "fish in a barrel"), about THE AVERAGE PERSON? Intelligent, informed libertarians are doing NOTHING to stop this bullshit.... in a nation where We are the Sovereigns and the government are the Subjects. THAT is where the problem lies!!!

Adam wants us to build Agoras, I gather from this post. Sure, we can build them... just like he began to do this on his "homestead" in n. Arizona. But could he protect it from the controlFreaks and parasites? Why not? We need to analyze this situation and overcome these vicious assaults. It can be done if men are willing to attack these bastards and incarcerate them under Title 18, Sec. 241 and take all their assets under Title 42, Sec. 1983. Now how do we achieve this?

Education whether formal or informal leads to a certain degree of freedom

wouldn't that depend on who is educating, and what is being taught? Lies lead to enslavement.

I've read freedom so many times. I helped a hardcore Bernie Sanders socialist finally understand our voluntary anarchist ways with your book. They now preach freedom all the time!

Do you have the guy's email address? Can you repeat that exact process to two more men from your social circle? We need your help building "Adam's Army" so we can get him on the debate stage in 2020. Please volunteer.

I'm always spreading the word of freedom. Helping my buddy now as he runs for office in NC. We will be at the lpnc convention coming up. We would like to become delegates for Adam at the national lp convention.

What's his name? Does he have a website yet? What office is he running for?

His name is Nick Taylor. He's running for nc district 25. We're going to be setting up a website and Facebook soon. We've been going to town hall meetings lately introducing himself. His personal email is [email protected] mine is [email protected] I was trying to run for nc Senate but had unfortunate medical issues ended up in the hospital and missed out on the filing date.

Hey... somehow unfortunate things work out for the best in the long run. Perhaps you can manage his campaign. I gather the race is probably 100k population or so? I'll send you and he an email. What we need to do is till the land for a local version of what Adam is doing on a national level. ...centered on y'all's next race for Governor after 2020, once NC becomes its own sovereign nation. So, spreading his "Freedom!" book across everyone's desk and IPhone is priority number one, asap.

Your too good!

Information @adamkokesh

wow!nice post dear@adamkokesh

It is very sad that a Country that has a lot of proud for being "democratic" want to ban books, and above all, books abouts new methods to improve education. I hope you could spread your ideas and your book to a lot of people!

Would you like to help in that process? We need 10 min. a day of your time... 6 days a week. Please volunteer. Thank you.

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.

Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth. :)

we know together that in the present time almost everyone's imagination is easily utilized by certain groups and influence it. regards regards @launglilawangsa

Sometimes I even wonder that our governments donot want to educate their people deliberately so that they could not understand what is actually happening to them..
So that they could not understand that how they are paying extra taxes, so that they think that government is not doing everything for their betterment.

We need to educate ourselves and all those whom we love and care the most, so that we could help each other build a prospering society.

We need to educate our society to help them getting out of becoming an empty mind puppet from Government.

Totally agreed to you point.. :)

sir really your post awesome,thanks

Maaaaan, I wish I could communicate as well as you and larken rose and ron paul. Though I'm getting better, I know I, and many others, would benefit from being able to communicate the message of freedom in a more effective way. Any tips?

yes. Start by LISTENING to their objections. ...and that comes ONLY after you get a reasonable response to the question: DO YOU OWN YOURSELF? IF SO, ALL OF IT, OR PART OF IT?

Be absolutely quiet until you receive their full answer. Now... assume I answer "I own part of me". You ask: "What part, and why not all?". I say, "because we live in a "society" and I have to give up a bit of liberty in order to "make it work".

Now what? Do you have an intelligent response to my position? If not, simply say, "I believe you are wrong. We can make it work where everyone maintains his complete sovereignty in a social/economic society where ALL actions are Voluntary. Please take some time and listen to this audio file of Adam Kokesh's "Freedom!" book.

Take your time and get back to me when you are done. PLEASE bookmark time-stops where you disagree with something he said. I have a direct line to him and he will address your objection in more detail. Thanks."

K.I.S.S. & K.I.C.K Keep It Simple, Silly and Keep It Cheap, Kid.

I strongly support your activity @adankokesh.
you do a good deed.
this good deed is also done by some people
like you @adamkokesh @r2cornell @scilwa @ikrahch @damarth and some others.
I a gree with you .
steady (y).

Yeah education is the best legacy, I always love your writeups.

You could start your comment by upvoting my comment you know?

Its really helpful for all

You are a good man. I saw a few of the interviews that you have done and I am proud of you for wanting to make this world a better place and people more empowered. Thanks for all of your hard work. Keep it up and we will get there eventually.

You mean those schools that oblige kids to sit 6-7 hours memorizing wrong historical "facts" and completely supressing alternative thoughts or creativity are not the ideal setting? you surprise me Adam, sir! ;)

Great message. Keep it up!

AK says: >>>The term agorism comes from the ancient Greek word for an open marketplace, “agora.” Governments try to demonize agorist activity as the “black market,”<<<

BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL.... Smile and hand them a "Freedom!" book. It might even work with Black people... in spite of Cantwell's objections through his tears. LOL

cantwell crying.jpg

The more I hear from you the more I like what I hear. My biggest struggle is finding like minded people. I'm not saying find someone who doesn't trust the government; hardly anyone I know trusts the government. What I can't find is anyone who wants to get organized, stand together and publicly speak out together. I think if we could learn to do that strategically so many would join with us. People just need to see (in real life) that they are not alone and I don't think we can defeat the level of tyranny (med,farm,gov,more) if we all just sit behind a computer screen. Mr. Kokesh you are my top candidate right now and I look forward to seeing ways to help out in Nashville, TN.


And yet, the state is still coddled by so many who continue to believe that public policy can improve the quality of their lives. Be sure to visit and follow @escapeamericanow and @policyofliberty

Wow beautiful photography.

i like this post.pexels-photo-712513.jpeg