
Whether or not it is the masses fault is irrelevent. All of these things happened to me. I went through that process as well. Here I am, an individual thinking for myself. It ultimately is about deciding to be free, vaccines or flouride riddled or not, it is on you. I get that it is hard but obviously it is possible. It is a mechanism of government control to say the vast majority are sheep. The propogandist want us to feel like the minority. All people want to be free, it is a matter of whether they have the Knowledge to understand that they are being lied to and controlled or not. It is our job, like Adam is doing both with this article and his activities including his campign, to help others break free of the brainwashing. It take the Will to hold course in the face of opposition. We must have the courage to say No when things are wrong or face consequences for doing what is right. Lastly it takes a steady silent persistance to takes one step at a time. This is not only the path towards freedom but towards peace and love. I try not to make excuses for those who fall along the path, instead I reach my hand out and say let me help.