Thanks! And I fully agree that as long as you get out before the big crash the Berwick assumes (rightly) that they are planning, then you are going to make crazy sums of money with crypto over the next couple of years.. It's hard not to make money on them at this point. However, people also need to be watching and prepared for the next shoe to drop, and they need to actively oppose movements and new cryptos that are not in our best long term interests. This is the harder part while still enjoying the crypto money making party.
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Something I forgot to ask you back when I first read this post was - do you think there will ever been a truly anonymous crypto? (like Monero is supposed to be but probably isn't)
That is a tough one. The problem with any of these coins is that you are still trusting them and their teams unless they are open source and enough smart people have already have time to peruse the code and identify any issues. Verge is open source but they use TOR. I've read before that TOR was also a government op even though they try to make it look like the government hates it.
I've read good things about the Monero security in the past from some security experts, but again, who knows what's in the code. (As you've pointed out.) Cloak is Open Source as well now I think, but I would need to look more closely at it.
The next challenge is always the encryption algorithm. It's not a coincidence that the NSA helps develop encryption standards like SHA-256. You also therefore need an encryption algorithm that hasn't been compromised by one of the big security agencies.
There are lots of variables and we still haven't gotten to whether anyone accepts them sufficiently; whether they are stable to use; and whether their wallets are even installable and easy to use.
I assume that most of them are compromised in one way or another and that most of the new grass roots ones that need to compete with the existing ones will not get enough support to take them to the next level. (Although there could be exceptions - maybe Cloak?) This means that big money from the intelligence agencies crowds are likely behind the significant ones that make it anywhere (e.g. Monero) and will use this same monetary influence to essentially kill the others that they don't control.
Sorry, it's not a very optimistic outlook. If the agencies have big enough pockets (and they do) they can control just about any project in one way or another.
Thanks for the awesome answer.
Here in New Zealand to some extent (no capital gains) cryptos are tax free income but we are very aware this could change in the future. So anon is mainly for tax reasons. We live next door to Aussie so know what a police state can look like!
I like cash for convenience and it's totally anon, but one day it will be worthless. So what I really trust is bullion because it's also fully anon and if cash crashes it will be very valuable.
The trick is buying bullion anonymously. We can buy it with cryptos so hard to prove we did, but as we are using Etherium or Dash, not impossible.
Unfortunately I've noticed that New Zealand is getting more and more Big Brotherish these days. There are all sorts of nasty new laws that are being instituted there including the horrendous signing of the TPP. I wouldn't be trusting the government either.
If the tax agency in New Zealand becomes anything close to what it is in Australia, it will be a total tragedy. I've been told that the Australian tax agency doesn't even need a warrant to invade your home. What a nightmare state that is.
There are bullion dealers outside New Zealand however that you can buy and vault bullion with.. also via cryptos. Since it appears there's no capital gains tax on bullion, why not just buy it and vault it somewhere like Hong Kong or Singapore? If there's no tax on it yet, then you shouldn't need to declare it either.
Don't worry we wouldn't trust the NZ gov an inch!
We buy bullion from a NZ dealer paying with cryptos and store it ourselves- I wouldn't trust anyone else's storage either...
The tax thing is because they could potentially try retroactive taxation or keep records of private gold so we do our best to leave no tracks of anything specific
In NZ we seem to fight back against the gov better than the Aussies who just seem to do what they are told. The number one domestic crop here is pot so there is a lot of untaxed cash being passed around. What country are you in?
I'm a Yank suffering the standard depression from watching the slow death spiral of the US. Ever since 911, the accelerated NWO takeover has made what was the greatest political freedom experiment ever, into a police state shadow of it's former self. At least there are a lot of people that are slowly becoming aware of the ongoing train wreck, but too few to overtake the chemtrailed, GMO-laden, vaccinated, fluoridated, dead asleep masses that are being psy-oped constantly.
The two party "Coke vs. Pepsi" system is nauseating and dominated either by communists or Neo-cons. Every vote, it's a game as to whether they can find some way to con the populace again into believing that a real change somehow got through into the system. This created Trump's opportunity to con everybody. The supposed "outsider" that's part of the New York Zionist swamp was willing to trade that to drain the Washington Zionist / freemasonic swamp with help of arch-Zionists and Neo-cons.
And then there's taxes.. The Internal Revenue Service can be summed up in one photo from in front:
Yikes - it's horrible to watch - our only hope is that America will melt down so badly that NZ will be too late to be dragged along behind.
I think we actually had a real prime minister once but he got fully shafted after he declared NZ nuclear free and blocked all US navy ships from docking in 1985. - America actually threatened to nuke us for this :)
"David Lange made his name on the international stage with a long-running campaign against nuclear weapons. His government refused to allow nuclear-armed ships into New Zealand waters, a policy that New Zealand continues to this day. The policy, developing in 1985, had the effect of prohibiting United States Navy ships from visiting New Zealand. This displeased the United States and Australia: they regarded the policy as a breach of treaty obligations under ANZUS and as an abrogation of responsibility in the context of the Cold War against the Soviet bloc. After consultations with Australia and after negotiations with New Zealand broke down, the United States announced that it would suspend its treaty obligations to New Zealand until the re-admission of United States Navy ships to New Zealand ports, characterising New Zealand as "a friend, but not an ally""
Did you see this post? - This qanon bullshit is unbelievable - chump the Saviour - LOL...
do you subscribe to a financial crash in 2018 as per the Rothchilds Economist 1988 magazine ?
I really don't know if it will be in 2018. These guys are running a multi-century plan. They implement their steps as the timing is ready for it. Take for example their attempts to take guns away in the US. They have been working on this for decades and still can't get there after dozens of false flag shootings. I think the dates are only fixed to the extent that they think they can still achieve their goals at the prescribed time. Of course, they use black magick as well and this is also according to specific dates. 911 was one of these dates, but I don't know if if had to be 2001 or if they were willing to do this in a different year. 2018 might be their targeted year, but it doesn't mean they will pull the trigger in 2018 unless they think they are 100% ready