
That is so amazing , there’s always certain places I say I wish I lived but you can ! It’s easy when you get tired just drive away :D

Your daughters must love that

Hehe! You totally get it =) and so do our children =)

Thank you @journeyoflife

It's so wonderful to see you and your family living free and happy lives out there on the margins of society. If society wants you to devote 40+ hours per week to a soul-sucking career with nothing but a weekend of TV to look forward to, then I say FUCK SOCIETY. Do what you want.

Oh yes! Someone gets it!

Thank you Starr!

Being FREE is the BEST thing a life can have! In an employee world, everybody has chains in their hands and feet, they were a prisoner in the four corner of their office with their boss serves as the jail guard! Lets all work-out for our freedom - the financial freedom! keep steeming!

live your dreams don't dream your life, on the road babyyyyyy
freedom is the best thing that can happen to you ;)

the scenery is beautiful. i love the electric bike. would have loved to own and maybe ride one. but while i was a kid, i was trying to learn how to ride one, and i hurt myself. i still have the scars till today and each time i see the scars (about 2 of them), i wouldnt want to go close to one. I hope to overcome that fear someday tho.

Nice images you've got there. home is really where your heart is. No feeling is as beautiful as when you move away from the world (people, tension, stress and pressure it brings) and look for a cool and calm place to relax.

nice story @markwhittam

thanks for sharing

download (2).jpg

Thank you too!

Some may call it running away, I just see it as going with the flow! If the flow says no, then we go!

"finding an alternative" ;) big love guys!

I envy you... What an idyllic life! If only I was 40 years younger (and in better health, and...) What a wonderful education you're providing for your kids. In another 20 years you'll realize how much you've enriched their lives.

rich, go for it man. If you dont like it , or it dont like you after 3 days then go back to exactly what your doing now!
Youll be like the older people i met when i was younger, telling me they regretted not travelling. Sad old person just full of thoughts of regret sounds horrible!

Thanks Rich!
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that made me smile!

On An Adventure, Before Dementia! And the couple in the camper looked about 90.

Its never too late buddy!

I've travelled a LOT. I've lived all over the country. Hitch hiked across the country 5 or 6 times. Right now my daughter is being threatened by CPS and I'm having to make money to take care of the lawyer so we don't lose out grandkids.

Ya see, that is exactly why these agencies need to be completely dismantled and shut down for good! It's so wrong to have to have your life destroyed/damaged/controlled because you are in fear of someone you love being harmed by the god damned govt. I'm sorry, that just makes me so angry. I have a relative that did that for my child when our ten+ year saga happened with those sickos in HSA, CPS, and it isn't right when someone who has worked their entire life has to keep working because they helped pay about $30,000 to save a child in the family from criminals IN CPS. I spent a lot more and someone else also spent a lot more before it wa said and done. Actually that person has spent more than that if you count the cleanup/recovery process in the aftermath. It sucks. All of the could go toward so many things people should be doing, and yet there is no alternative when it happens to your family! Your daughter is SO lucky to have you to help! There are so many who don't even have that. You'll be glad you did it, but it's so wrong that you need to! Also it is very difficult when you are a perfectly capable person with a life, and goals... to wind up needing help to deal with those filthy bastards.It's super dehumanizing. This is why i can't read these stories in this category every day, it's gets me so upset I want to hit the easy button on em... Lol. Ok I gotta go back to my feed. Sorry to hijack the thread a bit 😁😁😁

fuck man this CPS thing is spreading so rapid its really making me rage inside about the amount of people they are attacking, and all the cases I know of its just wrong. Harassment of privacy, emotional stress and finance. I dont really know how this CPS thing can end. My friend, she might have to flee the country because they want to take her son. Fuck The System.
I wish for a solar flare or an actual revolution against this shit. All of it.

And they best way to start a revolution is to become nomads again.
I really hope that the CPS dosnt drag on for years for your family like some people here I know of.

It will... It's a part of the UN's Agenda 21. The only thing between their succeeding is nuclear families. We're up against the educational system brainwashing kids, CPS kidnapping them. I'm going to do a post on it today.

I know a lot about it since a good couple of years, thanks to David Icke!

He has a pretty good video about it. I thought about posting it along with my post. I've been researching this for about 25 years now, since Bush Sr. signed the accord.

