That's the type of PM you want.. and that I'm afraid we won't see again in the current world model; someone who will stand up on principle to the biggest superpower on the planet and say they don't want to play along with nukes and the global war puppet theater.
Regarding the Q-Anon stuff, I understand why people want to believe that there's some special intelligence force there to help save them. Most of the people that have even partially woken up have had all hope dashed on the rocks of the NWO reality. They desperately want to believe that someone is going to get in and truly change the rigged system since they don't believe they can wake enough other people up to make a real change themselves. So sadly, this is the storyline that the NWO craftsmen have cooked up for them this time.
My hypothesis is that these NWO MFs are constantly monitoring the mood of the people and planning two steps ahead what the next gamed narrative they need to con the people just one more time. With Obama it was the novelty of a first black president with "hope" and "change." After the majority figured they got f**ked and wouldn't trust the system again, they invented the Trump "anti-candidate" in case their ultra-corrupt establishment female communist candidate didn't fly.
So in the end, the people are getting more and more pissed and know the whole system is f'n rigged, but in their frustration, go back to the voting booth and vote for the same Coke and Pepsi show because they don't believe that a truly outside candidate could ever make it.. Which is not totally incorrect considering how much money and media support you need to have in the US. The only question left is what other future tricks do they have up their sleeves to con the pissed and demoralized populace once again? And what sideshows will Trump and the Q psy-op use to keep the people's eye off the long term ball as they're strategically moving it with their Zionist overlords.