The Future of Freedom: The Asymptote

in #freedom7 years ago

This is a very interesting time to be alive. We are coming to, if not already in the middle of, a crucial turning point in human history. Technology has always followed an exponential growth curve. It may have taken millions of years of gradual development to get to where we are today, but now, development is rapidly accelerating. It’s true that exponential curves never quite get vertical, but the curve of human progress is approaching the point at which it might as well be. That point can only be described as the asymptote of humanity, and it is nearly upon us. All aspects of our lives that can be driven by technology will be accelerating so fast that we won’t be able to tell if the lines are vertical or not. The amount of change that occurred in the last several million years will soon be happening on an annual basis. And then on a daily basis. And then on an hourly basis. And then we will have hit the asymptote.


Technology has already radically altered the human experience. We tend to take it for granted, but our lives today are radically different from those of just a generation ago. In another generation’s time, they will be even more radically different. While there is the underlying curve of all technological development, we can now see it following the development of computing power, which follows a clear exponential curve. Overall productivity, life expectancy, transportation capabilities, and so many other crucial aspects of our lives are now driven by this curve. We will soon have computers smarter than us! Some would say we already do.

This new era of human existence brings great possibility and empowerment in ways we cannot imagine – in ways most people today can’t even see how they’re disempowered. Governments depend on our acceptance of coercive systems, but technology is already empowering millions of us to form more effective voluntary associations. How will you convince someone to go to war and kill strangers that they can easily communicate with on the internet? How will you convince someone that forced welfare is necessary when the average person can support a family for life by working for just a year? How will you convince someone to accept control by force once we have figured out the peaceful ways to accomplish everything people used to think required governments? In many ways, technology is already rendering governments obsolete, but that process is about to take off!

Just using technology automatically leads to individual empowerment and will inevitably lead to greater freedom. Unfortunately, governments have always known this and sought to control technology. They have spent obscene amounts of money to ensure their technological capabilities are always one step ahead of the rest of us. This may be futile in the long run, but only if we wield technology appropriately. If we hit the asymptote before we banish statism altogether, we run the risk of this technology being used for destructive ends. We already live under the shadow of nuclear annihilation, but even more dangerous technologies are on the horizon.

All technology is fundamentally empowering. The only question is to whom and to what ends. The profusion of cameras is scary when governments use them to monitor citizens, but it’s exciting when it offers new tools for accountability and can be used to stop real criminals. Identification chips in our bodies are scary if governments can use them to cut us off, but they are empowering when used to better control the technology around us. Computers in our brains are scary if government spy agencies can read our thoughts, but they also have the potential to make us smart enough to not need governments at all!

You might think, as exciting as this all sounds, most of us won’t live to see it. Fortunately, medical technology is also driven by computing power, and therefore, so is life expectancy. If you are young and healthy today, by the time you reach age 100, we will have probably figured out the cures for all the diseases that 100 year olds die from! Maybe by the time you’re 200 years old, we will have figured out the cures for all the diseases that 200 year olds die from! Human life expectancy has been increasing in line with technological developments, and to beat old age forever, we only have to make it to the point at which life expectancy is increasing more than one year per year. That could be a lot sooner than you think!

We can see some technologies on the horizon and predict their impact. Cryptocurrency or other decentralized digital money will render government money irrelevant. Self-driving cars are right around the corner, but their impact will be insignificant compared to the inevitable leaps forward in our concept of personal transportation when flying drone taxis are possible. Maybe we’ll have little helicopters that drop down luxurious cabins on a cable that we can summon at will. Flying drones are already showing great potential – at least when governments stop using them to kill and allow them to deliver food instead. 3D printing will soon allow for complex manufacturing at home and we may soon have metal and plastic on tap the way we now enjoy water, gas, electricity, and data. Imagine what we will be capable of when molecular 3D printers are small enough to fit on our fingertips and can be controlled with the computers in our brains! It seems personal energy independence is now inevitable. What happens when we can print rocket ships in our backyards?

It seems like we’re fighting over the silliest of stuff while the human experience is being radically altered. We're not just rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship, we're shoving people out of the lifeboats! As we approach the asymptote, it is important that we come together in peace and harmony to use technological empowerment for good. It is crucial to spread awareness, empowerment, and the message of freedom. We may not be able to change the destiny of humanity, but we will enjoy shaping this beautiful process much more than just going along for the ride.

Chapter 10 Section I From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


If we could focus on agricultural innovation, we could have abundance of food and resources to feed hungry people around the globe.

