What you should know about Steem's math.

in #freedom7 years ago

Steem is heavily weighted towards the top.

More stake, more money goes to you.

This is needed in the early life of the platform.

If it wasn't this way when the market cap was 17m somebody could have swooped in and bought enough to really matter in the math.

Were they to act against the platform's interest there would be little that anybody with less stake could do.

Now, as part of that, when whales vote EVERYBODY ELSE'S influence on the reward pool is diminished.

Before the hardforks very few people mattered in the math.

After the hard forks the top still mattered most, and self voting was in their best interests.

As it was before, selfvoting had to take place in teams to really matter.

That way, one account couldn't rule the roost without some other accounts colluding to stop it.


When you beg a whale for a vote, or buy one from one, or team up to be one, you diminish the influence of everybody that doesn't play along in your reindeer games.

'So, what?', you say, that is how the world works.

Well, I'm sure you would agree that most of us are here because we don't like 'how the world works'.


We would also be blind to not see that those that like it this way are here among us.

If we want to succeed crapitalistically, they help.

But if we want to change the way the world works, we have to think from the perspective of the new paradigm.

Are you doing that?

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Vote FBA King of the World!

Keep working, stop paying. No war, but the class war!!


How to win in court!

How to win in court for far less!!


Sure the math doesn't add up.
Some posts that get more votes than views.
Got 1440 followers? That leaves you with 1 minute a day to read/comment a post (24hours = 1440 minutes) and that doesn't leave time to eat sleep or take a shit (unless you post it).

Views only count Steemit views, not chainbb, esteem, or any others, so it is not a good metric.

It's true, not everyone is cut out to make daily money here, imo.
I just like a more level playing field.
One where I only have to compete with folks with 50mv and not 1500+.
The experiment before the hard fork was working, minnows mattered in the n2 math.
With the n2 more votes means something, with linear it is strictly how much stake you have.
If you voted a post with a lot of rewards already, your vote counted for more.
Now it doesn't matter how popular the content, your vote is the same.

I hate to disagree with you, but IMO, I would make Steem a proof-of-stake coin. Distribute the new coins according to one's Steeem Power. If someone wants to reward a post it should be from one's own pocket. It would eliminate a lot of shitposts and self-voting would be irrelavent.

Yeah, that is a failed model.
Plenty of tipping platforms.
You gonna go to my patreon and sign up to support me?
Don't bother, I don't have a bank to send it to.

However, steem is doing a good job.
It can only be improved by more sharing from the top.

It's early, as the platform matures the distribution will improve.

This link shows a breakdown of the percentages that went to each class of user based on sp. https://steemit.com/steemit/@bitgeek/payout-stats-report-for-8th-january-2018--part-i

Check this one out:

174 votes, 11 views, just signed up.

It's all a mafia around here,

Thanks for helping me understand the math it is appreciated.

Money is power. How else do minnows like me gain power? Just Invest in steem power maybe? Good article resteemed!

Yep, if you want to get ahead you will have to buy in, or sell your soul to make the trending page.

beautiful professor....

great article.

"Well, I'm sure you would agree that most of us are here because we don't like 'how the world works'."

that is definitely why I am here. It's disheartening to see corruption and greed are every where..hopefully minnows can band together to help each other out

How do we change it? What can we do? I agree with the post it sucks to be a minnow, Saying that it weeds out a lot of bad minnows. how do we weed out the bad whales? I think steemit should shut the bots down they get right on my ... I think they should also limit the amount of posts we can make in a day to help prevent spamming.

Tell it to a witness, they hold the keys to the codes.

I haven't looked into this witness thing yet. I see I have 30 votes free to use for them. What's it all about?

The witnesses are what keeps the servers serving.
We vote on them.

I don't know any witnesses do you have any favorites?

@camb is a good one.

If you look on steemd.com/@freebornangel it shows all my witness votes, and I have had a 'good' reason to vote them.

I have thought about this myself. Then I thought "the math might not be perfect, but it's not as bad as what's out there in the world."
Nice post.

Yes, we are very lucky that dan came along to build this.
Otherwise i would have had to get a haircut and a real job.

Lol :)


Love the quote! Good article. Upvoted, resteemed, follow

Excellent calculation. We need to know these very well.Thank you for sharing it.