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RE: Explaining why cryptos are an NSA / NWO creation with Catherine Austin Fitts, a 1996 NSA report, and Jeff Berwick

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Yep, it certainly is Pandora's box. They must have known that (just like the Internet itself) it could be used as a tool against them. The real question is how are they planning to usher in the next stage that they want to control and what do we absolutely need to do collectively to oppose this?


What I have found is that we can't collectively oppose anything unless it is really blatant and in our faces. You see, the MSmockingbirdM have so carefully honed their skills at propaganda, that us little people trying to get people together by propaganda... ours just isn't up to that task.

The best thing to do is to put your money where your mouth is. Find crypto-currency teams that look like they have integrity, then use their coins.

The first test of whether it is good or not is integrity. If everyone did this, by themselves, then only the good coins would be left. Things like ripple may look like they are doing well, but an in depth look at who holds and uses the coins will be found to be the banksters talking to themselves.