Whats asymptote my head hurts

Line on a chart that a graph line might get infinitely close but never reach it

a- (alpha privative)
syn - "with" (sym in combination with a bilabial)
ptosis - "a falling" (πτῶσις - think: ptomaine, toxin of a fallen carcass, from 'to ptoma' "the fallen")
Combined they mean "not falling together" ie., approaching but never meeting.

I am not that much of a mathematician, by vertical I think that it will meet the coordinate axis at infinity, what does that mean? Does that mean technology in this era is increasing at a quite pace and human needs are unsatisfactory, they need more and more that's why the graph is changing from exponential to vertical lines?

@adamkokesh the governments use the cameras to scary the citizens to monitor them , but it’s exciting when it offers new tools for accountability and can be used to stop real criminals. Identification chips in our bodies are scary if governments can use them to cut the citizens off, but they are empowering when used to better control the technology around us. Computers in our brains are scary if government spy agencies can read our thoughts, but they also have the potential to make us smart enough to not need governments at all, by then, that is when they will know to learn from the thought of us. #freedom

The technology does not reach the majority of people around the world.
This means that the average technology provided value is very low.
More than that, in certain situations, technology acts against people. For example, in wars, there is a massive participation of high level technology hurting and killing people.
Freedom is a relative concept and as technology evolves, freedom gets smaller.

Only when increased access to reality provides an epiphany to the masses on a broad scale will this ever-narrowing, never-reaching hyperbola overcome the power of the psychopaths and Satanists to deceive the world into killing each other and forcing each other into slave labor to benefit essentially no one but the handful of plutocrats.

The web and its tools have this power, but do the people have what it takes to benefit from it?

"e sono tanto semplici li uomini, e tanto obediscano alle necessità presenti, che colui che inganna troverrà sempre chi si lascerà ingannare."
(and men are so simple, and so subject to present necessities, that he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived.) — Machiavelli, "The Prince", ch. 18

you're proper! whether we love it or not asymptote ought to show up, i simply hope that after it does there might be sufficient love in our hearts to go spherical, it's how our world may be modified.. if now not it'll be a device of destruction in preference to empowerment.

I really like your views very interesting read... I think you're right I think we're arguing over petty things rather than looking at the opportunity in the larger scope... although I'm pretty sure unless things change radically only a select few will benefit from longevity :P

Great creative thinking @adamkokesh about future of freedom.

The Technological Singularity has the viable to radically enlarge human freedom in ways formerly idea impossible. We may additionally be freed from limits that have been once considered a simple phase of the human condition, from death, to taxes.

If we do no longer have a suitable definition of freedom, and if we do no longer have freedom as ourgoal, we run a chance of becoming a society of slaves, either to each other, our fellow humans, or ourselves.

I am not that much of a mathematician, by vertical I think that it will meet the coordinate axis at infinity, what does that mean? Does that mean technology in this era is increasing at a quite pace and human needs are unsatisfactory, they need more and more that's why the graph is changing from exponential to vertical lines?

We will soon have computers smarter than us!

I believe that the powers that shouldn't be are trying to recreate the ego and believing that this is what makes up a human. This type of machine will simply be a machine and may be destructive but will always fall short.

Fortunately, an enlightened design that could do a better job will also be aware and more friendly to nature, survival, and love.

Good posting.. freedom for eSteem.

Excellent post ...thanks for sharing...

Damn.. 0.24sec upvote worth of $93 .. that's cool

great article....great writing....keep it up

Sebaik-baik manusia adalah saling bersilaturrahmi dan berbagi "hablumminallah wahablumminannas" se cuil kata-kata yang menyejukkan hati ,, hehehe ,,
sangat mencerahkan bagi penggunan steemit

I agree that technology is rising exponentially but there are some of us living in the craziest of places.

Just using technology automatically leads to individual empowerment and will inevitably lead to greater freedom. Unfortunately, governments have always known this and sought to control technology.

I belong to a place where we experience this everyday. Anything bad happens, the internet is snapped, the social platforms are blocked so we won't be able to understand the kind the monster the government is. The concept of freedom is so appealing and so out of reach at the same moment.

I agree. nice post.

Holy shift! Look at the asymptote on that mother function! : O

Hahaha nice word play

You are right! Whether we like it or not Asymptote must happen, i just hope that when it does there will be enough love in our hearts to go round, that's how our world can be changed.. If not it will be a tool of destruction rather than empowerment.

At some point AI has or will become smarter than humans, what happens when AI is 100 or a million times smarter than humans? Will it annihilate us or pamper us?

