I know full well that a lot of people will hate this bitter medicine, but the truth must be told. Cryptos are NOT a grass roots movement. Cryptos were planned and created by intelligence agencies with an agenda to get people to digital currency and eventually to get people digitally chipped as part of a ubiquitous digital currency control system. If you don't believe it, have a listen to the above video to start with. It covers the NSA project in 1996 to develop digital currencies. You will be shocked how much it matches exactly what we have today with cryptocurrencies.
When you are done with the above intro material, and making it clear that minimally the NSA was involved in the creation of cryptocurrencies, then you can move onto Catherine Austin Fitts presentation on cryptos and where they are going in the future. She will introduce you to all the key points of the story in the two videos below:
Catherine is incredibly intelligent and experienced in the financial markets and the US government. She knows her stuff. Her message also matches with my recent post on Christine Lagarde's support for cryptos. And no that's no typo - Christine Lagarde is BIG on cryptos. So big on them that she recently schooled the Bank of England on their importance in the future.
So the question that you need to deeply ask yourself is why a globalist central banking stooge like Christine Lagarde would want a system of decentralized, non-governmental currencies that would destroy all the banks on the planet. The answer is that she doesn't want that and that's not the globalist plan. Their plan is to force their own cryptos into the picture with some major catastrophe. Want to understand what that catastrophe might be? Have a listen to the video below from Jeff Berwick:
Finally when you are done listening to all of the above, the picture should start to become clearer. It should also help answer the following major anomalies about Bitcoin that haven't been explained yet:
Why is Satoshi Nakamoto still completely anonymous and why has "he" never touched his billions in crypto?
Why is it that "Satoshi Nakamoto" roughly means "central intelligence" in Japanese? Do you think this is just a coincidence?
How is that the "he" produced something so incredibly complex as essentially perfect code from the beginning, and supposedly just as an individual person? There has never been a coding error found in Bitcoin. This is basically impossible unless it was tested by an incredibly skilled programming team for a very long time before release
Why does Bitcoin use SHA 256 encryption which has been developed by the NSA? Wouldn't someone who is that smart think to avoid an encryption scheme that might be compromised by the NSA from the get go?
How is it that Milton Friedman supposed predicted cryptocurrency in the 90s? Doesn't it make far more sense that he was part of a government think tank project to develop a prototype cryptocurrency like Bitcoin?
Please really ponder all the inherent questions from the information above and let it sink in for a bit. When you are done pondering, please leave your comments and additional ideas in the comments section below.
Well, unfortunately for T.P.T.shouldn'tB. they have opened pandora's box and there is no way to close it again.
Sure they may be behind bitcoin, but if it ever comes to pass that they play their trump card, they will find themselves playing on an empty table (or one completely filled with only their shills)
Cyrpto currencies are on the edge of another paradigm shift, and will take a step into freedom that T.P.T.shouldn'tB. won't be able to follow.
So, look for new cryptos funded by cryptos, being traded for real goods.
Yep, it certainly is Pandora's box. They must have known that (just like the Internet itself) it could be used as a tool against them. The real question is how are they planning to usher in the next stage that they want to control and what do we absolutely need to do collectively to oppose this?
What I have found is that we can't collectively oppose anything unless it is really blatant and in our faces. You see, the MSmockingbirdM have so carefully honed their skills at propaganda, that us little people trying to get people together by propaganda... ours just isn't up to that task.
The best thing to do is to put your money where your mouth is. Find crypto-currency teams that look like they have integrity, then use their coins.
The first test of whether it is good or not is integrity. If everyone did this, by themselves, then only the good coins would be left. Things like ripple may look like they are doing well, but an in depth look at who holds and uses the coins will be found to be the banksters talking to themselves.
Glad someone has brought this up. I am a big fan of James Corbett and he has been speaking about a global control grid for a while now. When BTC hit it big, it seemed like the jigsaw was fitting together. I totally agree with your suspicions and it is closer than people think. We are seeing the beginning of companies that reward us with digital points for being a good citizen. Canada, Japan and UK all have schemes like this. Once crypto takes over and, like you said, they come out of the closet and introduce their own version, we are fucked. But until then it is the wild wild west. They are always one step ahead and this post is bang on the money ;)
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. The Luciferians running the globalist agendas think in decades rather than years, and because of this most people aren't seeing the patterns of what they are up to. The cryptos will be pushed for years before their real agenda is made fully known. If you are observant enough you can see it now, but for the masses it will take for them to turn into blatant Orwellian tools before they see the writing on the wall. By then it will be too late.
Regarding the human rating system, I wrote about that here as well. The NWO is testing everything in China first since they figure if they can get over a billion people under control with their future systems then they should be able to do it for the rest of the planet as well. The other big testbeds are Singapore and Dubai, but they've started with India recently as well under that globalist prick Modi.
