
Mein Kamph was written by Aleister Crowley. Adolf Hitler was a member from the Secret Societies and NAZI party was always interested in the dark occult and black sun. John F. Kennedy was Freemason puppet. Every U.S. president are Freemasons from U.S. corporations! Adolf Hitler and the NAZI's are masters of propaganda, deception, manipulation and disinformation!

Adolf Hitler closed down all the Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies and threw all the luciferain Talmud worshiping freemasons In work camps.

NAZI comes from Ashkenazi that have Jewish-Talmud and occult origin! Adolf Hitler was Jewish-Zionist and was member from the Thule Society, O.T.O. and other occult Secret Societies! Adolf Hitler is family from Rothschild and shipped the Jews to create the Zionist state of ISRAEL that is owned by Lord Rothschild! NAZI's murdered millions of innocent people and bankrupted Europe to create NATO and the European Union! The NAZI's after WW2 where also shipped to America under Operation Paperclip! Also the slave labor camps where owned by elite Jewish families! The NAZI's created their own branch of Freemasonry and they decorated it with occult symbols to hypnotize and manipulate the ignorant masses with occult magick spells, rituals and tricks!

Adolf Hitler and NAZI's are charlatans and masters of propaganda, deception and manipulation! You're being mislead, brainwashed, conditioned and indoctrinated by Dark Occultists! You have not done any true research at all! I have exposed the TRUTH already!

I believed In the lies for over thirty five years and have now discovered the truth and rejected all the education and media Indoctrination.

Adolf Hitler, Herr Wolf, was a Righteous messenger of Truth, the only problem with National Socialist Germany was we don't need government and the centralization of power, we need a decentralization of power, to stand up for what Is right and live by Natural Law.

"Prescott Bush - How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to Power"

The National Socialists used the captured Jewish Communists to help build Wewelsburg Castle, where they practiced some occult practices, occult simply means hidden, they were using the power of Vril, an Internal energy of the body, this Is the same as Chi Energy In Martial Arts, which I have studied myself, the harnessing of Inner energy to smash through boards, concrete etc. From what I've read It seems they were possibly using this to get Information from other dimensions. I would say this was a very dangerous thing to be doing, a bit like whats happening at Cern, we shouldn't mess with things we don't fully overstand.

Adolf Hitler closed down all the Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies practicing the worship of lucifer and arrested Aleister Crowleys followers. These people had Infiltrated all of German Society and pushed Communism and pornography, depravity everywhere attempting to destroy the morale fabric of Germany they did the same In the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik revolution. So he took the enemies of the German people and humanity and threw them all In work camps.

Albert Einstein was a Freemason puppet who created the complete mathematical fiction that's now taught In all our schools to Indoctrinate people to believe In the Heliocentric Globe Earth model.

I agree about that! But the quote speaks for itself!

When I support Adolf Hitler, Herr Wolf, and what he stood for, I'm not supporting the Centralization of power, this Is what the Rothschild's and Vatican have done. The fact that Hitler was funded by American Banks and Companies, through the Vatican, means he was negotiating with foreign powers, this Is what he had to do to rebuild his nation, he never adopted the Communist evil, he destroyed all traces of It within his country.

Adolf Hitler was a decent family man who was a vegetarian and loved animals and the Natural World. He went against the bankers and the corrupt power structure, he was surrounded by Jewish Banker Communist Countries who had Infected his land with their evil and depravity, you are spreading disinformation by continuing to associate him with the very people he was fighting. Ever since the end of WWII these people have polluted this planet and the human family. Hitler would of protected the Natural Earth and the Mother Earth this Is why I will continue to speak up for him and speak the Truth about him. I will only focus on the good things he represented but I will say that we need a decentralized system that works In harmony with the Natural Earth.

I would be grateful If you respected my posts and stopped attacking my free speech, you have the right to comment but please don't post multiple pictures of an Iron Cross and then use this to lie and spread disinformation. Also the Swastika Is an Ancient Symbol I now wear much of the time, It Is a Norse Germanic Symbol that the the Norse Warriors used who believed In honor and protecting their people. The Norse were also a victim of the evil Roman Empire. The Norse belief systems were much more about living In harmony with nature, we can learn a lot from these ancients peoples who seem to be on a much higher level of over standing and wisdom.

"Why The Rothschilds Financed Nazism and Communism"