OJ Simpson Granted Parole - Soon to be Free

in #freedom8 years ago

OJ will be free by next fall, but that's not important.

Do you see the news of freedom bring back life to his face?



This is OJ earlier:

Freedom is life.


I did not even know he is in jail hmmm

He'll be back in with in the year.

I wonder what he plans on doing? He is flat Broke and unhirable.

reality show with the Kardashians?

Writing his book, or is that already done, probably waiting to go on Kindle!! Lol!!

He'll make money off a tv show or something maybe another book

Haha, even his eyes are smiling. Good for you Oj, enjoy the outside

Freedom is simply amazing, you can feel the smile on the picture!
Hope the whole world was free as it should be normally!
Thank you!
Hello @joseph, I really don't know who he is and what he did! But reason for my comment is that @progressivechef

OJ is out, the juice will be loose before Christmas, by looking at the pictures, he hasn't been this happy ever since the glove don't fit !!!

LOL..... I hear you !

How he acted before seemed to stack up that there was a high possibility of him being guilty but it seems like prior to his court hearings he was very remorseful and it felt like if he could turn back time he wouldn't carry it the act( that is if he did carry out he murders)

Freedom is an amazing thing.
Being released from the bars that imprison you is the greatest feeling. These bars could be you being exiled from society or you being literally trapped but when man has the power to expand his wings, he can fly and soar, enjoying the world while on his journey.

is this the caught in providence court?

Not sure. I seen these on news reports.

While he was never proven guilty for the murder case, its unfortunate this psychopath is let back into society.

I am not sure he got away with anything, he did before, but still paid a price eventually with his stupidity.

Life behind the bars is so sad man, you won't live your life there, Anyway whatever it is he got freedom finally. happy for him :-)

what gets me is this; When a white cop murders an unarmed black person and the Courts Exhonerate them; you don't see (white people) going around saying the Cop is Still Guilty anyways; But you always see them do this with OJ. They'll do this with Bill Cosby too. Then they'll say it has nothing to do with race. It's so wild to witness.

Thats a bit of generalization of white people. A lot of cops are guilty and do get away with murder. However OJ and Bill Cosby (Bill Cosby who also admitted to some of the accusations) are extremely famous people, so they garner way more attention then a cop.

I wish it were a generalization. It's more of an Observation - afterall you are clearly white; and just like most white people I see doing this - you're doing it too. Bill Cosby admitted to having Opiods which were VERY Popular in the 70's. He did not admit to drugging or raping those women; Yet again for some odd reason y'all do this. It's very Odd - because those COPS 'become' famous when the Media covers them for months; shows you what they did wrong on TV; and yet they still get OFF - and none of you call them Guilty anyways; you instead 'forget' about them; and it's just really ODD to witness .... if none of you are racist.... and if none of this is about race (with you)

A simple google search shows he did admit to it. Heres a CNN article, im not just making up accusations he admitted to it lol. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/07/us/bill-cosby-quaaludes-sexual-assault-allegations/index.html

anyone with a brain, who can read, would have seen me say he had the same drugs most men had then; just as men buy women drinks today, or give women weed to smoke; that was the 'social drug' at that time; and anyone with intelligence would understand, there is a HUGE Difference between giving someone a drug, that THEY accept, and WILLINGLY Take; ..... and raping them.

You are clearly suggesting that Giving women drugs = Raping women

That's a Hilariously Silly Comparison that you seem to not realize is Hilariously silly to make ---

Where you and people like you get that assumption (that he raped these women) from is no where in the article; and no where in any admission; but People who make things up, do that

... and it's unfortunate when they attempt to talk with other people in this society who expose the difference between, people who can read, and live in reality land; and .... others.

anyways, again -- Observations are truth; and these are just a few more, based on the suggestions you're making. Comical at best.

Proves what I said earlier.

You're so outraged over Bill Cosby, but have no outrage over Betty Shelby, who literally murders a man on Film; while her Husband coaches her, and encourages her; and you have no problem with these people in society.

Yet, without any actual evidence that bill Raped these women; YOU (and others like you) feel, anyone who can do a google search can see that he in fact DID rape these women ............. 'because he gave them drugs' ...........

Anyone with a brain can obviously see the difference.

I was wondering. Since we will now see this exact same post at least 500 times here over the next 24 hours, and you will be the only one making any $$$ on it, are you going to share the wealth with the other 499 people who spew the exact same "great" content but didn't make a dime? :-)


"Well played" nonetheless. Your Ty Ming was impeccable. :-)

outside of the 'news' this content is pretty Original to me; he's talking about whether or not the 'news' of the freedom brought 'life' back to his face ... while other steemers will stick to the facts of the case. imo

Yes, his comments definitely made my week. I'm celebrating right now with a bottle of the bubbly in fact. .....not about OJ, but about what Joseph revealed. If I was him I would do another spew about how good OJ looks for 70...although he did gain weight it appears. Maybe he could research the food they serve the prisoners out there. Now that spew would be BLOCKBUSTER!!! ...even I would upvote that one. :-)

well I upvoted to join in the celebration since I don't have any Bubbly :)


Nice post

Freedom truly IS life!

13 years after being acquitted for double homicide, justice sometimes does not serve or largely serves no purpose. (Unless you have money)


I don't what sin he committed, If he got out then it's good for him. May he spends rest of his life cheerfully and probably doing some positive works for the community he lives in.

No comment at all

Until we found ourselves in a similar situation we can't understand the true value of freedom

My dear colleague! Sorry, that is off topic, but can you open the internal market? thanx

What do you mean?

Honestly I didn't even know he was actually jailed. I know he was acquitted. Is this all due to the civil case? So he was jailed because he couldn't pay?


I'm sure it does feel amazing- guilty or not.

...the guy doesn't look like he has spent even 1 day in prison. I mean look how smooth his skin is, and hes got that glow about him.

The point here is freedom, without it you have nothing. We are allowing ourselves to be free range prisoners, enslaved by our own stupidity.

My buddy gave him a golf lesson down in Ft. Lauderdale. He said he had to bite his tongue the whole half hour. He wanted to ask "Did you do it?" so badly.

He will probably be looking for a publisher for his book! You know he has a book, everyone in the public eye has a book on Amazon!

The Juice Is Back Baby! He is 70 years old so his football career is probably not going to happen unless Trump decides to invest in the Geriatric Football League.It will be similar to the XFL and probably as successful!

good luck

I mentioned you in my new post, pls feel free to check it out.Haha pictures say a thousand words...there is nothing like freedom hence @joseph, let us cherish our freedom .

FYI: My article proposing a fix for the SP Delegation Loophole. Hope it helps. Followed. Voted!@joseph https://steemit.com/steemit/@cyberspace/proposed-steemit-fix-for-steem-power-delegation-self-voting-loophole

God show him the right path this time.

MMM, gets by with murder now theft...I still remember watching him driving on freeway with cops and cameras following him...

My critical blockchain intel analysis and report on EOS's possible disruption of Steem and Bitcoin. The Steemit Inc 2017 Roadmap and Steem-Dev priorities may need to be rethought and reset to address what appears to be a real threat - unless Ned worked out something with Dan that is going to keep Steem's head above water?
@joseph https://steemit.com/steemit/@cyberspace/the-new-eos-platform-will-disrupt-steem-bitcoin-ethereum-and-all-1st-generation-blockchains-and-cryptocoins-guaranteed

very help me
Thanks for the information @joseph follow me @hattaarshavin

Nice post!
Thanks for sharing @joseph