We may end up with a digital panopticon for a while but centralized data systems are inherently insecure. To see why:
It will most likely be the worlds 5.5 billion that deliver freedom for the other 1.5 billion on the planet that have banking privileges. An equity drain in national fiat will expedite this matter, but they will try to create centralized national crypto and make bitcoin and decentralized technologies illegal for some to use.
The end result that will come of this is the exposure of the covert agenda for depopulation. A serious discussion will then become public because the banks will have failed to contain the situation that some intellectuals believe is inevitable (that we live in a giant space suit and should limit population). It's political suicide to address this issue directly, so they've been doing it covertly since WWII. Kevin Mugur Galalae used to talk about this subject quite a bit, but has abandoned this message.