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RE: Decentralised Housing, who wants to make a STEEM house?

in #freedom9 years ago

That sounds like a great idea to me. Thinking of the metaphor of losing more the more you tighten your grip / open hands holding more, it seems to me that throughout human history, I suppose since the start of agriculture and concepts of private property and wealth, we've been trying to horde and dominate, yet actually unintentionally screwing ourselves as a species. Just look at wealth distribution and destruction of the earth, perversely in the name of wealth creation.

I feel with a strong sense of desperation the need to evolve past such narrow attitudes, excited about the potential for technology and increasing decentralization to erode centralized, top-down power, and help us globally to remember the mutual, exponentially growing benefits of sharing and cooperation. It just seems like a long overdue next step in our evolution.