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RE: The Future of Freedom: The Asymptote

in #freedom7 years ago

Only when increased access to reality provides an epiphany to the masses on a broad scale will this ever-narrowing, never-reaching hyperbola overcome the power of the psychopaths and Satanists to deceive the world into killing each other and forcing each other into slave labor to benefit essentially no one but the handful of plutocrats.

The web and its tools have this power, but do the people have what it takes to benefit from it?

"e sono tanto semplici li uomini, e tanto obediscano alle necessità presenti, che colui che inganna troverrà sempre chi si lascerà ingannare."
(and men are so simple, and so subject to present necessities, that he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived.) — Machiavelli, "The Prince", ch. 18