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RE: Time To Quit Your Job Folks! Life Is There For The Taking!

in #freedom7 years ago

Great advice. Thank you. It's true - we get chained to the system that screws us all over and we cling to it, unafraid to step out of our comfort zones for fear of the unknown, and governments' prey on this mindset which keeps us indebted to them and dependant on the state. People are so afraid to lose their homes, cars and jobs, we are all like sheep. Placid and conforming!


Yep, your absolutely correct.. we are filled of fear from things such as the daily news, and the news its self is just bad news to keep you thankful that it hasnt happened to you! *thats how the "me" works.. Then other people spread the shit they watch on the news, thus spreading even more fear. We (most of us) get born into it and our parents didnt know any better because they too were indoctrinated with fear after the war, especially after Edward Bearnaise started working for the government. The system is just an ongoing experiment and a safety haven from an imaginary fear, created by the people who offer you this placebo safety bubble of temporary happiness, work and sleep. Its very long but its in 4 parts, a docu on youtube called "The Century Of The Self".. explains the lengths and terms the American government went to to control the masses, and how it is how it is today.
Its truly amazing and i must applause how it all works, the crowd control in massss numbers. But luckily we have internet and freethinkers where we can share info and so we are all starting to ask more questions, and we are waking up!

Dont stay Docile!