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RE: Deep Fake Future

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

I have seen a little bit of this before but just think how quickly it is going to improve and how difficult it will be to detect in a few years. Considering how fast people jump, there will be no coming back. This is one area that blockchain stamps on personal data might somehow combat this. How much it can help, who knows.

I find this stuff really interesting and enjoy thinking about the questions it raises. Resteemed it, thanks.


I don't know if there will be enough computing power to handle that much blockchain. Better establish protocols for privacy and reduce the culture of self promotion.

An interesting technology to consider concatenating with this is the emotional manipulation potentiated by pulsing of emissions from monitors, revealed in the '90s patents of Henricus Loos. It may be that a majority of people will be both unaware of these technologies, and unable to resist drinking the koolaid doubly served via altered video.

Another thing I've not seen discussed in these examples of the Face2Face software is audio editing, which can take phonemes from recorded speech and create new speech from the phonemes.

Your point about the blockchain is about the only thing that provides a degree of assurance that this technology isn't apocalyptic politically.

The movie 'Running Man' prophesied how these technologies can be used rather trivially to destroy a person. In politics, the propaganda uses are not trivial, but dire. My takeaway is that I will no longer accept that video is evidence of anything.
