How would you feel if you realized that your neighbor has killed several people before?
And how would your feeling change if he even was payed to commit his killings? Yes, if he kills for a living.
Let me start this with a quote:
A soldier is a person who kills people he doesn’t know, for reasons he doesn’t understand, on the orders of people he doesn’t respect. A soldier’s entire duty is to kill on command. He obeys orders regardless of whether he agrees with them, and may only disobey if they're 'unlawful'.
If we feel that war is wrong and killing is murder wouldn’t it mean that soldiers are murderers?
How about our friends or maybe even our family and relatives who joined the army and went into combat?
Are they exempt from any guild because they are our good buddies and childhood friends, or will we confront them with their deeds?
Or are we arguing that all those countless lives where taken and lost to keep us safe and free?
So after all those killings, how safe are we feeling now and how free do we think we actually are? Getting it already?
Without being in self-defense, taking someone's life in the name of freedom, democracy or liberation or in whatever name and under whatever slogan or banner is still killing. Wouldn’t we be hypocrites if we excuse murder when done by the people we like?
Or because it was committed by the ones who are on the same side than us?
Killing for the sake of a nation, which is simply said just immoral and wrong.
Does anybody really feel it makes it ethically right because they were paid to commit their killings? Paid by the taxes which we are paying, so actually they were paid by ourselves. Right, we are financing the great killing!
Except in self-defense there can't be any reason when killing is justifiable.
How much can we bend our own moral standards if we have them to apply to our own people?
How can we justify bringing pain and suffering, death and annihilation over innocent people?
The end cannot justify the means. And most of the times isn’t even the end justifiable at all.
So just ask yourself:
Is your friend a killer?
And are you just covering it up and praising him as a hero and veteran because it serves your own immoral and unethical agenda?
Was für ein Zufall!
Wir bearbeiten exakt am gleichen Tag das selbe Thema auf unterschiedlichste Art und Weise und sind auch noch deckungsgleich in unseren Ansichten.
Trotzdem müssen wir tatenlos dabei zusehen, wie uns nur ein mitleidiges Lächeln denen geschenkt wird, die den weiteren Verlauf bestimmen.
Jeder von uns beiden sollte sich intensiv um das friedvolle Leben in der Familie kümmern. Dort könnten wir wenigstens Erfolge verzeichnen.
Tut mir leid, ich hätte auch lieber die rosarote Brille auf der Nase. Aber die Dioptrienwerte stimmen einfach nicht.
Gruß in den Osten
Deine Zeilen klingen aber etwas gewandter als meine.
Aber wie du schon öfters geschrieben hast, werden die für die unsere Zeilen bestimmt sind, sie nicht lesen.
Mein rosarote Brille habe ich irgendwo verlegt, und auch meine Feingefühl scheint mit manchmal abhanden zu kommen.
Ja richtig, im kleinen lässt es sich bei all der Kälte immer noch gemütlich einkuscheln und ich kann mich geborgen fühlen. Wenn ich nur nicht immer raus müsste.
Auch die besten Grüße an dich und deine Lieben!
No one had ever killed without a justifican at least to himself. People who believe themselves to be good justfiy killing to mitigate the guilt they feel, people who are not good justify to clear their image. Justification doesn’t make someone less criminal than any serial killer.
Usually governments use their armies to achieve some hidden agendas and what they need is a good fake story to make their war legitimate and what is more legitimate than their people freedom and security.
On the other hand many of the victims families believe that the people of a country are as responsible as their governments of the killings because they had elected them and pay the money used for the killing of their family members. If you have ever watched a video by terrorists they use this as justification for killing civilians.
And if you join the army and willingly kill for your government’s hidden agenda you should be held responsibly for your deeds too.
“ I was just following orders” is no excuse
Oh, wouldn't it be great if life could be so black and white.
Let us assume that being around a depressed person depresses you and shortens your life. (it is true, but quite a bit more complex)
So, you are depressed (because of childhood trauma, or some horrible accident in the family...) but you carry on, and go to work each day. Your work mate is going to have a shorter life from being around you.
This is not outright killing them, but at what percentage?
Being depressed makes you much more likely to get into an accident.
So, your work mate, being depressed from work, and being near you, steps out in front of a bus, because they weren't being fully aware.
Did you just kill them?
