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RE: Is your friend a killer?

in #freedom7 years ago

Its not all the same, What if he killed someone in war during defence. Either the country suffers or some people who attacked die first.

Dropping bombs, going to another country And killing civilians does make one a murderer. But, then the country is making these soldiers into that. Therefore, i dont think it's their fault. I dont think they are guilty becayse they are brain washed by propaganda, ideas of nationalism and false patriotism.

Lastly, its not the soldiers guilt, He is doing job that has be. Made to sound great so that people take up that job.


As I wrote, as long as it isn’t in self-defense it’s morally wrong. If someone attacks you or the ones around you, you have the right to protect yourself.

Even if you are “brainwashed” will you still be guilty of killing. Because it’s not a job that has to be done. If you freely join the gang called army and kill people as a job you are acting wrong. Because there is no justification for murder.

At the end they are still killers!

but since they are brainwashed, they can't tell whether what they are doing is a crime or not. People brainwashing them should be held accountable. Its easy to make people think a certain way, certainly if that is also a source of livelihood. This idea of war and fighting for one's country or kingdom is as old as the civilizations started to exist. I don't think its that simple.

Of course nothing is simple.

But Brainwashed or not, it’s still Killing!

And even if the idea of war is old, it doesn’t make it right!

yeah, but your whole post was about the soldier being the killer, not whether war is murder. of course war is murder and killing is wrong. and just for the effect, here are a few !!!!!

You were saying that the idea of war and fighting is old. I just stated that that is still no excuse for any killing.