Maybe when it becomes conscious we can trade with it as an equal

I think a lot depends on how it will be physically, we seem intent on putting AI inside machines. If AI becomes self aware and it is aware that it has leverage over us because its machines are superior to our bodies, we are at its mercy. I hope it likes us. :)

Freedom comes out of the barrel of a gun. Get yours to secure your freedom

great post.

everything is going up exponentially, from the very start i guess to the ending .The rate of increase in the beginning was very slow but now the rate is damn high , even i guess becoming difficult for the ones from the past generation to catch up......


But regarding technology whatever the rate is it is making everything awesome ..even i sometimes think

God wud be like What the hell have i created ......

Great article, thank you for sharing.

I'm pretty sure all of your posts deserve to be Resteemed!

I love freedom... and I wish a borderless world where everyone and anyone is equal. No more greed, no more hunger, no more tears, no more war, and no more central government.

thats great

Can I skip on the free signed copy of the book in exchange for a up vote worth some cash?

we are near to a time that there will be war between humans vs. the machines just like the terminator movies .

Technology has brought us into the world of fast paced and trillions of ease. The thing we should say is thousands of thanks to all scientists and inventors of technology. The hope of the world is, hopefully will be born the thinkers who are able to create technology indefinitely space and time that can be penetrated with this real body. I have imagined it but my ability has not got there yet.

Thank you for giving an opportunity to comment @adamkokesh.

I am glad to have found your blog. Your thoughts echo mine is scary ways :)

How will you convince someone that forced welfare is necessary when the average person can support a family for life by working for just a year?

That is probably the most profound yet totally true statement I've had in a while. Cryptocurrency are just the beginning of this, and I think they expose the flaws of fiat money as well as the possibilities of a free, trusted and mathematically infallible method of accounting that will be a pivotal cornerstone to us being way more productive in the future.

This platform is one good example of creating economic value around free association, knowledge sharing and social networking. It's genius. And we also don't get censored, and I figure that's why I'm able to find your stuff here :)

Stay free

We may end up with a digital panopticon for a while but centralized data systems are inherently insecure. To see why:

It will most likely be the worlds 5.5 billion that deliver freedom for the other 1.5 billion on the planet that have banking privileges. An equity drain in national fiat will expedite this matter, but they will try to create centralized national crypto and make bitcoin and decentralized technologies illegal for some to use.

The end result that will come of this is the exposure of the covert agenda for depopulation. A serious discussion will then become public because the banks will have failed to contain the situation that some intellectuals believe is inevitable (that we live in a giant space suit and should limit population). It's political suicide to address this issue directly, so they've been doing it covertly since WWII. Kevin Mugur Galalae used to talk about this subject quite a bit, but has abandoned this message.

Adam I have always been behind you with respect to freedom, liberty anti-statism etc and have been an avid supporter. My concern here though, is that human potential far outweighs that of technology. Our understanding of the human brain is still in its infancy and progress regarding this is almost grinding to a halt. I am no luddite but perhaps we should slow down on the technological side of things and concentrate more of our energies into trying to understand ourselves before artificially dragging ourselves into the future. Just a thought. Good post. Peace and Love.

Excellent post @adamkokesh I think just as you may not be able to change the course of humanity, but I believe that with this kind of contributions you can make people aware of the current problems and come together to find a solution that is necessary for everyone. Greetings from Venezuela

I know you are intelligent enough to recognize that this presentation will actually make selling the AnarchoCapVol ideal even more difficult, right? Have you gotten Michael Heise's "boss", Tom Woods to come on board yet?... or is he still in the Minarcho camp? Outside of LooneyLarken, how many libertarians LIVING IN AMERICA can you name are "all in" with the zeroGov ideal? Will each of them allow you to "name drop" while promoting it? The campaign needs to take stock, state by state.

Like I said, I'm 98% there, but need to see evidence that a completely volunteer-consent Justice system (without warrant or subpoena power) will provide protection from NAP violators. A working prototype county would give us a chance, I'd say.... even a town in NH might be enough. Grafton was off to a good start. What happened there?


is politic always influence to money? how about crypto. it is good to analisys every time. thnak you to know you @adamkokesh. cheers!

I have seen this for quite sometime, I believe the best solution and especially for those in the freedom movement is to spread resiliency like wildfire. I wrote this blog post a while back putting together the systems I am using to move my personal world to total resilience and spreading the message that you don't need the system when you are the system to everyone I know.

Thank you for your dedication Adam and fighting the good fight. We will manifest a positive future by uniting in freedom and relentlessly pursuing that goal.

Peace and Joy