Sorry for the late reply, been busy with UK Abuse inquiry. Yes I have noticed the stories about smart cities in Dubai. Very Orwellian indeed and as predicted we are drinking our own poison, me included. This is why I am a Lawful Rebel, it is the only way to get rid of these freaks and then we can reset the clock. They have announced today on he BBC that banks will be reducing the amount of cash-machines around the UK. The reason they gave was because that they are charged for the service, but for some reason it is only after decades that this has become a problem...maybe they are short of cash? This is just a step further towards removing our access to property. They are taking our cars and homes and now they take our money. It will only take a 'terrorist' cyber-attack and the money is gone. They could pick any group they want and financially cripple them with ease. Bad times ahead, me thinks...
If you are watching closely (and clearly you are), then you see these incremental moves already such as the removal of cash machines. They are definitely getting ready for cashless. It's been the global wet dream for a long time, and now they are gearing up for it. I just wonder how long it will take before it fully kicks in.
Good question. The Brexit debate over here in the UK has been made out in the usual polarized manor, in or out. It has nothing to do with trade and if you have been keeping an eye on Boris Johnson, you will see that he has been unifying our armed forces( well he has actually given ours away, but that had already happened when we joined the EEC in 1973) That is what this has all been about, a global army. Has fuck all to do with boarders or religion. We have always been free to move and if people have a good product then they will always find someone to sell it too, regardless of politics and common markets. If you follow what is happening in Ireland, you might agree with me when I suggest they are being used as a test bed. Because part of Ireland has remained in the EU, there is now a border. I will bet my left bollock, that we will see foreign troops on British soil within the next 2 years. That is the beginning of an occupational invasion of the NWO and the end to British Sovereignty. The way I see things panning out is a total loss of faith in the human decision. We are seeing open incompetence in all sectors of industry and politics(the system 'appears' to be collapsing). This will lead to a major catastrophe and then our willing surrender to the infallible judgment of the AI computer..... What you think, is my aim straight?
I'm still trying to understand why the UK even got a Brexit vote. Clearly there is a rift in the upper echelon factions that allowed this to happen. I assume there is still a rift going on since the whole thing has not been resolved. Poor Ireland, their idea of a fair EU vote is "you voted wrong, time to vote again." Maybe that will happen for Brexit as well, but I certainly hope not.
I find it also interesting that in "1984", Oceania consists of the UK and the Americas along with Australia and New Zealand - the "Five Eyes" nations. Maybe the UK power center was never intended to be part of the EUSSR. Maybe the Brexit vote was done to complete that original plan. Since Orwell/Blair was a member of the Fabian Society, maybe he already knew all this before he wrote the book and dropped it in there.
Hopefully it all means that you get to keep your left bollock and the UK gets set free from the EU superstate agenda. It may even be that the EU gets sent packing since it was a CIA operation from the get go. Clearly there are competing factions in the US as well, otherwise Hellary would be in office now and we would all be in the midst of WW3 with Russia and China. I wouldn't give up all hope. Stranger things have happened.
You know I was pondereing something the other day that goes along with what you have just said...
Britain has been an all conquering empire for some time now and it has led to our elite masters developing a huge ego about how powerful and riteous the commonwealth is( just listen to any uk pensioner talk about the power of the UK passport, in past times. They speak of it like a skeleton key. Access all area, no questions).
If that is the mindset of the Rothchilds and the (von)-windsors familiar, then they aren't going to appreciate the way they are being portrayed by the EU, as the weaker nation. Especially not to the French! lol. So how has this been allowed? Or is it all a big puppet show and there are no factions at all? I have been surprised with the actions and words of Donald Trump so far, he sounds like he has some integrity, but I am not yet willing to believe he is not part of the charade. I hope I am wrong.
Great summary - I'm thinking along the same lines.
But I'm also making a fortune on cryptos at the moment.
Timing is everything!
Thanks! And I fully agree that as long as you get out before the big crash the Berwick assumes (rightly) that they are planning, then you are going to make crazy sums of money with crypto over the next couple of years.. It's hard not to make money on them at this point. However, people also need to be watching and prepared for the next shoe to drop, and they need to actively oppose movements and new cryptos that are not in our best long term interests. This is the harder part while still enjoying the crypto money making party.
Something I forgot to ask you back when I first read this post was - do you think there will ever been a truly anonymous crypto? (like Monero is supposed to be but probably isn't)
That is a tough one. The problem with any of these coins is that you are still trusting them and their teams unless they are open source and enough smart people have already have time to peruse the code and identify any issues. Verge is open source but they use TOR. I've read before that TOR was also a government op even though they try to make it look like the government hates it.
I've read good things about the Monero security in the past from some security experts, but again, who knows what's in the code. (As you've pointed out.) Cloak is Open Source as well now I think, but I would need to look more closely at it.
The next challenge is always the encryption algorithm. It's not a coincidence that the NSA helps develop encryption standards like SHA-256. You also therefore need an encryption algorithm that hasn't been compromised by one of the big security agencies.