I have mixed feelings about Icke... on the one hand he does have some pretty good stuff, but then there the whole Reptilian alien race thing which is the biggest thing discrediting him.

Maybe there's hope for me yet! I couldn't leave my grandkids, especially when 2 need me!

man your gunna use up all my vote power!!

yeah life is too short to live a life that dosn't make you happy. Letting go and taking a leap into the unknown is so liberating. Mobile Tiny house living rocks x

It's easy to start living this life, but I'm finding it very hard to give it up!

I know we need land and start growing veg before food becomes exclusive to millionaires, but living like this is too much fun!

Thanks for swinging by @trucklife-family

I seriously could never go back to the "House Life!" Im in a cabin now for the first time in 2 years! wierd as fuck, and people pay for this still? I see the way i was brought up as just Insanity. I say that if the bubble pops and you start to asks questions, then its time to change the surroundings because otherwise you become sick, depressed or start drinking or doing drug through boredom. Blog about diesel nomads, shit how do we request a #tag on lower paid tags :)

and why isnt the anarchy tag just called AdamKohesh channel?! We need one like nomad freaks or crusties hahahaha ok, well you know what im getting at :p

Yeah Mark, I share your love for the sea and being free.
I forgot who said it, but I guess he was a boatbuilder:
He who is a sedentary vegetable builds a house,
he who is a more mobile vegetable puts the house on a truck,
and he who is a free spirit builds a boat and surrenders to the sea.

Hahaha! You always make me laugh! We was always under the impression that Germans had no sense of humor! WRONG AGAIN!

Well that might be a superb calling my boss that I'm not coming back ever to that boring job!., I need a bike like that as well!

Oh! I didn't tell you!

I just assumed you'll be up for it, so I called ahead yesterday and your was a bit puzzled at first!

Thanks for dropping in buddy!

Freedom simply means Free-to-Dominate!. . I am looking forward to traveling more on the road Mark. You are having such a great time.

Yeah, Right! We are most definitely dominating and predicting our present!

Totally with you on it!! You’re truly creating a besutiful, noteworthy life with your family! What a cool upbringing for the kids, too. It’s so healthy for them to be exposed to so much, while also have such a loving home <3 love the painting on the inside of the door, too. Little touches like that make home all the sweeter ✨✨

Yes! Another one of Louise's many magic touches!

We'll spotted!

Oh wow it is just absolutely beautiful out there! I loved seeing the sunset in the background as you spoke. My husband keeps telling me he wants to get a tiny house. I just don’t know how it would be for a growing family of 7!! 😳 It is definitely something we’re discussing for the future but we really want to own a piece of land too. Thanks for always sharing and encouraging us that we too can live a free life!

I believe you are creating the best possible life for you and you beautiful family! And I know you are doing your best to keep them away from all that can cause separation in a family.

And really that is all that counts, it doesn't have to be a tinyhouse, just lots of love and time with the family.


I totally agree that living a life of freedom instead of working a job, having a boss, wearing a uniform, waking up at alarm clocks sitting in traffic and paying taxes is PRICELESS!
I won't go back and really just feel so bad for people who do such things...
However I far prefer my big house and piece of land over a tiny home. Though its all sustainable so I get the best of both worlds.

Keep on living the dream brother. Hope it keeps getting better and better!

Oh Yes!

I have always said since starting my whole freedom preaching mission!

If you are lucky enough to have a big house but still have a happy, healthy family life with no debt worries then I salute you! and you deserve a medel!

You have created that reality, and you should be very proud, because not many people are in that position!

A true inspiration in every way!

More power to you brother!

Thanks and yes I agree. I am VERY proud that I am able to live a happy safe life together with my family every day and my children can run around in the safety and privacy of our land, enjoy their own play room, have a nice big kitchen for having feasts with friends and also house and shelter countless other people on top of my own family.
I have worked very hard for 17 years to make this happen but I did it SMART!
The key is a never compromised and invested every hour into creating what I WANTED instead of trying to get by.
There are a lot of factors that go into "living the dream" but finding a way to leverage ones time in a valuable way is also key because the reality is even with how sustainably I live and as little money as I spend it costs to live. However if I can be my self, do what I love and also be paid for that then its not work its play!

