Your defeatist view towards armed people against government is no argument for their disarmament

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

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I see this argument time and time again by the gun grabbing crowd, as if THIS is a justification to take peoples guns away from them. Youll hear people say something on the lines of 'What chance do you think you have against the government and military with your guns? they have tanks, they out gun you!' As if this gives you the RIGHT to take mine and anyone else's away from them. YOU thinking that its futile does not give YOU or ANYONE the RIGHT to take away ANYONES property away from them and that includes guns.

Even if you knew for a fact that it was true and we couldnt win, that STILL doesnt give you the right to take away other peoples property, defeatism and futility does NOT justify theft because THAT is all you will be committing in the process of grabbing other peoples guns.

Heck just for the sake of argument, If they are so powerful then why does it even matter to you if the people have guns or not, why not give them a fighting chance to at at least have the means to TRY and defend themselves against their tyrannical slave master if such a scenario ever occurs.

This idea that you cant win so you should hand over your arms is no different from chain slaves on a plantation saying that there is no way that they could defeat the masters so we might as well get rid of any tools we have to at least try.
We might as well just accept our enslavement and everyone elses, the masters are all powerful after all so just hand them over. im sorry but this sounds like nothing more than a COWARD, a little boy and im sorry but your defeatist attitude towards gun owners against their government isn't even an argument when trying to justify the disarmament of people.

Not only this but to put fourth the notion that government and its hired thugs out gun us so we should just hand ours over is not only untrue but its basically saying "they are too powerful than we are so we might as well make them EVEN MORE powerful then we are by handing over the one thing we had as a form of defence.'

So on a practical level this argument of them being too powerful 'so lets hand over everything to that same all powerful group' is stupid, its also dishonest when you compare the amount of people and guns to the smaller amount of people in power and their thugs.

And on a moral level, this argument is just outright wrong, NO ONE has the RIGHT to take anything away from other human beings, especially those that are harming no one, your fears and cowardice does not change this.


First, they will take some criminals guns, then they will take some mentally unstable person's guns, then they will take some civil disobedient person's guns, then they will take your guns.