Governments Want to Control the Use of Force

in #freedom7 years ago

What makes governments critically unique is the way they use guns. Everything governments demand we do or not do is backed up with, “Or else police with guns will come and lock you in a cage.” If we all had guns, and governments didn’t have any, this racket wouldn’t work. Governments have an interest in keeping us dependent on their protection rackets, but a police officer will never provide better protection than effective self-defense. Because gun control is enforced by violence and often leads to greater overall violence where enforced, it is clearly not about reducing violence. It’s about controlling the population.


The use of force to defend oneself is an inherent right based in self-ownership. If someone is making a threat to you or your property, you are justified in using defensive force. The decision to use force against someone else is a very serious one. If you are threatened or under attack, use of force may be the only way to save your own life. Even in situations where your life is clearly threatened, your self-defense would be most valid with the minimal use of force necessary to neutralize the threat. What if you are mistaken in your assessment? What if the threat is from temporary confusion and not ill-intent? The responsibility taken on when applying deadly force is immense, and it should be used only as a last resort. To deny someone’s right of self-defense is to subject them to the tyranny of anyone who abuses them. To deny the universal right of self-defense is to deny the universal right of self-ownership.

Gun ownership by nonviolent people carries an inherent threat to violent people, which violent people are willing to use violence to remove. Governments don’t like their people being armed because they might revolt. The idea of taking up small arms against an organized military may seem absurd, but in violent revolts, sometimes it is enough to cut off just the head of the monster. Governments have used gun control whenever they want to make people more dependent, but especially when they need to tighten control over society. Some of the most vicious government atrocities ever committed were preceded by strict gun control.

One of the great ironies of gun control is how counterproductive it is to its stated goals of reducing violence and “keeping guns off the streets.” Gun control is nearly impossible to carry out effectively. Without absolute control over citizens to begin with, no government has completely succeeded in wiping out gun ownership. In many places with strict gun control, guns are actually more readily available than in a regulated market because they can be bought easily on the “black market,” where sellers are not capable of taking responsibility for who they sell to.

Criminals prey on communities with strict gun control, because to them, gun control is a convenient policy of victim disarmament. An armed, or even unarmed but violent criminal, can attack anyone on the street in an area with strict gun control with reasonable confidence that their victims won’t be armed. This is one way governments create more crime. More crime makes people more eager for government protection. It also creates dependency, because when citizens are disarmed, cooperative solutions to address crime are much less effective. Taking away the right of self-defense has disastrous consequences!

Gun control is part of a common attitude not limited to the specific technology of guns. Governments want to control the use of force. In many places, they ban common non-lethal self-defense weapons like pepper spray or tasers. If governments really wanted us to be safe, (and some local police officers genuinely do) they would encourage the use of such devices as well as guns by people capable of using deadly force responsibly. Non-lethal technologies will become at least as effective as guns and eventually replace guns for self-defense purposes. No one who simply wants to defend themselves would also want the liability of deadly force if unnecessary.

The reason gun control is so dangerous is because it promotes violence. There are a number of ways it does this, but more importantly, it is fundamentally violent because it requires enforcers to violate the rights of peaceful people. Calling victim disarmament laws “gun control” is a weak cover for what politicians are really advocating: only government agents can have guns. Self-defense is a universal human right.

Chapter 4 Section VI From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more herehere. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you


@adamkokesh Keep Telling it Like it is. Hopefully some will wake up from their Tel Lie Vision Programming............

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Here in Canada it is illegal to have or wear a bullet proof vest how screwed up is that ... I can have a gun but no vest lmao

It's always interesting how people who're against guns only want you to not have guns, it's alright if the police/government is armed although they're also just humans but somehow we attribute to them other standards to the people around us.
Actually says a bit about those people ...

Great post ! :)

That cop on the photo looks like the cops off the movie Idiocarcy.

“You’re being pepper sprayed for being a particular individual sitting on the ground!”

Huy que policia mas barbaro

So true...

wake up America

here in the uk nobody except a few armed police and the odd gangster have guns. murder rates by guns are low. nobody wants everyone to have a gun. nobody feels like we need a gun. we don't have a gun control issue. to be honest. we're not that paranoid about the government coming to get us every five minutes. they can hardly organise a piss up in a brewery to be honest. in fact the stealth is all in comms, the internet.. email. all this shite about guns diverts you all from the fact that everything you do is being monitored, analysed and acted upon in global terms, policy making and.. (they) are miles ahead because they are smart, cynical and in control. they've always been in control and it won't really ever change. blockchain may be revolutionary in many ways but it won't change the system. I think you'r shooting up the wrong alley. It's only my opinion though, so don't take it personally :) I just don't like guns or bullets either. I hate bombs and I find missiles abhorrent.

Great argument well made. There is a lot of resistance here in UK as we don't have such a problem. Also we have had years of not having guns so it has been washed out of us as it were. You can still get guns sure but there is not a problem. People use knifes more or bats all the same I feel.
If we were go get guns in the UK i do admit I would feel uneasy and more nervous as people would have guns for the first time like a new toy and this I feel would lead to more gun crime :)

We're told what to do by a group of people profiting off of constantly committing felony theft. Pretty fuct if you ask me.