Thanks for continuing to share and inspire. The world needs to see people like you so that they begin to realize that freedom is possible!


They were key points in my life when I realised that I had to follow all the little dreams I had because it could all be over very quickly.
What does freedom feel?

When I see happiness on people's faces, I think that no matter where and how they live, it means, that they are happy and free! You have such a face! Everyone chooses their way and I'm glad you found yours)

thanks for sharing this

You're inspiring the whole universe with just by what you're doing.
Keep on rocking this world! You are great!

Congrats on living your life "free and by the sea" and on your "new toy." Looks amazing!!! All the best @markwhittam :)

We are supposed to be finding land and growing vegetables, but at the same time we don't want to force it and end up with land we don't really want.Thank you @denisechips!

Plus! We are having too much fun!

Very wise! Enjoy the moment!

My gosh my brother, tour new toy is just matching the joy of your consciousness...and that's just and me lady...are on the same road...different scenery.
Giving for a living....freedom
Thank u for this excellent post.

Looks like fun Mark. Yes Freedom is just another word for nothing left to the janis Joplin song goes. Thanks @markwhittam for sharing your dream. I do agree.

Gotta love Janice Joplin!

She may have died early, but Boy did that woman live!

We only live once, so don't be a slave of cubicle and for corner. I am dreaming the same as you brother. However, at these moment I dont know where I do I get my expense fund. I am hoping one day my steemit account help me or provide me.

Amazing post from you sir
Freedom is what life is really about

Just visited that part of Portugal and did some mountain biking. Great place to set up home for the time being.

really enjoyed the video sir...👍

Dang, nice ride there pal, and congrats on the 5 years of freedom!!

How much did that bad boy run you?

And also, just for info, how much does a typical tiny house run you?

What a wonderful way to expose your kids to culture, exploring the world! I would be willing to bet that living with the bare essentials would also keep your kids from developing a materialistic mentality too. I personally still struggle beneath the weight of stuff, even as a tiny house resident. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life. Looking forward to future updates. -Aimee

Good post brother @markwhittam

Hi. This is real freedom and would be a dream come true for me and my family but I realise you have to work at it! That's why I've joined Steemit! 😁 Good luck to you I say. I have 5 years mortgage payments left on our house then I hope we too get to experience financial freedom. It is complete liberation! 👍

It just works if you start to do it! I welcome you to read my blogs i started last week of how i started travelling 8 years ago, I did/do it a bit "hardcore" with no money in a bank or rich parents, you just need one thing many people dont believe they do have- Time! If you have time to go slow, then you need no diesel money for example, and then 10 euro from somewhere, gets ya 100km in a new direction! You start to realise that you and life are completely unlimited and that you can live very nicely from the waste produced from society or after learning in your knewly found Time, you can find everything you need from nature.
Fact is, If you stay in a routine set by a government , then you will never actually interact with life and life is wonderful.. trust me on that! Dont wait "until you have enough money" or "until this happens , or that, after that then we go" .. :) great post to meet some great people on, im happy to have found it!

Great advice. Thank you. It's true - we get chained to the system that screws us all over and we cling to it, unafraid to step out of our comfort zones for fear of the unknown, and governments' prey on this mindset which keeps us indebted to them and dependant on the state. People are so afraid to lose their homes, cars and jobs, we are all like sheep. Placid and conforming!

Yep, your absolutely correct.. we are filled of fear from things such as the daily news, and the news its self is just bad news to keep you thankful that it hasnt happened to you! *thats how the "me" works.. Then other people spread the shit they watch on the news, thus spreading even more fear. We (most of us) get born into it and our parents didnt know any better because they too were indoctrinated with fear after the war, especially after Edward Bearnaise started working for the government. The system is just an ongoing experiment and a safety haven from an imaginary fear, created by the people who offer you this placebo safety bubble of temporary happiness, work and sleep. Its very long but its in 4 parts, a docu on youtube called "The Century Of The Self".. explains the lengths and terms the American government went to to control the masses, and how it is how it is today.
Its truly amazing and i must applause how it all works, the crowd control in massss numbers. But luckily we have internet and freethinkers where we can share info and so we are all starting to ask more questions, and we are waking up!

Dont stay Docile!

You did it!! Welcome to the e-bike addiction group! Congratulations!

