It is good to know the health advises of the experts, but never forget that you do not live alone in the forest.
You live in a city with (probably) at least a million other people.
I heard a health expert say that people should never eat mass produced food. He was right in his reasons, but he was also a moron, because he failed to understand that if people don't have access to mass produced food, over half of the population will starve to death.
The more people - the more complex it is to find a stable solution out of this health mess.
The craziest part is that most developed countries throw away huge amounts of food and clean water.
The US are one of the leaders in that area.
They throw away tons of fresh fruits and veggies, while people eat at Dunkin Donut.
And the government can't stop it.
It doesn't have that power to stop it, because of the free market... it is a very complex problem.