I think Capitalism and having a Democracy is Free but not always Fair.
For example, I think people drown themselves in the romantic ideology that with "self- determination" and "choice" you can do anything and be anything you want. Yes of course this does factor in to it.
But I ve read where researchers who have studied this (contrary to the self determination and choice narrative ) that predisposed genetic markers actually were more of a factor in determining things like Success and Status in Life..
So as they say Life is sometimes just NOT fair
Well, I'd say you're getting to a part of the topic that might become a slippery slope, simply because there enough material for a dissertation there.
Not only can we say that life isn't necessarily "fair" from a genetic perspective (because we are NOT all "born equal"), but then we also have to factor in our individual perceptions of "fairness" and what things like success mean. For example, I have no interest in some Dude Bob's teleseminar on how to flip real estate so I can buy a mansion and a Lamborghini. His definition of "successful" is meaningless to me. Makes it difficult to define the playing field, let alone the game, itself.