here in the uk nobody except a few armed police and the odd gangster have guns. murder rates by guns are low. nobody wants everyone to have a gun. nobody feels like we need a gun. we don't have a gun control issue. to be honest. we're not that paranoid about the government coming to get us every five minutes. they can hardly organise a piss up in a brewery to be honest. in fact the stealth is all in comms, the internet.. email. all this shite about guns diverts you all from the fact that everything you do is being monitored, analysed and acted upon in global terms, policy making and.. (they) are miles ahead because they are smart, cynical and in control. they've always been in control and it won't really ever change. blockchain may be revolutionary in many ways but it won't change the system. I think you'r shooting up the wrong alley. It's only my opinion though, so don't take it personally :) I just don't like guns or bullets either. I hate bombs and I find missiles abhorrent.
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