I sold my little car last year, and bought the conversion kit 750W...(that's needed in the mountains), and as you said Mark, I never regretted it, it's so much fun!
Everyday you look for an excuse to go somewhere.. to the shop everytime you need one item... or to visit a friend without calling to check first if he is there.. you don't care if his absent, it's just fun to take a chance and be spontaneous... like when we didn't have mobile phones!!


Oh man, it's a journey, but you're seriously enjoying it! I'm sure it makes you guys happy and that's about it. Everything else you'll probably figure it out sooner than later. I'm inspired by this kind of stories and I think it's for the better, you're using what really counts and caring about the ones that do so as well. Cheers and have a great week!

thats cool! Ive been reading alot of the @familyprotection posts and im really happy to know that you are doing this, its serious buisness indeed and not getting any better. Hope that you also plastering facebook with your findings also! Great to see your diesel nomads, and Yes share that also, im doing the same (childless, dogs instead lol) lets show people how many of us are actually doing it full time! your in portugal? edit* ReSteemed!

Nice ride.
I love this post and I love freedom and I totally understand you, and this is what my family wants. I could't care anymore for a nice big house and just working for it and cleaning it.
I love the beach, just like you said it's freedom like no other, and this is where we will retire, we started building it and still have ways to go, but we are doing it slowly, with the money we have so we don't have to owe anyone or anything.
Love, love, love your lifestyle and we are getting closer to our similar life style, the freedom and happiness.

This looks like heaven! I showed my boyfriend the pictures of your tine house some days ago, he said they are living the good life! Enjoy, I sure hope one day I can say we are doing the same..

This was a nice post with a great and inspiring video! Thank you for sharing your life with us on #Steemit! :) I like the bike!

Out of curiosity, have you managed to find much community as you travel? I really like having long relationships and friendships, and I think I would miss that as a nomad. I would also miss having 8+ people over for dinner and hanging out with them at home. Have you found good ways to fill these needs while travelling?

If everything goes good, i'm planning to leave my country in order to travel around the world, visiting, sharing, learning, i need it, i'm just at the process of trying to get some money to start doing it, 6 months, that's the time limit, even if i find myself in china without a single coin, it would be totally worth it, i hear you man, in 7 months i will might be sharing some of my own experiences in here, just like you, blessings, and thanks for sharing this.

Most of us will find it very hard to leave the trappings of all that comes with the big house and big yard. However that is the trappings of the matrix and keeps you from living in the Now and seeing the reality of the quantum field. We are needing to learn what really completes us to our very core.
Can you be at peace with yourself?

yay! go marky

This is amazing! Your kids will be forever grateful for this opportunity you are giving them. I love it. The ability to travel and have your kids experience the world around them is invaluable. Keep up the great work! Nice post- the pictures are wonderful!

is wonderful photography and posting i loved follow now

Congratulation to your freedom. I quit 3 months agoo and looking for inspiration of a free live.
Your post motivate me very much. Hope to see more posts from you. Wish you all the best !

That's the way to live life! I quit my airline job to pursue mountaineering full-time and I haven't regretted it for a single day. Life is much more than paying bills and following a monotonous routine. More power to you and your family!

I quit my job last week, and couldn't be happier! I've been a full-time steemian for almost a week now!

Call my boss please just tell him I won't be in and taken a few days off .. He will grumble a little bit and hang up. Looks like you are living the life, enjoy while you can once we leave this earth the chance it is gone forever. Living the Life of Brian is a book by the author that is living a similar life.
Thanks for the post.

Man the amount of personality that radiates from this video is insane. I always thought vlogging beats blogging every SINGLE time! You're a good looking fella Mark I'll give you that. Although I think almost everyone wants to have "The good life". So like if you work 40+ hours a week and have shitty job, you're doing it wrong. You're making someone else rich off your hard work. Start a business is what I'd say to you if you want to live a good life. You won't have to spend nearly as much time on it as a shitty 9-5 job (after a while of course), it'll make you a ton more money, and you'll have more free time to spend that money on your hobbies and things that make you happy! It's great! I love that you're happy Mark. Remember to look for the 4 pillars of the good life(health, wealth, love, and happiness). Keep it in mind when you have to settle down in a city. Screw those 9-5 jobs and be an entrepreneur. You should do more vlogs BTW, I love your face :)