Deep Fake Future

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Making deep fakes is the act of taking some digital video footage and putting some other face on that footage. The current available software is "trained" by feeding it a bunch of images (a hundred or so is enough) of the person you want to add in to the video. The software does some face recognition using a method called Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) similar to perhaps how isotropic lines show gradients. The intensity of each pixel relative to its neighbors indicate the steepness and direction.

"I bet you're all happy now that you have ten years of digital photographic information uploaded to facebook... forever"

Images are turned into black and white.

The software inspects the pixels and analyses each pixel and its neighbors and draws an arrow in which direction the images is getting darker

The picture is replaced with a map of arrows showing the direction from light to dark.

This makes distinguishing the facial topography easier to match with pictures of the same person in different positions and light intensity as it is only dealing with the direction of change an not colour or intensity.

AI is used to map the data to the recognized face in the digital video footage and is improved with the amount of data available to use.

Known use of this technology so far have been to map your favorite movie star on to your favorite porn star footage, creating memes of Nicholas Cage and demonstrations of Barack Obama. Basically with enough information and with further refinement of this software technology, it will become extremely difficult to know if what you are watching is real or fake.

"Seeing is no longer believing, if you weren't there it may never have happened."

The implications for this could be far reaching for how we view news and entertainment or the next false flag event. People who have told me that they are "not worried about privacy on facebook and the internet in general, because they do nothing wrong", now have a legitimate reason to not be posting a lifetime of digital photographic information. You wont be able to prove where the digital information that built your model came from, but you know that you most likely will be coming from facebook or instagram and the like.

The following is some early examples of deep fakes using different types of software.

The video links are provided above.
Images are partial screen shots from video. Under the fair use agreement.


I have seen a little bit of this before but just think how quickly it is going to improve and how difficult it will be to detect in a few years. Considering how fast people jump, there will be no coming back. This is one area that blockchain stamps on personal data might somehow combat this. How much it can help, who knows.

I find this stuff really interesting and enjoy thinking about the questions it raises. Resteemed it, thanks.

I don't know if there will be enough computing power to handle that much blockchain. Better establish protocols for privacy and reduce the culture of self promotion.

An interesting technology to consider concatenating with this is the emotional manipulation potentiated by pulsing of emissions from monitors, revealed in the '90s patents of Henricus Loos. It may be that a majority of people will be both unaware of these technologies, and unable to resist drinking the koolaid doubly served via altered video.

Another thing I've not seen discussed in these examples of the Face2Face software is audio editing, which can take phonemes from recorded speech and create new speech from the phonemes.

Your point about the blockchain is about the only thing that provides a degree of assurance that this technology isn't apocalyptic politically.

The movie 'Running Man' prophesied how these technologies can be used rather trivially to destroy a person. In politics, the propaganda uses are not trivial, but dire. My takeaway is that I will no longer accept that video is evidence of anything.


This is some frightening shit LB.

I’m sure many people will look at it and simply think it’s funny or entertaining but in reality it means sheeple won’t be able to distinguish between real and fake, right and wrong. As if people need anymore help being fed their opinions.

Next there’ll be blokes getting around telling the world they are women and actually winning woman of the year awards! Oh wait, that shit already happens.

What about the 100kg behemoths who got the go ahead to play womans aussie rules and the "trans lady" who won the weight lifting, lol.

"Seeing is no longer believing, if you weren't there it may never have happened."
Some of the things seen on TV recently come to mind.
I always wondered about all those things that they claimed that Trump is supposed to have said.

"Oh..but we have Video" they say.

I just bet that they do.

do shithole countries even have video? lol, but seriously though, I think they are not quite at the stage where it is undetectable, but it wont be long.

I've been to Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and NewYork...yeah..I think they have video.

That’s just crazy, and apparently really easy to do. Just goes to show you can’t believe everything you see now either!!!

It has been awhile since you could believe anything on the news, the software is really easy and was available on reddit post, but I believe that the technology is still developing and is currently easily detectable.

The easy detection is something at least, although I’m sure it’s just a matter of time befor the technology is improved and then it won’t be so simple to tell.

yeah that's the real concern, politicians and other public and prominent people will be subject to slander and attack. In this age of moving away from due process and the rise of the court of public opinion, it will become a pretty horrible place to live in for some people.

I for one can't wait to dl this software from pirate bay when it becomes available.

fakeapp was available on reddit, but has now been removed, the memes will be glorious.

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Surely this is frightening.

I could see this software becoming a powerful tool. I hope it doesn't get used in the wrong hands.... even though that will probably happen

It will be worse when they can do the same with voice filters.