There are lots of variables and we still haven't gotten to whether anyone accepts them sufficiently; whether they are stable to use; and whether their wallets are even installable and easy to use.
I assume that most of them are compromised in one way or another and that most of the new grass roots ones that need to compete with the existing ones will not get enough support to take them to the next level. (Although there could be exceptions - maybe Cloak?) This means that big money from the intelligence agencies crowds are likely behind the significant ones that make it anywhere (e.g. Monero) and will use this same monetary influence to essentially kill the others that they don't control.
Sorry, it's not a very optimistic outlook. If the agencies have big enough pockets (and they do) they can control just about any project in one way or another.
Thanks for the awesome answer.
Here in New Zealand to some extent (no capital gains) cryptos are tax free income but we are very aware this could change in the future. So anon is mainly for tax reasons. We live next door to Aussie so know what a police state can look like!
I like cash for convenience and it's totally anon, but one day it will be worthless. So what I really trust is bullion because it's also fully anon and if cash crashes it will be very valuable.
The trick is buying bullion anonymously. We can buy it with cryptos so hard to prove we did, but as we are using Etherium or Dash, not impossible.
Unfortunately I've noticed that New Zealand is getting more and more Big Brotherish these days. There are all sorts of nasty new laws that are being instituted there including the horrendous signing of the TPP. I wouldn't be trusting the government either.
If the tax agency in New Zealand becomes anything close to what it is in Australia, it will be a total tragedy. I've been told that the Australian tax agency doesn't even need a warrant to invade your home. What a nightmare state that is.
There are bullion dealers outside New Zealand however that you can buy and vault bullion with.. also via cryptos. Since it appears there's no capital gains tax on bullion, why not just buy it and vault it somewhere like Hong Kong or Singapore? If there's no tax on it yet, then you shouldn't need to declare it either.
Don't worry we wouldn't trust the NZ gov an inch!
We buy bullion from a NZ dealer paying with cryptos and store it ourselves- I wouldn't trust anyone else's storage either...
The tax thing is because they could potentially try retroactive taxation or keep records of private gold so we do our best to leave no tracks of anything specific
In NZ we seem to fight back against the gov better than the Aussies who just seem to do what they are told. The number one domestic crop here is pot so there is a lot of untaxed cash being passed around. What country are you in?
do you subscribe to a financial crash in 2018 as per the Rothchilds Economist 1988 magazine ?
I really don't know if it will be in 2018. These guys are running a multi-century plan. They implement their steps as the timing is ready for it. Take for example their attempts to take guns away in the US. They have been working on this for decades and still can't get there after dozens of false flag shootings. I think the dates are only fixed to the extent that they think they can still achieve their goals at the prescribed time. Of course, they use black magick as well and this is also according to specific dates. 911 was one of these dates, but I don't know if if had to be 2001 or if they were willing to do this in a different year. 2018 might be their targeted year, but it doesn't mean they will pull the trigger in 2018 unless they think they are 100% ready
crypto is the future,,
Awesome post mate. I'm not exactly sure I would trust the likes of Catherine Austin Fitts completely either if I'm being honest but I do appreciate she gives out a lot of very useful information and no doubt she is extremely clever. I managed to come to this conclusion on my own. That's not to say that I am any smarter than anyone else, maybe just that it is completely obvious and I'm not as blinded by reaping the rewards as everyone else. Of course I'm looking after the ninterests of myself and my family but I am all too aware that this is no benevolent creation.
Thanks a lot Tonyr! I understand the concern with Catherine Austin Fitts as well. I think she is extremely intelligent and insightful, but has her limits as with everyone. I do take her view with a grain of salt, but her focus on the testimony of Aaron Russo is absolutely correct.
Great that you have figured this story out for yourself already. That clearly speaks to your intelligence. I don't think that it requires being a rocket scientist to get the bigger picture here, but you definitely need to have an open mind and be observant to all the facts that are out there. Unfortunately, I know a lot of "academically" smart people that are completely incapable of this stretch of their worldview. Kudos to you for being willing to see it. I think a lot of people, consciously or subconsciously, don't want to see anything that disturbs their worldview and this is why these nasty globalist plans often succeed.
Wanted to PM you this post I made, too bad Steemit has no PM service.
Judging from the posts you make, I'm sure you'll be interested.
Thanks for the heads up. Good detective work. Clearly there are a number of suspicious characters and symbology with IOTA. This is on top of the fact that we know that the Internet of Things is a massive priority of the UN / NWO Agenda 2030 and this is what IOTA is aiming to make possible (despite their crap technology to date.)
IOTA has also been known to be a scam just by how disastrously it performs relative to the massive marketing it has been using to get it into the top 10 cryptos in market cap. As much as IOTA has advertised themselves as being a DAG that is similar to Hashgraph, they are not anywhere near Hashgraph in either performance or security. I've heard from multiple sources that it takes ages to get transactions through. The fact that people are buying it as heavily as they are is purely due to IOTA marketing BS. If people had any sense they would be selling IOTA as fast as possible.