You see, people kill all the time. Is it better to have someone who knows what they are doing, or someone who kills by accident?
In my opinion a person who knows they are a monster is much more preferable than a person who does not know.
A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
We are about to enter a time where you will have to make a choice of standing on your human rights as a free person, or cowering as a slave. Thus, it would be nice not to kill, but we are no where near a place in our evolution where we can hold it as anything more than a goal that we should strive for.
It seems you are missing the point of my post.
Of course the world is not only black and white, lots of grey I can see between the two poles.
But I’m talking about soldiers being killers, which are eventually praised and worshipped as heros.
And soldiers kill intentionally. That’s there job and that’s what they are payed for. Quite different to being around a depressed person, who didn’t choose being in that state.
So, you feel that killing intentionally is worse than killing unintentionally?
That one develops less karma?
You point out the in your face, honestly out to kill you, armed and violent killer.
I watch hundreds of people kill other with a thousand paper cuts.
Or backstabbing someone after breaking their will / heart.
Both are just as dead. But one was honest, the other dishonest.
Until we cut the crap and start dealing with each other openly, then the shit that soldiers do is small potatoes.
I do not praise soldiers. I do not feel The US should be engaged overseas. However, we are not told the whole truth, so it is hard to see what is the real motivation.
This kind of statement makes any reply you say after it meaningless.
Since i wrote a lengthy reply, it is more likely that i read your article and replied with how i saw it differently.
Of course, i expect you to reply to my reply with, "that was not my point, my point was (try to say the point in another manner)" or "I see your point is Y, but i was trying to make point X."
Starting off with a put down is boorish. Of course i am going to disagree with you. (Unless i am just being a troll) My counter arguments are fuel to make your argument, logic and rhetoric stronger.
Yes I do think that killing intentionally is worse! Also hurting someone intentionally is worse than without intention!
Harming, hurting or killing other people in whatever way is wrong, except self-defense there is no excuse.
But coming back to your depressed person, I don't see any intention to harm somebody else. Neither do I see from this example that that person is being immoral!
Btw... Karma doesn't exist!
Or you just missed the point!
However, thanks for reading my post and for taking your time to write your comment how you see thinks. And if you look into my comment earlier again, you might see where I stated my point once more, just for you.
"However, we are not told the whole truth, so it is hard to see what is the real motivation."
This is the biggest problem because in my opinion that real motivation is usually money/power/resources obviously.
> To make a quote... (this made the above)
Yes, obviously, but what is not obvious is their game plan.
Such as, we, The US is in the middle east to destabilize the entire region... but what for? Its not for oil, The US has more untapped (by design) oil reserves than the entire region.
My best guess is that T.H.E.Y. want their empire back, which was centred in that region eons ago. Maybe T.H.E.Y. know of some real power source there.
But, whatever it is, they are fighting useless wars over what appears to be a bunch of dessert.
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Its not all the same, What if he killed someone in war during defence. Either the country suffers or some people who attacked die first.
Dropping bombs, going to another country And killing civilians does make one a murderer. But, then the country is making these soldiers into that. Therefore, i dont think it's their fault. I dont think they are guilty becayse they are brain washed by propaganda, ideas of nationalism and false patriotism.
Lastly, its not the soldiers guilt, He is doing job that has be. Made to sound great so that people take up that job.
As I wrote, as long as it isn’t in self-defense it’s morally wrong. If someone attacks you or the ones around you, you have the right to protect yourself.
Even if you are “brainwashed” will you still be guilty of killing. Because it’s not a job that has to be done. If you freely join the gang called army and kill people as a job you are acting wrong. Because there is no justification for murder.
At the end they are still killers!
but since they are brainwashed, they can't tell whether what they are doing is a crime or not. People brainwashing them should be held accountable. Its easy to make people think a certain way, certainly if that is also a source of livelihood. This idea of war and fighting for one's country or kingdom is as old as the civilizations started to exist. I don't think its that simple.
Of course nothing is simple.
But Brainwashed or not, it’s still Killing!
And even if the idea of war is old, it doesn’t make it right!
yeah, but your whole post was about the soldier being the killer, not whether war is murder. of course war is murder and killing is wrong. and just for the effect, here are a few !!!!!
You were saying that the idea of war and fighting is old. I just stated that that is still no excuse for any killing.