Could a smart contract help us to build our own accommodation?
If we build microhouses on cheap land using STEEM profits, we could build an independent economy.
For example, this section in new zealand could easily be paid for with a top post.
The title could be held in a trust, making the land owned collectively.
And could provide free accomoddation for up to 30 Steemians. These people would provide a huge economic boost to the remote community
and the location is both safe and beautiful. If you're struggling in the USA, why not stay here for 3 months? Not paying for accommodation pays the airfare and because you're not technically working in NZ, you don't need a visa.
A few votes from whales like @ned, @smooth and support from writers and photographers like @stellabelle, @tuck-fheman and @pfunk would quickly move things forward.
I'm going to do my best either way. Somewhere to sleep should be a basic human right.
Who's ready for some fresh air?
That sounds like a great idea to me. Thinking of the metaphor of losing more the more you tighten your grip / open hands holding more, it seems to me that throughout human history, I suppose since the start of agriculture and concepts of private property and wealth, we've been trying to horde and dominate, yet actually unintentionally screwing ourselves as a species. Just look at wealth distribution and destruction of the earth, perversely in the name of wealth creation.
I feel with a strong sense of desperation the need to evolve past such narrow attitudes, excited about the potential for technology and increasing decentralization to erode centralized, top-down power, and help us globally to remember the mutual, exponentially growing benefits of sharing and cooperation. It just seems like a long overdue next step in our evolution.
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